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StarBase Science Fiction mapping Application (Beta)


StarBase is a hex based space mapping application for science fiction role playing games. It has a modern user interface for panning and zooming the map area, you can:

  • Populate regions with randomly generated worlds
  • Select worlds to edit their attributes and descriptions
  • Define your own planetary allegiances
  • Create colour coded links connecting worlds together
  • Export world descriptions and maps
  • Produce statistical reports.
  • Write your own world attribute definitions and generation scripts

A major feature is that, while StarBase is provided as a Windows executable application, it can load customisable rules files written in the Python scripting language. These define world attributes and world generation algorithms. Sample rules scripts are provided that you can adapt, including one developed for a popular 2D6 based OGL rules set.

StarBase is still very much a work in progress. Many advanced features are still under development, but the core of the application is ready for testing and evaluation. A preliminary guide is provided to get you started, including a section on writing your own rules files.

Comments, suggestions and any other feedback would be very much appreciated. This is an opportunity for you to suggest new features and help guide development of this project. StarBase is a tool that is intended to be used, so if you have ideas about how you would like to use it, and how it can be adapted to suit your preferences and work flow, now is your chance to speak up.

StarBase 0.2.21 Application
StarBase 0.2.21 Guide
2D6 OGL Compatible Rules

Best regards,

Simon Hibbs

This is windows only? We really need an editor that works with OSX without using fusion or parallel.
This is windows only? We really need an editor that works with OSX without using fusion or parallel.

The beta is windows only, but the development version runs under Linux as well. I had an earlier version working on the Mac, but OSX support got broken somewhere along the line. I upgraded to a new Mini with Mountain Lion recently and haven't set up a dev environment on it yet. The last time it was a bit of a pain.

I do intend to fix this at some point, but it's not a priority right now. One change or other would probably just break Mac support again anyway, and I wouldn't notice for months, again.

Simon Hibbs
Which Windows version(s)?

The beta is windows only, but the development version runs under Linux as well. I had an earlier version working on the Mac, but OSX support got broken somewhere along the line.

Sorry you're not doing OSX, but I'd like to know which versions of Windows your Beta needs. I've a WinXP Virtual Machine with SP2; any chance you're compatible?

Develment is on Windows 7 but XP should work fine. If it doesn't I'd be interested to know. One of the reasons I'm releasing the beta is to see of anyone has any problems with environments I don't have access to.

The app is written in Python using the PySide bindings for the Qt framework, if that means anything to anyone. Qt is cross platform. I know the app runs fine on Windows 7 and Fedora 12, and I started development on XP but no longer have an XP environment to test on, but it shouldn't be a problem.

Simon Hibbs
I should say that although I think much of the functionality of the app is fairly obvious, if you do find anything non obvious or hard to find out how to do, please let me know. Working on the UI to make it easier to use or improve work flows is important to me so I'd be fascinated to hear about your experiences learning your way around it. Suggestions on improvements, changes or additions to functionality particularly welcome.

Of course the documentation covers the highlights but it doesn't go into the nitty gritty of every UI element yet.

There is a section in the guide on how to write your own scripts to define custom world attributes and world generation, and how to set up a project with your custom scripts.

Best regards,

Simon Hibbs
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Develment is on Windows 7 but XP should work fine. If it doesn't I'd be interested to know. One of the reasons I'm releasing the beta is to see of anyone has any problems with environments I don't have access to.

The app is written in Python using the PySide bindings for the Qt framework, if that means anything to anyone. Qt is cross platform. I know the app runs fine on Windows 7 and Fedora 12, and I started development on XP but no longer have an XP environment to test on, but it shouldn't be a problem.

Simon Hibbs

I'd rather try to run it under X-windows on MacOS... but wrapped into the Win executable, more hassle than I care for. Which python version?
I'd rather try to run it under X-windows on MacOS... but wrapped into the Win executable, more hassle than I care for. Which python version?

A Mac version shouldn't need to use X. Qt runs natively on OSX, there are quite a few well known OSX apps that use Qt, Google Earth for example. A quick and dirty option would be to wrap the windows version in a WINE bottle, but that would be far from ideal.

It really nice to know there is a real demand for a Mac version though. I do use a Mac at home, but all my professional dev experience is on Windows and Linux. Rest assured your expression of interest has jacked up the priority of getting it working on the Mac a good few notches.

The code is Python 2.7. When I started development that was the only viable option given the libraries I'm using. A move to 3.x might just about be viable now, but I don't see any real benefits to offset the considerable work involved.

Simon Hibbs

A Mac version shouldn't need to use X. Qt runs natively on OSX, there are quite a few well known OSX apps that use Qt, Google Earth for example. A quick and dirty option would be to wrap the windows version in a WINE bottle, but that would be far from ideal.

It really nice to know there is a real demand for a Mac version though. I do use a Mac at home, but all my professional dev experience is on Windows and Linux. Rest assured your expression of interest has jacked up the priority of getting it working on the Mac a good few notches.

The code is Python 2.7. When I started development that was the only viable option given the libraries I'm using. A move to 3.x might just about be viable now, but I don't see any real benefits to offset the considerable work involved.

Simon Hibbs
I know of a number of us using Macs. I have Fusion with XP but its a drag to bring up cartographer. They have said that they cannot port to Mac.

Sooo..... food for thought.
I know of a number of us using Macs. I have Fusion with XP but its a drag to bring up cartographer. They have said that they cannot port to Mac.

Sooo..... food for thought.

Setting up a dev environment for me on a Mac is painful and time consuming, but CC has a whole different scale of issues. It's technical underpinnings are very tightly tied to Windows so its not going to get ported to anything else any time soon which is a shame, it impressive software by really great people.

I'm not at home so I can't work on this for now, but I'm looking up the latest info I'll need to get started on a Mac version. In the meantime if anyone put there can have a look at the Windows version and give me some feedback I'd be very appreciative.

Simon Hibbs
I am also Mac only, PC free for a year now.

I still run a WinXP VM, but only for using Universe

My home server is Linux, but it is so outdated it is only used for a file store.