SOC-14 1K
For those of you designing ships w habitats that spin for simulated gravity (ie, 2300AD or hard-sf Traveller games without gravitics), what kind of transistions do you use between the spin-habs and the non-spinning core of the ship?
Of course, one answer is to either spin the core or de-spin the habitat so that they are stationary relative to each other, and then simply move between them (or climb or use an elevator if the spin-hab is separated from the core by spokes). Seems to me you might not want to have to do that for every shift-change or other time someone needs to pass from one to the other.
Also, what if you want/need to keep the habitat spinning (as for example a long haul passenger liner whose passengers won't do well in zero-G) but need to have crew move from one portion to another?
One thought I had was to have a spinnable collar between the non-spinning core and the spinning habitat. You match the collar up to which ever part of the ship you are moving from, then enter the collar, then spin or de-spin the collar to match up with the part you are moving into, then move on. I'm pretty sure that would work, but it seems inefficient and a potential point of failure that would isolate one part of the ship from the other.
Anybody else have some better ideas as to how you do it in your designs?
Of course, one answer is to either spin the core or de-spin the habitat so that they are stationary relative to each other, and then simply move between them (or climb or use an elevator if the spin-hab is separated from the core by spokes). Seems to me you might not want to have to do that for every shift-change or other time someone needs to pass from one to the other.
Also, what if you want/need to keep the habitat spinning (as for example a long haul passenger liner whose passengers won't do well in zero-G) but need to have crew move from one portion to another?
One thought I had was to have a spinnable collar between the non-spinning core and the spinning habitat. You match the collar up to which ever part of the ship you are moving from, then enter the collar, then spin or de-spin the collar to match up with the part you are moving into, then move on. I'm pretty sure that would work, but it seems inefficient and a potential point of failure that would isolate one part of the ship from the other.
Anybody else have some better ideas as to how you do it in your designs?