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Striker Chaff number of turns the effect lasts


SOC-14 1K
Howdy all,

I'm going through the ammunition design section again and believe I stumbled upon errata to the Consolidated CT Errata v07 document concerning the how many turns the chaff effect lasts.

Form the the Consolidated CT errata v07 document:

Pages 15-16, Design Sequence 2: CPR Guns, L – Ammunition, 7 – Illum and 8 – Chaff (omission): The effects of Illum and chaff rounds last for two turns

Striker Book 2 Rule 50: Chaff page 50: "Effects of a chaff round last six complete turns."
Doesn't surprise me at all.

However, that errata comes from the original Striker errata, so the question is... which is correct?

GDW's original answer (6 turns), or GDW's errata answer (2 turns).
Morning Donald,

So far I have not found, okay stumbled on, a rule that gives a solid number of turns that an Illum round lasts, which is an omission.

The chaff round, per Book 3, has the same area of coverage as an Illum round. Based on the information in Book 3 and missing the reference in Book 2 Rule 50 then I would have suggested that the chaff round be treated in the same manner as the Illum round.

There are a couple of reasons that Book 2 Rule 50 may have been overlooked when the errata was submitted. The first is that the person who submitted the errata had a different version of Book 2 that didn't have or had a different Rule 50. A second possibility is that, which happens to me a lot ;) as many here can recall, the person didn't see the reference while combing through the rules.

My vote would be to go with Rule 50 for the Chaff round, since there is a solid reference.

Doesn't surprise me at all.

However, that errata comes from the original Striker errata, so the question is... which is correct?

GDW's original answer (6 turns), or GDW's errata answer (2 turns).
Hello again Donald,

Doesn't surprise me at all.

However, that errata comes from the original Striker errata, so the question is... which is correct?

GDW's original answer (6 turns), or GDW's errata answer (2 turns).

I'm going to be honest and say that I skipped reading Books 1 and 2 in any detail until either being sent to them by Book 3 or trying to get more detail on something in Book 3 like the Chemical round.

As mentioned in my earlier post the person that submitted the original errata on the turns that Illum and Chaff rounds last somehow missed Book 2 Rule 50 just like I did.

Per the Consolidated CT Errata an Omission is something that was left out of the published material.

I have not found any information in Books 1 and 2 that provides the how many turns an Illum rounds illuminates an area, which is an omission and covered by the GDW and consolidated errata.

I don't know that Book 2 Rule 50 existed when the GDW Striker errata was originally published. What I do have are two copies of CT Striker, a copy of the LBB and the FFE book 005, which both state in Book 2 Rule 50 that chaff lasts for 6 turns.

Regardless of when Rule 50 was written, before or after the GDW errata was published, chaff is documented as lasting for 6 turns can be confirmed.

Of course I'm probably totally confused and out to lunch.:D
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