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CT Only: Striker Rule Book 3 calculating KEAP round cost


SOC-14 1K
Hello all,

I am trying to verify that I am following the process for creating a KEAP round for a TL 7 2-cm bore High Velocity weapon.

1. Looking on p. 6 of the Design Sequence Tables (DST) Booklet CPR Gun Table. The ammo weight for a 2-cm round is 0.40 kg.

2. Going to DST p. 9 CPR Ammunition Table. A High Velocity gun multiplier is 4 and the Ammunition type multiplier for a KEAP round is 1.

3. The price for a single 2-cm KEAP round is 0.40 x High velocity 4 x KEAP 1 = 1.6 x 1 = Cr1.6.

4. A single round has a volume of weight divided by 1,000: Weight 0.40 kg / 1,000 = 0.0004 m^3.

The specifications for a 2-cm KEAP Round are:

Weight: 0.4 kg; Volume: 0.0004 m^3; Price: Cr1.6 or
Weight: 0.0004 tons; Volume: 0.0004 m^3; Price: Cr1.6
Purchasing 750 rounds would be:
Weight: 300 kg; Volume: 0.3 m^3; Price: Cr1,200 or Weight: 0.3 tons
; Volume: 0.3 m^3; Price: Cr1,200

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