New artwork, or currently existing artwork, and is there any particular timeframe you are looking at?
Some of the fantasy artwork by Howard Pyle and also that done for the Andrew Lang Fairy Book series was quite good, and could be adapted to Traveller Aliens quite readily. Note, the Lang Fairy Book series are NOT your typical fairy tales. Some of them are quite dark, and have quite unhappy endings.
When I think of Howard Pyle, I think of classic literature in leather bound editions with maybe a sketch of his just inside the dust jacket, or one of those really fancy picture book editions. His work is Rembrandt quality. Does that really fit Traveller?
I still like Dietrick's covers. Then again I'm very prejudiced in that regard.
I just don't want to see anymore amateur stuff, is my point. And CGI images don't make you a professional unless you can compose a good image with computer tools.
Just my opinion.
If anything, the exquisite CGI of recent films (including the otherwise meh Desolation of Smaug) makes the comparatively poor CGI of even the best Traveller artists pale... Simply put, the CGI being used on covers looks either REALLY badly amateur, or looks really dated; perhaps both.
DGP's MegaTraveller alien modules top my list.
Just what do you consider typical? Pretty much all the tales and warnings I have ever heard about the Fair Folk sounds like what the book you mentioned in their endings. Fairy tales are warnings, kids. Somethings are scarier, older and powerful in ways that humans can't understand or properly deal with, hope to break even, and ware the boon, for its price is high./snip/ Note, the Lang Fairy Book series are NOT your typical fairy tales. Some of them are quite dark, and have quite unhappy endings.
Just what do you consider typical? Pretty much all the tales and warnings I have ever heard about the Fair Folk sounds like what the book you mentioned in their endings. Fairy tales are warnings, kids. Somethings are scarier, older and powerful in ways that humans can't understand or properly deal with, hope to break even, and ware the boon, for its price is high.
Disney fairy tales are atypical in that they have neat happy endings. :CoW: