I am using the following formula for the calculation of habitable and other zones in a star system:
Inner Limit: R = 0.2 * M or R = 0.0088 * √L, whichever is greater.
Inner Habitable Zone: R = 0.95 * √L
Outer Habitable Zone: R = 1.3 * √L
Snow Line: R = 5 * √L
Outer Limit: R = 40 * M
M = Mass (Sol)
R = Radius in AU
L = Luminosity (Sol)
My question is this, for Binary star systems with a close or contact companion, do I simply add the values of the two stars together?
Inner Limit: R = 0.2 * M or R = 0.0088 * √L, whichever is greater.
Inner Habitable Zone: R = 0.95 * √L
Outer Habitable Zone: R = 1.3 * √L
Snow Line: R = 5 * √L
Outer Limit: R = 40 * M
M = Mass (Sol)
R = Radius in AU
L = Luminosity (Sol)
My question is this, for Binary star systems with a close or contact companion, do I simply add the values of the two stars together?