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Storage lockers


Musings on a storage locker. I haven't played Traveller in 20 years. I haven't looked at my Traveller stuff for 15. Recently I've gotten the urge and finally I decided to see what I have left. It's not that I throw things away, but things go astray when you move a lot. Anyway this was my inventory today. I'm sure there are things missing because they are misfiled in the wrong boxes. I'm not looking to sell anything. I just thought this was ... strange. Why do I have the Traveller Book? I know I never used it, we always used the LBBs. Still my Traveller stuff seems to have survived the moves in better condition than my T2K stuff.

Traveller Inventory

Traveller Box 1977 ed
LBB 1 characters
LBB 2 Starships
LBB 3 Worlds and Adventure

LBB 4 Mercenary
LBB 5 High Guard ed 1
LBB 6 Scouts

Striker Box 1981

Mayday ziploc 1978
Mayday Box 1980

Snapshot Box 1979

Traveller Book Hardcover 1983
Tarsus box 1983

Double Adventure 1 Shadows / Annic Nova
Double Adventure 2 Across the Bright Face / Mission on Mithril
Double Adventure 3 The Argon Gambit / Death Station
Double Adventure 5 The Chamax Plague / Horde
Double Adventure 6 Divine Intervention / Night of Conquest

Supplement 1 1001 Characters
Supplement 3 The Spinward Marches
Supplement 4 Citizens of the Imperium
Supplement 5 Lightning Class Cruisers (from Azhanti High Lightning box set)
Supplement 6 76 Patrons
Supplement 7 Traders and Gunboats
Supplement 9 Fighting Ships
Supplement 11 Library Data (N - Z)

Adventure 1 Kinunir
Adventure 2 Research Station Gamma
Adventure 3 Twilight's Peak
Adventure 4 Leviathian
Adventure 7 Broadsword
Adventure 8 Prison Planet
Adventure 9 Nomads of the World-Ocean

(major article listed)
Journal 01 Annic Nova
Journal 02 Victoria
Journal 03 Asteroids
Journal 04 Gazelle
Journal 05 Imperium
Journal 06 Imperial Interstellar Scouts
Journal 07 Champa Starport
Journal 08 Broadsword
Journal 09 War
Journal 10 Planet-Building
Journal 11 Striker
Journal 12 Merchant Prince (SS 1 Merchant Prince)
Journal 14 Laws and Lawbreakers
Journal 18 Travelling without Jumping
Journal 19 Skyport Authority
Journal 20 Ways of the Kuzu
Journal 21 Vargr (SS 3 Missiles)
Journal 22 Port to Port Jumping

Challenge 25
Challenge 26
Challenge 27
Challenge 29
Challenge 30
Challenge 31
Challenge 32
Challenge 33
Challenge 34
Challenge 35

Azhanti High Lightning
Fifth Frontier War

Far Traveller 2
High Passage 2
(why only issue 2 of both? should be more around here somewhere...)

Judges Guild GM screen

Fasa Folios Salvage Mission, Flight of the Stag, Fleetwatch

TNE Traveller
Fire Fusion & Steel 1 ed
Fire Fusion & Steel 2 ed

Brilliant Lances boxed

Traveller Chronicles 1
Traveller Chronicles 2
Traveller Chronicles 3
Traveller Chronicles 4
(these were definitely in the wrong box. Just lucky I found them)
Similar pasts


Looking at your post, I suspect that you and I, and perhaps many others here, have had similar pasts with regards to Traveller.

I first got interested in Traveller way back when it first came out and still have all that old stuff, that I only recently dug out of my attic. Although I haven't played Traveller since my high-school days, over the years I have continued to buy some of the new stuff as it has come out, more just out of curiosity on where the game may be headed than anything else. On top of this though, for awhile, when I lived in Maryland there was a used game store not too far from me, where I was able to pick up alot of the books and supplements I had missed out on when they were initially released.

Anyway, my Traveller & GDW related stash consists of;

Understanding Traveller Booklet

Traveller Box 1977 ed
LBB 1 characters
LBB 2 Starships
LBB 3 Worlds and Adventure

LBB 4 Mercenary (1978)
LBB 5 High Guard 1st (1979) & 2nd (1980) ed
LBB 6 Scouts (1983)
LBB 7 Merchant Prince (1985)

Supplement 2 Animal Encounters (1979)
Supplement 3 The Spinward Marches (1979)
Supplement 4 Citizens of the Imperium (1979)
Supplement 5 Lightning Class Cruisers (1980 - Part of AHL Game)
Supplement 7 Traders & Gunboats (1980)
Supplement 8 Library Data (A-M) (1981 Ed)
Supplement 9 Fighting Ships (1981)
Supplement 10 The Solomani Rim (1982)
Supplement 12 Forms and Charts (1983)

Striker Box 1981

Snapshot Box (1979)
Mayday Box (1980)
Azhanti High Lightning (1980)
Dark Nebula (1980)
Fifth Frontier War (1981)
Invasion Earth (1981)
Imperium (GDW version but I can't find a date on it)
Imperium (Avalanche Press Ltdd version - 2001)

Traveller Adventure Book (Soft Cover)

Double Adventure 2 Across the Bright Face / Mission on Mithril
Double Adventure 3 The Argon Gambit / Death Station
Double Adventure 6 Divine Intervention / Night of Conquest

Adventure 1 Kinunir (2 copies both of which are identified as 1979 ed though for some reason one of which has text on the back cover and a patch that identifies it as the best HG Wells Award for 1979 and the other whose back cover has no text)
Adventure 3 Twilight's Peak (1980)
Adventure 4 Leviathian (1980)
Adventure 5 Trillion Credit Squadron (1981)
Adventure 9 Nomads of the World-Ocean (1983)
Adventure 11 Murder on Arcturus Station (1983)

JTAS 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18 (2 copies), 20, & 23

Best of the Journal Volumes 1 & 3

Challenge 25 through 77 (except Issue 34, though I accidently ended up with double copies of a couple of the other issues)

MegaTraveller Box Set (1987)
Starship Operator's Manual Vol 1 (2nd Edition)
COACC (somewhere though I can't locate it right now)

Traveller: The New Era (somewhere though I can't locate it right now)
Striker II (1994)
World Tamer's Handbook (1994)
Fire, Fusion, & Steel (1993) including the little Upgrade booklet for interfacing with the 1st Edition of TNE

T4 Book 1 (1996)
T4 Book 2 Starships (1996)
T4 Book 3 Central Supply Catalog (1996)
T4 Book 4 Aliens Archive (1996)
T4 Book 5 Milieu 0 (1996)
T4 Book 6 First Survey (1996)
T4 Book 7 Emperor's Arsenal (1997)
T4 Book D Naval Architect's Manual (1997)

GURPS Traveller Ground Forces (2000)
GURPS Traveller Starports (2000)
Traveller Deck Plan 1: Beowulf-Class Free Trader (2000)
GURPS Traveller Interstellar Wars (2006)

FASA High Passage #2 (1981)
FASA Fate of the Sky Raiders (1982)
FASA Adventure Class Ships Vol 1 (1982)

Gameloards Ltd "The Mountain Environement' Booklet

SGS Building Complex Series 2 - Research Facilites (1992)

Traveller: 2300 Box Set (1986)
Seeker S.S Virginia American Merchant Ship for 2300AD (1989)
2300AD Box Set (1989)
Star Cruiser (1987)
Aurore Sourcebook (1987)
Ship's of the French Arm (1987)
Nyotekundu Sourcebook (1987)
Colonial Atlas (1988)
Kafer Sourcebook (1988)
Earth Cybertech Sourcebook (1989)
Deathwatch Program (1990)
Rotten to the Core (1990)
Beanstalk (1987)
Energy Curve (1986)
Kafer Dawn (1987)
Mission Arturus (1987)
Invasion (1988)
Bayern (1988)
Ground Vehicle Guide (1988)
Equipment Guide (1988)
Ranger (1989)

Twilight 2000 Box Set 1st Edition (1984)
Twilight 2000 Box Set 2nd Edition (1990)
Last Battle Game (1989)
Battlefield: Europe (First Battle) Game (1990)

Twilight 2000 Supplements
City of Angels by 3W (1989)
Free City of Krakow (1985)
Pirates of the Vistula (1985)
The Ruins of Warsaw (1985) (2 copies)
US Army Vehicle Guide (1986)
The Black Madonna (1985)
Going Home (1986)
Red Star Lone Star (1986)
RDF Sourcebook (1986)
Armies of the Night (1986)
Allegheny Uprising (1987)
Airlords of the Ozarks (1987)
Gateway to the Spanish Main (1987)
King's Ransom (1987)
Soviet Vehicle Guide (1987)
Urban Guerilla (1987)
Small Arms Guide (1988)
The Last Submarine (1988)
Kidnapped (1988)
Howling Wilderness (1988)
Mediterranean Cruise (1988)
Boomer (1989)
Satellite Down (1988)
Return to Warsaw (1989)

Bear's Den (1989)
NATO Vehicle Guide (1989)
White Eagle (1990)
Survivors' Guide to the United Kingdom (1990)
Infantry Weapons of the World (1991)
American Combat Vehicle Handbook (1990)
Soviet Combat Vehicle Handbook (1990)
Merc:2000 (1990)
Bangkok (1991)
NATO Combat Vehicle Handbook (1991)
Merc 2000: Gazetteer (1991)
Nautical/Aviation Handbook (1991)
Twilight Nightmares (1991)
Heavy Weapons Handbook (1992)
Special Operations (1992)
Castle by the Sea (1992)
Referee's Screen
Operation Crouching Dragon (1993)
East Europe Sourcebook (1994) (2 copies)
Rendezvous in Krakow (1995)

Anyway, looking over the list I'm beginning to suspect that I might have some sort of obsessive/compulsive spending disorder or something when it comes to buying games.


On a side note, I think 2300 AD seems to have made a minor point of having some stuff set in or based on Africa (this is good, if for no other reason than to surprise or confuse your players :devil: ).