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CT Only: Striker Rule Book 3 Design Sequence 11 Aircraft Rating


SOC-14 1K
Afternoon PDT,

I am on Striker Rule Book 3 Design Sequence 11 Aircraft Rating Step I. Agility that has the equation of:

(MS/100) + ((G x 100)/(100-ME)) + MP

Using the equation I can match the example's results. However there is an errata entry on the last page of the Striker Useful Tables Book and Consolidated CT Errata that alters the formula.

The entry is "In Design Sequence 11, Aircraft, the agility formula should be altered. Instead of the term MS/100, substitute the Direct Fire Hit DMs (from the combat tables) corresponding to the aircraft's maximum speed.

Unfortunately, neither document changed the example showing how to use the Direct Fire Hit DMs corresponding to the aircraft's maximum speed.

I am hoping someone here has already checked how using the
Direct Fire Hit DMs corresponding to the aircraft's maximum speed changes the example so that I can verify that my alternation to the equation was properly understood.

If someone has completed the alteration and has the time please contact me through either the forum PM or via email?

I will update this post with the corrected equation and the changes made in the example on Striker Rule Book 3 Design Sequence 11 Aircraft Rating Step I. Agility on p. 27.
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Hello all,

The following is what I believe that the Striker Errata for Rule Book 3 Design Sequence 11 Aircraft Agility is referring to. There is a note on how to convert High Guard Agility to Striker Agility, that is not included in this post.

Striker Errata in [FONT=arial,helvetica]Design Sequence 11, Aircraft, the agility formula should be altered. Instead of the term MS/100, substitute the Direct Fire Hit DMs (from the combat tables) corresponding to the aircraft's maximum speed.

Under the heading of Direct Fire Hit DMs I believe that the "If target moved" is the section that applies to the errata. The criteria is in cm.

[/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica]Design Sequence 11, Aircraft, Rating, Step H Movement Rate changes speed in km per hour to movement rate in cm.

The new formula I believe is:

(Direct Fire Hit If target Moved DM based on Movement Rate) + ((G-Rating x 100) / (100 - Maneuver Enhancement)) + Movement Points

In the example the aircraft's Maximum Speed Movement Rate are: Empty 916 cm and Loaded 608 cm.

Checking the Direct Fire Hit If target moved the DMs are:
Maximum Speed MR Empty of 916 cm is over 800 cm the DM is -10.
Maximum Speed MR Loaded is 608 cm which falls between +560 and 640 cm for a DM of -7.

[FONT=arial,helvetica]Direct Fire Hit If target Moved DM based on Movement Rate Empty -10
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Direct Fire Hit If target Moved DM based on Movement Rate Loaded -7
[FONT=arial,helvetica]G-Rating Empty 1.14
[FONT=arial,helvetica]G-Rating Loaded 0.82
Maneuver Enhancement 10
Controls Maneuver Points 2

Aircraft Empty Agility: -10 + ((1.14 x 100) / (100 - 10)) + 2
Empty Agility: -10 + (114 / 90) + 2
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Empty Agility: -10 + 1.2667 + 2
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Empty Agility: -8.7333 + 2
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Empty Agility: -6.7333 = round ([/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica][FONT=arial,helvetica]-6.7333,0) = -7

[FONT=arial,helvetica][/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica]Aircraft Loaded Agility: -7 + ((0.82 x 100) / (100 - 10)) + 2
Loaded Agility: -7 + (82 / 90) + 2
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Loaded Agility: -7 + 0.9111 + 2
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Loaded Agility: -6.0889 + 2
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Loaded Agility: -4.0889 = round (-4.[/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica][FONT=arial,helvetica]0889,0) = -4[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica]

Changing the Direct Fire Hit If target moves DMs to positive numbers returns after rounding has am empty agility of 13 and a loaded agility of 10.

Please provide replies without reference to comprehension, eccentric interpretations, or similar comments.
Could I ask if after you master the Striker Design rules, you plan on taking the next logical step into 'madness' and attempting to recreate published designs in FF&S? ;)

[For the record, I applaud the effort. I could just never get the results to come out exactly the same without far more work than I was willing to invest.]

So, Good Luck.
Hello atpollard,

Could I ask if after you master the Striker Design rules, you plan on taking the next logical step into 'madness' and attempting to recreate published designs in FF&S? ;)

[For the record, I applaud the effort. I could just never get the results to come out exactly the same without far more work than I was willing to invest.]

So, Good Luck.

My plans do not include on taking next logical or illogical steps to recreate published designs that use Striker rules or FF&S rules. There are, if I've counted correctly, three design sequences that have examples to go along with the process. Design Sequence 11 Aircraft has an example that I seemed the easiest to follow for the most part. The one area I had issues with was the autocannon and the issues turned out to adding numbers twice. Once that was cleared up there are only minor issues with numbers for items the example shows.

The examples are the ones I am attempting to recreate by following along. In this case Striker Errata and Consolidated CT Errata recommend altering the Agility formula. There is no example accompanying the alteration so I have tried to see what would happen. If I followed the directions then the resulting Agility has a different result than the original. My post was to see if the process was followed and that my results are correct.

Thank you for the question and your help with my other questions in the past.