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[State of Mongoose] Traveller News!


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There is some interesting stuff in here!

Traveller was our leading line in 2008, and it remained so in 2009. Acceptance of the new rules has been growing at a great rate and, in RPG terms, sales have been extremely good, justifying the faith we put into the game.

In 2009, we started to demonstrate just how dynamic Traveller could be, using it in several different settings, such as Hammers Slammers, Judge Dredd and Strontium Dog. In 2010, we will continue this trend. The basic idea is to introduce a new setting for Traveller every 3-6 months; some ‘one-shots’ like Hammers Slammers, some forming full lines of their own, such as Judge Dredd, while others are in-between, having a fixed and limited number of titles. This will ensure Traveller stays ‘fresh’ and there will always be something new for players to try.

So, what delights can you expect for Traveller next year if you want to explore universes beyond the Third Imperium and Mega-City One?

Reaver – Piracy in the Sea of Stars
A brand new and heavily-detailed setting for Traveller, Reaver – Piracy in the Sea of Stars plays to all of Traveller’s strengths.

The known galaxy is dominated by several immense stellar empires, whose cultural and technological achievements are pushing the limits of human understanding. However, a new cluster of stars has recently been discovered, superlatively rich in resources, yet far away and difficult to reach. The old empires have raced to establish colonies in the cluster, each with the aim of exploiting these worlds before they can be claimed by their rivals.

Players’ take the part of pirates or privateers – either independent or allied to one (or more, if they want a complicated life!) of the empires via a letter of marque.

The colonies are constantly changing hands as the empires gather invasion fleets or privateers smash their defences, while in the more secret parts of the cluster, a number of freeports are frequented by pirates and daring traders. Few dare to tread these freeports without heavy armament.

Several worlds are home to a backward and savage race that many colonies have been keen to exploit. Some have managed to tame these creatures, while others have simply enslaved them. Weak colony governors often lose control of their alien population and suffer constant attacks from the wilds. Few have come to realise that these aliens have their own great cities far away from the colonised worlds and are far more sophisticated than might be first thought.

The colonies form a beacon of civilisation in the void, where the quick-witted and lucky can make vast fortunes very quickly. The Black Guilds, collections of high-tech thieves and assassins constantly wage a shadowy war against one another as charismatic and devious leaders rise and fall, while bounty hunters move through the darker parts of every colony, seeking their marks. Missionaries from the empires seek to convert enemies of the state to their cause and civilise the alien, while honest and less-than-honest merchants ply the space lanes, keen to take advantage of the ever shifting political situation and make greater profit on a single voyage than they would see in a decade within the old empires.

At the heart of all this, the players will pirate ships, trade, perform missions for the empires, avoid other pirates and assassins, accrue fame (infamy) and reputation, search for alien treasures and cities, woo colony governor’s daughters when ‘in society’, upgrade their own vessels, recruit new hands and build up an entire pirate fleet with which they can raze colonies and alter the destiny of the empires themselves.

We will be previewing Reaver – Piracy in the Sea of Stars throughout 2010 until its release at Gen Con. Keep an eye out for it – it is going to be a good ‘un. . .

Codename Veil
An unusual approach to Traveller, Codename Veil is set just a few years in our future, and is a property that Mongoose has had under wraps for more than seven years now.

Players will create veteran characters drawn from the intelligence services from around the world (such as the CIA, MI6, Mossad, and so forth – maybe even the Los Angeles CTU. . .), with the Traveller character creation system drawing up detailed events of their secretive past lives. These characters have been recruited into an international organisation, classified ultra-secret at the highest levels, charged with defending Earth against the predations of a recently discovered alien threat.

Initial contact with alien forces has determined that they are incredibly powerful and likely hostile, though very little is known about them – in fact, the alien forces will be different for every campaign, as there is a back end system for the referee that defines the nature and scope of the alien threat, based upon the players’ own decisions, actions, and successes.

Naturally, with such a threat hanging over Earth, the masses can never come to learn about the alien menace, lest panic sweep entire nations, destroy the current world order, and the planet be left wide open to attack. The players must not only learn to operate in secret but to cover their tracks, all the while accepting that the organisation they are working for can, by necessity, be a cruel and callous one. Their missions may range from investigating possible abductions in the heart of a major city to racing through a tropical rainforest in an attempt to recover a downed alien craft before the homeland military discovers it, all the while hunted by an alien survivor whose technology makes a mockery of the players’ own resources.

Codename Veil will be appearing towards the end of the year.

Core Books
We will also be continuing to support Traveller at its core as well. Judge Dredd fans were delighted when they realised that, because their new game used the Traveller system, they already had many different supplements available to them – after all, if a Traveller book has the traditional solid black cover, it is potentially useable with any setting! Because of this, you expect to see many new core supplements released over the next few years.

To give you a taste of what is to come. . .

Merchant Prince is a long-awaited title. Far more than just a companion for merchant-type characters, this book will form the cornerstone for entrepreneurial activity in Traveller universes, with lots of new mechanics for creating your own business start ups. More than that though, Merchant Prince introduces a new set of trading rules. Those in the main rulebook illustrate how part-timers and opportunists trade across the stars – Merchant Prince will show you how the ‘big boys’ do things, how the large trading conglomerates rake in millions of credits every month. Compete with them if you dare…

Other core books include Robots (allowing you to create your own robots, of course, and even using them as player characters), Power Armour (providing rules to create all new armour, from lithe Combat Armour to hulking exosuits – and then customising them) and Dilettante, the career book for nobles and entertainers. Want to be a foppish dandy, a movie idol or the galaxy’s greatest rock star? This book will show you how!

A favourite of mine is the Campaign Guide. Harmless enough title, but this book will allow you to run a complete campaign with no planned adventures at all – and your players will not be able to tell the difference. Perfect for lazy Games Masters (like myself) who barely have enough time to read published adventures, let alone write their own. Your players will touch down on a new world, perhaps within the Spinward Marches, and within seconds there will be a fully fleshed out starport, with a host of things to do that will keep the players going for months. Suppose they decide to leave the starport and engage in a little piracy? No problem, you’ll have prey (and law enforcement) sorted out for them in less than a minute. Want to introduce a little trouble with their latest trading or throw them a curved ball of a patron? It is all there for you in this book, easy to use and quick to create.

Other Worlds
As is in the nature of such things, there are other licensed settings in the works that will be revealed at a later date. However, 2000AD fans will no doubt rejoice that, after Judge Dredd and Strontium Dog, the next comic strip to be added to the Traveller fold will be the ABC Warriors.

Players will take on the role of warbots, designed to withstand Atomic, Bacterial and Chemical (ABC, get it?) warfare, engaging in missions that may ultimately set them at odds with their human masters as they discover their own identities. And, of course, there will be plenty of opportunities to unleash massive levels of firepower as players design their own robots from the ground up, from advanced combat models to big, hulking demolition droids.
Finally, look out for Reign of Discordia in our Flaming Cobra range. Within the pages of this book players can fight against the R'Tillek and their crusade of extermination against the known species, fight to protect the independence of dozens of worlds, participate in the cold war between Earth and Lamog, haul cargo to the Frontier Systems, involve themselves in the various crime syndicates, work for one of the interplanetary conglomerates and engage in corporate sabotage, play a role in the advancement of one of the interplanetary organisations, salvage starships, and engage in a number of other activities that will bring danger and adventure.

The Third Imperium
The official Traveller universe, the Third Imperium, will also be getting more love in 2010. Three new sectors will be covered – Deneb and Reft sectors in their own books, and Ziafrplians sector in the Zhodani Alien Module. All three will be supported with the same full colour map packs available for the Spinward Marches and Trojan Reaches at the end of 2009.

We will also be touching upon the Darrian Confederation, exploring the mysteries of the Travellers’ Aid Society, and launching a new mega-campaign, entitled Secrets of the Ancients. Though this title has been used for an adventure in the Classic era of Traveller, this is an all new Gareth Hanrahan written campaign that will raise some very deep questions about the nature of the Ancients, and cause long term fans to revisit what they think they know…

Living Campaigns
In the summer of 2010, we will be launching two living campaigns – Living Traveller and Living Glorantha.

We are striving hard to keep these campaigns as simple as possible in their implementation, without the need for players and games masters to constantly log in and register characters and equipment. Instead, we want to very much concentrate on the story lines for these settings, as there are big events coming up for both, and the living campaigns will put your characters front and centre.

For example, we promised you a while ago that we were preparing for the end of the Second Age, and there will be plenty of material in Living Glorantha to take you there – you will be right in the front seat. For Traveller, your characters will be party to huge events in the run up to the Fifth Frontier War and beyond. If you are attending Conception in January next year, you will have a chance to take part in a dry run of Living Traveller, as we confirm all the systems behind these campaigns with a view to kicking them off properly at Continuum in July. From that point on, everyone is welcome to participate.

We are in the process of building up enough games master coverage to ensure these campaigns are run at all major conventions, but we also want to encourage participation at smaller events, stores, and at home too. Basically, no matter where you are or who you play with, you will have a chance to keep up with the campaigns. We are even looking at the potential for solo gamebooks that, when played through with your living characters, will count as scenarios in the larger campaign, so there will be all sorts of little bits and pieces you will have access to in order to fulfil your enjoyment of the entire campaign and give you a chance to get involved.
You forgot this...something that I have been dying for...

Created by WildFire, the team behind the award-winning CthulhuTech, Chthnonian Stars is an original setting for Traveller. It brings a Lovecraftian flair to the Traveller family, in a near future setting where mankind has expanded out into our solar system, where old things are beginning to awaken.

Chthonian Stars is the first product line in the Cthulhu Chronicles. There are a finite number of books in the line – seven books that will be released over the course of a year, from Summer 2010 to Summer 2011. However, where Chthonian Stars leaves off, a new product line will begin as a part of the same Cthulhu Chronicles universe.

As for what Cthonian Stars will feature, I’ll let the Wildfire guys speak for themselves;

“Something approaches, a thing on an orbit from far away. Seemingly a large shard of dark matter, this object is known in obscure prophecy as the Chthonian Star. It is a thing that has been travelling through the universe on its oblique trajectory for millions, if not billions, of years. It is a part of the natural cycle of things, on its eon-long orbit. The Chthonian Star is what caused the end of the dinosaurs, among other things. Now, again, it is awakening things long thought lost or dead, things that have slumbered awaiting its return.”

As well as this, Wildfire are also working hard to revise our epic levels 1-30 campaign, Drow War, for Pathfinder. If you are looking for a great campaign that will give you literally months of play, look no further.
And, I can hardly wait for Codename Veil...sounds like Torchwood...and I have been aching to do Torchwood meeting the Vilani for some time now.
Torchwood versus the Zhodani...

Jack: I know what you are thinking...
Ianto: No, you don't.
Jack: Oh, yes, I do...we have 5mins.
Zhodani agent: I know what you both are thinking and guns them both down...
Jack wakes up a few minutes later..."Medic, get the resurection glove, that is the last time, we order Middle Eastern, Gwen..."

Greys appear...
Jack: "Ooo, my favorite aliens."

Jack: "Oh come on, you are not even trying...the BBC makes better aliens than this"
Taelons : "Prepare to make your maker..."
Jack: "No, it is you needs to meet your maker...Gene you got some explaining to do..."
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Kafka, that's very clever! :rofl:

(I don't know if I see Torchwood or Dr. Who being a good fit for Traveller, but it's like Star Trek, Dredd and most of the 2000AD stuff - make some stuff for those who want it so they can have it.)
Depends...my take on it is that Traveller merely a ruleset and the background (and I do love the 3I) is incidental. Therefore, MgT has a great generic set of rules that allows all these games to take place. You should check out MgT: Reign of Discordia to see what I mean...
And, I can hardly wait for Codename Veil...sounds like Torchwood...and I have been aching to do Torchwood meeting the Vilani for some time now.

You do know that the Official Doctor Who: Adventures In Time And Space Roleplaying game is but weeks from release right? RIGHT??

It would have been here next week if it were not for the nice people in US customs holding things up, :confused:

BTW: My name is in the credits, yeah baby! :D