Made some modifications to how Stars Unlimited generates stars and mainworld sizes. Below are the results from both mods (apologies for the length of this post):
Mod 1: mainworld sizes are now modified as follows - orbit 0, -(1d6-1); orbit 1, -(1d5-1); orbit 2, -(1d2-1).
Impact: red dwarfs occur at about 78% of the time, vacuum worlds 30% of the time, asteroid belts 21% of the time.
Sample Space: 5 dense subsectors
---- ------------- -------------- ---- --- ------------ --------------------------
Hex UWP Trade Class Zone PBG Stellar Data System Notes
---- ------------- -------------- ---- --- ------------ --------------------------
0101 E000783-4 Na De As 322 M2 V red dwf prim., 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 0, 0, main world orbit 0, +0 planets
0102 E0006AA-4 Na Ni De As 631 M5 V red dwf prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 0, 0, main world orbit 0, +0 planets
0103 A8B6473-D SN Ni 512 F3 Ia lgt.yellow br. super giant prim., binary system, 2 s.GGs, min.orbit 4, 11, main world orbit 11, +5 planets
0105 X530204-0 Ni Po De 211 M7 V red dwf prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +2 planets
0106 B31079B-8 Na De 511 F9 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., 1 s.GG, min.orbit 4, 4, main world orbit 4, +4 planets
0107 X600037-0 Ni De Va 911 M6 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +3 planets
0108 A565446-9 N Ni 511 M4 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +4 planets
0110 A0006A7-E SN Na Ni De As 211 F2 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 4, 5, main world orbit 5, +4 planets
0201 E300344-4 Ni De Va 931 M8 V red dwf prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +3 planets
0203 X300022-2 Ni De Va 521 M4 V red dwf prim., trinary system, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +3 planets
0204 B200756-8 Na De Va 124 M4 V red dwf prim., 3 s.GGs, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +5 planets
0205 BAA5645-6 Ni A 124 F9 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., 4 s.GGs, min.orbit 4, 4, main world orbit 4, +0 planets
0206 C000551-8 Ni De As 421 M9 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +2 planets
0207 X522232-1 Ni Po 722 M1 V red dwf prim., 2 s.GGs, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +0 planets
0208 X300000-4 Ni De Va 123 W1 D white dwf prim., 1 s.GG, 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +4 planets
0209 X754000-1 Ni 931 M7 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +5 planets
0301 C87756B-6 S Ag Ni A 931 M4 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +0 planets
0302 B469525-C Ni 132 F0 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., 2 s.GGs, min.orbit 4, 4, main world orbit 4, +0 planets
0303 B322457-C N Ni Po A 934 M4 V red dwf prim., 2 s.GGs, 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +0 planets
0304 E425102-6 Ni 434 M6 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, 3 l.GGs, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +0 planets
0305 X500003-4 Ni De Va 114 M9 V red dwf prim., binary system, 2 s.GGs, 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +3 planets
0306 C300322-A Ni De Va 814 M6 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, 3 l.GGs, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +0 planets
0307 X866105-0 Ni 314 M7 V red dwf prim., 2 s.GGs, 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +4 planets
0309 X945005-1 Ni 811 W5 D white dwf prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +2 planets
0310 A100646-C SN Na Ni De Va 112 M3 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +0 planets
0402 X000003-3 Ni De As 612 M4 V red dwf prim., 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +3 planets
0405 X300222-2 Ni De Va 915 M2 V red dwf prim., binary system, 2 s.GGs, 3 l.GGs, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +3 planets
0408 X300035-0 Ni De Va 811 M6 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +0 planets
0409 E410144-8 Ni De 911 M1 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +3 planets
0410 X310200-5 Ni De R 212 M7 V red dwf prim., 2 s.GGs, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +4 planets
0503 C000340-8 S Ni De As 911 F5 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 4, 6, main world orbit 6, +2 planets
0504 B446433-B Ni 611 F1 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 4, 4, main world orbit 4, +5 planets
0505 X521221-1 Ni Po A 122 M5 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +4 planets
0506 X000365-4 Ni De As A 122 M4 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +0 planets
0507 X300003-4 Ni De Va 921 M4 V red dwf prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +3 planets
0508 X000221-1 Ni De As 721 M6 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +4 planets
0509 X200220-2 Ni De Va 721 M5 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +5 planets
0510 A624421-9 N Ni 621 M6 V red dwf prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +5 planets
0601 X000000-4 Ni De As 722 M7 V red dwf prim., 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +4 planets
0602 X000100-5 Ni De As R 521 M9 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, min.orbit 4, 0, main world orbit 4, +7 planets
0603 C100445-7 S Ni De Va A 321 F7 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., 1 s.GG, min.orbit 4, 6, main world orbit 6, +1 planet
0604 A400744-B Na De Va 711 K0 III orange giant prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 8, main world orbit 8, +8 planets
0608 X600230-0 Ni De Va 115 M9 V red dwf prim., 4 s.GGs, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +3 planets
0609 X000120-1 Ni De As 612 M2 V red dwf prim., binary system, 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +2 planets
0610 C400246-A Ni De Va 212 W0 D white dwf prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +6 planets
0702 B20048A-D SN Ni De Va 712 M9 V red dwf prim., 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +3 planets
0703 B200323-A SN Ni De Va 411 G3 V yellow main seq. prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, min.orbit 5, 3, main world orbit 5, +3 planets
0707 D510352-4 Ni De R 413 M3 V red dwf prim., 3 s.GGs, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +3 planets
0708 X100004-3 Ni De Va A 333 M0 V red dwf prim., binary system, 2 s.GGs, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +1 planet
0709 X200231-0 Ni De Va 613 M4 V red dwf prim., binary system, 2 s.GGs, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +1 planet
0801 E320310-6 Ni Po De 111 M0 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +6 planets
0802 E33068A-7 Na Ni Po De 911 M5 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +3 planets
0803 X000000-5 Ni De As 321 M5 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +1 planet
0806 X300000-3 Ni De Va 112 M5 V red dwf prim., binary system, 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +5 planets
0807 X510225-2 Ni De R 612 M5 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +7 planets
0808 X000301-7 Ni De As 522 M8 V red dwf prim., 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +2 planets
0809 C542489-6 Ni Po 822 M8 Ib red weak super giant prim., 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 8, 12, main world orbit 12, +1 planet
Mod 2: mainworlds are modded as Mod 1, but changed occurence rate of red dwarfs to 50%
Impact: red dwarfs occur at about 51% of the time, vacuum worlds 23% of the time, asteroid belts 18% of the time.
Sample Space: 5 dense subsectors
---- ------------- -------------- ---- --- ------------ --------------------------
Hex UWP Trade Class Zone PBG Stellar Data System Notes
---- ------------- -------------- ---- --- ------------ --------------------------
0101 E000889-6 Na De As 602 M8 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 0, 0, main world orbit 0, +2 planets
0103 A10088A-D Na De Va 914 M0 V red dwf prim., 3 s.GGs, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 0, 0, main world orbit 0, +5 planets
0104 B355486-7 Ni 912 B5 V main seq. prim., 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 0, 12, main world orbit 12, +4 planets
0105 X310333-1 Ni De 312 M1 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 0, 0, main world orbit 0, +0 planets
0106 X100510-2 Ni De Va 722 F4 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 0, 5, main world orbit 5, +1 planet
0108 C3336AC-5 Na Ni Po 721 M5 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, min.orbit 0, 0, main world orbit 0, +4 planets
0109 A652653-9 Ni Po 621 M7 V red dwf prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 0, 0, main world orbit 0, +2 planets
0110 X578013-0 Ni 321 M5 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 0, 0, main world orbit 0, +6 planets
0201 C564579-6 S Ag Ni 411 B4 V main seq. prim., binary system, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 0, 12, main world orbit 12, +1 planet
0203 X000002-2 Ni De As 811 M5 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, min.orbit 0, 0, main world orbit 0, +1 planet
0204 X8A6154-1 Ni 311 F9 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, min.orbit 0, 4, main world orbit 4, +4 planets
0205 X8546A8-0 Ag Ni 922 W4 D white dwf prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 0, 4, main world orbit 4, +1 planet
0206 E225335-7 Ni 622 M0 V red dwf prim., 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 0, 0, main world orbit 0, +1 planet
0207 X000122-2 Ni De As A 111 M3 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, min.orbit 0, 0, main world orbit 0, +7 planets
0209 C000458-A Ni De As 821 M3 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, min.orbit 0, 0, main world orbit 0, +1 planet
0302 A100866-E Na De Va 925 M4 V red dwf prim., 3 s.GGs, 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 0, 0, main world orbit 0, +0 planets
0303 E322568-8 Ni Po 411 M5 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, min.orbit 0, 0, main world orbit 0, +4 planets
0305 B7B6569-8 Ni 513 M3 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 0, 0, main world orbit 0, +0 planets
0306 B731344-B N Ni Po A 411 F7 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 0, 4, main world orbit 4, +3 planets
0307 C879335-A Ni 811 M9 III red giant prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 6, 8, main world orbit 8, +5 planets
0308 E766851-2 Ri 311 F6 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 6, 6, main world orbit 6, +3 planets
0309 A400400-D N Ni De Va 511 M8 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, min.orbit 6, 0, main world orbit 6, +8 planets
0310 E644377-6 Ni 112 F2 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 6, 5, main world orbit 6, +3 planets
0401 E961332-6 Ni 611 G5 V yellow main seq. prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 6, 4, main world orbit 6, +6 planets
0402 C500464-5 Ni De Va 312 K2 V orange main seq. prim., binary system, 2 s.GGs, min.orbit 6, 4, main world orbit 6, +3 planets
0406 X000011-4 Ni De As 812 M9 V red dwf prim., 2 s.GGs, min.orbit 6, 0, main world orbit 6, +0 planets
0408 C400645-6 S Na Ni De Va 311 M9 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, min.orbit 6, 0, main world orbit 6, +5 planets
0409 E200363-4 Ni De Va 411 M0 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 6, 0, main world orbit 6, +2 planets
0410 C354446-6 Ni 432 F4 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., 2 s.GGs, min.orbit 6, 6, main world orbit 6, +0 planets
0501 X300000-4 Ni De Va 131 F1 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., binary system, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 6, 5, main world orbit 6, +3 planets
0502 X310000-1 Ni De A 811 M0 V red dwf prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 6, 0, main world orbit 6, +6 planets
0503 X600024-1 Ni De Va 311 M5 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 6, 0, main world orbit 6, +2 planets
0504 X710045-0 Ni De 513 W8 D white dwf prim., binary system, 2 s.GGs, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 6, 0, main world orbit 6, +4 planets
0505 C100333-7 Ni De Va 911 M1 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 6, 0, main world orbit 6, +7 planets
0506 X400023-2 Ni De Va A 412 G4 V yellow main seq. prim., binary system, 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 6, 2, main world orbit 6, +6 planets
0507 C764643-8 Ag Ni Ri 912 M0 V red dwf prim., binary system, 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 6, 0, main world orbit 6, +0 planets
0508 X200046-4 Ni De Va 111 M7 V red dwf prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 6, 0, main world orbit 6, +6 planets
0509 X120001-1 Ni Po De 812 M0 V red dwf prim., binary system, 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 6, 0, main world orbit 6, +4 planets
0510 B600578-7 S Ni De Va 332 F3 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 6, 5, main world orbit 6, +4 planets
0601 E764688-4 Ag Ni Ri 114 M3 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, 3 l.GGs, min.orbit 6, 0, main world orbit 6, +1 planet
0602 X210155-3 Ni De 612 G4 V yellow main seq. prim., 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 6, 2, main world orbit 6, +3 planets
0604 X764320-0 Ni 411 F0 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., 1 s.GG, min.orbit 6, 4, main world orbit 6, +6 planets
0605 C300310-B Ni De Va 122 M1 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 6, 0, main world orbit 6, +1 planet
0606 B667565-A S Ag Ni 922 K8 II orange br. giant prim., 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 7, main world orbit 7, +0 planets
0607 E253300-6 Ni Po 422 A8 V white main seq. prim., binary system, 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 6, main world orbit 6, +1 planet
0608 X300005-3 Ni De Va 112 M9 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +1 planet
0703 C000659-B Na Ni De As 823 M0 V red dwf prim., 3 l.GGs, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +0 planets
0704 X200012-0 Ni De Va A 223 M2 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +4 planets
0705 C320346-6 Ni Po De 712 M2 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +3 planets
0706 X400000-2 Ni De Va 112 M7 V red dwf prim., 1 s.GG, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +6 planets
0708 B520650-B Na Ni Po De 812 F1 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., trinary system, 2 s.GGs, min.orbit 5, 6, main world orbit 6, +6 planets
0710 C653259-A S Ni Po 812 K9 V orange main seq. prim., binary system, 2 l.GGs, min.orbit 5, 3, main world orbit 5, +5 planets
0801 A59C673-8 Ni Wa A 222 F8 V lgt.yellow main seq. prim., binary system, 2 s.GGs, min.orbit 5, 6, main world orbit 6, +0 planets
0802 D000442-8 S Ni De As 722 W7 D white dwf prim., 2 s.GGs, min.orbit 5, 6, main world orbit 6, +3 planets
0804 X500100-3 Ni De Va 721 M1 V red dwf prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +0 planets
0806 D75178B-5 Po 321 G0 V yellow main seq. prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 2, main world orbit 5, +1 planet
0808 X300000-5 Ni De Va 821 M7 V red dwf prim., binary system, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +5 planets
0809 C510232-9 Ni De 521 M3 V red dwf prim., 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +2 planets
0810 X230012-0 Ni Po De 114 M8 V red dwf prim., binary system, 3 s.GGs, 1 l.GG, min.orbit 5, 0, main world orbit 5, +2 planets
Off-hand, I would have to say that the 75% occurence rate of the red dwarfs (V M) are seriously messing up the T20 system generation system. The move to a 50% occurence rate was a guess based on what I eyeballed from LLB6.