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Striker Book 3 Ammunition test


SOC-14 1K
Evening all,

I've worked my way through Design Sequence 2: CPR Guns and matched the TL 9 11 cm medium velocity cannon section. The ammunition section I was not so lucky, so here is what I came up with formatted per Book 3 page 30 under the Self-propelled 8 cm gun. The information is justed for the ammunition.

Weapon: Tech Level 9 11 cm Medium velocity gun

Ammunition: Rounds weigh 35 kg each (70 kg for RAP rounds)

HE: Cr105; Contact penetration/burst size/fragmentation: 19/3/3
HEAP: Cr157.5; Contact penetration: 41
KEAP: Cr105; Contact penetration, effective/long/extreme: 33/30/27
KEAPER: Cr115.5; Contact penetration, effective/long/extreme: 31/28/25
Flechette: Cr525; Contact penetration/hit DM/danger space: 2/+6/10 cm
CBM: Cr315; Contact penetration/burst size/fragmentation/hit DM: 21/12/7/+1
Illum: Cr210; Illumination radius/time: 84 cm/2 turns
Chaff: Cr210; Effect radius/time: 78 cm/2 turns
Chemical Smoke: Cr105; Cloud size/burn time: 2x2 cm/6 turns
Incendiary Smoke: Cr210; Cloud size/burn time: 2x2 cm/6 turns

There wasn't an example in Book 3 for Chemical here is what I came up with:

Chemical: Cr210; Cloud Size/type/virulence/duration/effect: 2x2 cm/Persistent/Lethal/Game ends/Death

Laser guidance may be added to a round for Cr800, variable ballistics may be added for Cr80, and RAP may be added for Cr105.

My KEAPER rounds Contact penetration of 31 at effective range doesn't match Book 3 page 15 which is 30. KEAPER rounds, per page 15, subtracts 2 from the KEAP numbers.

My attempt at checking the ammunition for the Self Propelled AC on Book 3 page is not going well.

All my ammunition costs are off. my cost/example cost
HE: 28/52
HEAP: 42/78
KEAP: 28/52
KEAPER: 30.8/58
Flechette: 140/260
CBM: 84/156
Illum: 56/104
Chaff: 56/104
Chemical Smoke: 28/52
Incendiary Smoke: 56/104

I get the HE as having frag pen of 2 and the example has 3.

The Flechette danger space I get for a low velocity/howitzer is 5 the example's danger space is 10.

My CBM hit DM is 0 (zero) and the example's is +1

My chaff round's effect radius is 60 cm

Incendiary Smoke's burn time, in my calculations, is 4 turns versus 2 in the example.

I've built an Excel 2010 spreadsheet that checked my numbers, which only means I'm at least consistent in my method.
Weapon: Tech Level 9 11 cm Medium velocity gun

Ammunition: Rounds weigh 35 kg each (70 kg for RAP rounds)

HE: Cr105; Contact penetration/burst size/fragmentation: 19/3/3
HEAP: Cr157.5; Contact penetration: 41
KEAP: Cr105; Contact penetration, effective/long/extreme: 33/30/27
KEAPER: Cr115.5; Contact penetration, effective/long/extreme: 31/28/25
Flechette: Cr525; Contact penetration/hit DM/danger space: 2/+6/10 cm
CBM: Cr315; Contact penetration/burst size/fragmentation/hit DM: 21/12/7/+1
Illum: Cr210; Illumination radius/time: 84 cm/2 turns
Chaff: Cr210; Effect radius/time: 78 cm/2 turns
Chemical Smoke: Cr105; Cloud size/burn time: 2x2 cm/6 turns
Incendiary Smoke: Cr210; Cloud size/burn time: 2x2 cm/6 turns

There wasn't an example in Book 3 for Chemical here is what I came up with:

Chemical: Cr210; Cloud Size/type/virulence/duration/effect: 2x2 cm/Persistent/Lethal/Game ends/Death

Laser guidance may be added to a round for Cr800, variable ballistics may be added for Cr80, and RAP may be added for Cr105.

My KEAPER rounds Contact penetration of 31 at effective range doesn't match Book 3 page 15 which is 30. KEAPER rounds, per page 15, subtracts 2 from the KEAP numbers.

My attempt at checking the ammunition for the Self Propelled AC on Book 3 page is not going well.

All my ammunition costs are off. my cost/example cost
HE: 28/52
HEAP: 42/78
KEAP: 28/52
KEAPER: 30.8/58
Flechette: 140/260
CBM: 84/156
Illum: 56/104
Chaff: 56/104
Chemical Smoke: 28/52
Incendiary Smoke: 56/104

I get the HE as having frag pen of 2 and the example has 3.

The Flechette danger space I get for a low velocity/howitzer is 5 the example's danger space is 10.

My CBM hit DM is 0 (zero) and the example's is +1

My chaff round's effect radius is 60 cm

Incendiary Smoke's burn time, in my calculations, is 4 turns versus 2 in the example.

I've built an Excel 2010 spreadsheet that checked my numbers, which only means I'm at least consistent in my method.

Your 11cm numbers look right. When the rules tell you to subtract 2 and then THEY subtract 3 in the very next sentence, they're probably the ones who made the mistake.

Your autocannon numbers look right too. The cost of an HE round, for example, is weight of 14 times weapon type multiplier of 2 times ammunition type multiplier of 1, or 28cr. Analyzing the Book 3 values, they appear based off a weight of 26 - which coincidentally is the number in the next column over, the price of a gun in thousands of credits. Someone just grabbed a number from the wrong column when writing the book.

Is errata that hasn't made it to the official errata page.
Add: the chemical gas round should be a 3x3

And your other numbers for the autocannon look good too, except chaff. I've not the foggiest why they got those wrong in the book.

Chaff: same burst size as an equivalent-caliber Illum round, per page 16. Illum round is 50cm plus down one row for each tech above 5, so down 4 rows at TL 9 to 70 cm.
Evening Carlobrand,

Your 11cm numbers look right. When the rules tell you to subtract 2 and then THEY subtract 3 in the very next sentence, they're probably the ones who made the mistake.

Your autocannon numbers look right too. The cost of an HE round, for example, is weight of 14 times weapon type multiplier of 2 times ammunition type multiplier of 1, or 28cr. Analyzing the Book 3 values, they appear based off a weight of 26 - which coincidentally is the number in the next column over, the price of a gun in thousands of credits. Someone just grabbed a number from the wrong column when writing the book.

Is errata that hasn't made it to the official errata page.

Thanks for the quick check and confirming that I seem to be on the right track with the design sequence.

As soon as I have some other sections done I'll try to put together some notes and fire them off to Donald McKinney and hopefully some of my finds might make the next update.
Evening Carlobrand,

Thanks for the quick check and confirming that I seem to be on the right track with the design sequence.

As soon as I have some other sections done I'll try to put together some notes and fire them off to Donald McKinney and hopefully some of my finds might make the next update.

My pleasure. I have a certain fondness for Striker.