This is a protoype (ie. not fully error-checked) 2320AD version of the Intruder Corvette. Actually, this would be the basis for the more specialized Intruder Corvette.
In 2303, after the fateful Battle of Beowulf, Freihaven came to the conclusion that they needed a home-built defensive vessel. As the design process started, the defensive vessel became something else. A small, fast warship, powered by an inexpensive fission reactor and using off-the-shelf parts. With 4 submunition dispensers and a 6 shot missile bay, the corvette packed serious, though limited, firepower. For protection the small, fast design eschews armor and instead opts for a good screen and a Point Defense Cluster.
As the Kafer War heated up again, the Freihaven yards found themselves inundated with requests for the innovative, yet relatively inexpensive vessel. The nations of Earth, though late to the party, wanted to make sure that they showed up with a great many toys. To deal with the demand, the Freihaven government authorized the licensing of the design for a mere pittance, and capable yards across human space started churning out the ship. Peak production is estimated at 10 per month, across human space, and they were produced from 2304 until 2315. Of the more-than 1200 units made, roughly half survived the war and the post-war build-down.
Class: Corvette
Tech Level: Old Military (12)
Lateral: +2
Radial: 0
Size: 300 tons
Streamlining: Partial
Stutterwarp Speed: 3.13 ly/day
Tactical Speed: 6
Fuel: N/A
Crew: 72
Staterooms: 18
Small Cabins: 2
Freshers: 6
Cargo: None
Spin Habitat: None
Power Plant: 30 MW fission reactor
EP Output: 60 EP
Agility: -
AC: 10
AR: 0
Screens: Rating 2
Radiation Screen: Rating 225
SI: 130
Lateral Reflected: +3
Radial Reflected: +2
Radiated: 5
Main Computer: Model/6
Sensor Range:
Active: Extreme Range
Passive: Extreme Range
Other Sensors: Grav Scanner
Comm. Range: Very Long Range
Cost: 30 Mlv, plus ammunition
2 x LL2 submunition dispenser
2 x Grapeshot submunition dispenser
1 x Type 29 point defense cluster
6x Ritage-2 Missiles, each in its own bay
Small Craft: 20-ton lander carried in external sling