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bryan gibson

Absent Friend
I can't stop, and what’s worse, for every vessel I’ve posted I’ve two more on the table...guess you'll have to buy into the Terran Praesidum to see the bulk of em! Lol

At any rate, here we see…

The Novaya Rhodina Navy Hero Class Destroyer Escort

Relying on its two oversized weapons, its not a lightly armed vessel – its long range punch is in its generous missile bay – the NR Navy is keen on missiles for their versatility- and while not long legged in jump it’s a passing customer in normal space in keeping with its escort missions.

1000 tons +/- 10 percent

Stat that ship!
Is the Cyrillic script on the side of the ship supposed to say something different to Novaya Rhodina? I can read some Russian... hang on, let me look up the letters... phonetically it sounds like:

debyaomeei ooisneeochi

Huh. That doesn't sound right. I used this page as a reference, but that doesn't list an "I" letter (apparently that only exists in Ukrainian, according to wikipedia?). Hey, the circular E is Ukrainian too... so I guess it's a Ukrainian-based culture here.

So I guess it should be:

dyebyaomeei ooisneeochi?

Huh, Ukrainian doesn't have a "V" letter. Is this some unholy futuristic mishmash of the two?!
its supposed to read "Debromnyi Vishnoyi"...what you see is the result of a lack of a real cyrillic font on my part, coupled with Novaya Rhodina Russian really being a dialetic - an evolution of the multiple ethnicities that settled there - Russian., Ukranianian, Latvia, Lithuanian and a smattering of Czechs and Georgians.

For example ( given the alphabet differences) "hello " in russian being Strazvichye... in NR Russian its "zdravoichya", as thank you in Modern Russian ( spasebo) is pronounced in NR Russian "zpazebya"
Here my take on it.

Ship: NRSS Debromyi Vishnoyi
Class: Hero (герой)
Type: Destroyer
Architect: Mark A. Siefert
Tech Level: 10
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">USP
DD-A413AD2-300000-02003-0 MCr 1,233.500 1 KTons
Bat Bear 2 2 Crew: 29
Bat 2 2 TL: 10

Cargo: 48.000 Emergency Low: 4 Fuel: 300.000 EP: 100.000 Agility: 3 Ships Troops: 1 Marines: 3
Craft: 1 x 50T Cutter
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops

Architects Fee: MCr 12.335 Cost in Quantity: MCr 986.800</pre>[/QUOTE]Detailed Description

1,000.000 tons standard, 14,000.000 cubic meters, Close Structure Configeration

11 Officers, 15 Ratings, 3 Marines

Jump-1, 3G Manuever, Power plant-10, 100.000 EP, Agility 3

Bridge, Model/4fib Computer

10 Hardpoints

6 Triple Missile Turrets in 2 Batteries (Factor-3), 4 Dual Plasma Gun Turrets in 2 Batteries (Factor-2)

Armoured Hull (Factor-3)

1 50.000 ton Cutter (Crew of 1)

210.000 Tons Fuel (2 parsecs jump and 30 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, No Fuel Purification Plant

18.0 Staterooms, 4 Emergency Low Berths, 48.000 Tons Cargo

MCr 1,245.835 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 12.335), MCr 986.800 in Quantity

120 Weeks Singly, 96 Weeks in Quantity

I'm putting together a PP SSD right now.