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Stuff From My Old Campaign Files

A few years ago, I planned to run a Traveller campaign, based on UFO lore. I got the idea from another blogger who based a campaign on the Shaver mystery. Sadly, my campaign never got off the ground. Most players, including me, cited the legendary beast “Real Life” as the cause of our failure to meet. Recently, posts at other blogs reminded me of this, so I’d like to share some of my plans in hopes they might inspire someone else.

The best source came from a site called UFO Casebook, and a nice, concise article on alien types. I culled a few that I liked, and tweaked them for Traveller. They broke down into three main categories: Greys, Humanoids, and Reptilians.

I decided to use three types of grey aliens. First came the most common, 4 ½ foot tall Greys, from Zeta Reticuli. This binary system sits 12 parsecs rimward and trailing of Earth. They excel at genetic manipulation. They linger around humans because our DNA has the most flexibility of all the species they have encountered. Also, they extract a recreational drug from human brains under intense emotional stress, especially fear. Thus the weird “medical” procedures they subject captives to. We make excellent raw material. They serve the Reptilians, but enjoy the freedom they feel in human areas. They might ally with humans against their masters. Only time will tell.

Second came the less common 7 to 8 foot tall Greys, from Orion. I never nailed down which system in Orion, but this lies in the same general rim- trailing direction off my map. These seem less predatory than their little cousins, but still treat humans callously.

Third came an even smaller, 3 ½ foot tall Greys, distant relatives of the first type, subordinate, but just as nasty. They hail from Bellatrix, 77 parsecs distant, in Orion.

Next up, the Reptilians. They stand about 6 ½ feet tall, and consider Earth their property. They see humans as cattle. They have huge asteroid ships, miles in diameter, with as many as 30 million of their kind aboard. These cruise at sublight speeds from system to system. They have a psionic ability to mask their features, and look human. Telepaths, clairvoyants, and psionically shielded persons can see through the disguise. I planned to use these as my “Big Bad”.

I chose three categories of humanoids, with one having three subtypes. What can I say? I like threes. The Nordics stand 6 ½ to 7 feet tall. Males and females look strong, fit, and beautiful. They have natural black “eyeliner” like ancient Egyptian royalty. They could all model underwear. The three subgroups have dominant hair colors: blonde, form the Pleiades, red, from Orion, and black, from Sirius. They use an insignia with three spheres in a triangular pattern. They act aloof, but seem much friendlier to us than other aliens.

A smaller, 4 ½ foot tall type serves as technicians. An even smaller 3 ½ foot tall group labors as workers, with a limited, almost child-like mentality.

I only include the star systems and constellations named because they make up so much of the lore. Most of the stars, like Bellatrix and Sirius, seem incapable of having habitable planets. Of course, psionic lizards and gene splicing alien with human DNA seem equally iffy. “Orion” struck me as maddeningly vague. I consider this the alien equivalent to “Out West” or “The Orient”. I usually imagined them as just off the map.

More to come!

T2k also had a module for post holocaust terrors.

There are a number of other companies that do products too.
Well, aside from Gamma World by TSR, which I dug out my original copy for my game design class, there is also Metamorphosis Alpha, also by TSR for ideas. I found my copy of that as well. Those would be a couple of good sources for somewhat human-type aliens. There is also Barlow's Guide to Extraterrestrials, which is an excellent source for classic Science-Fiction aliens. Very nice Mesklinites.

You could also extrapolate some intelligent Raptors from Jurassic Park.

I keep thinking of some of Piper's Littles Fuzzies, Fuzzy fuzzy holloway, running space ships. Be quite interesting, as the ships would be a bit smaller than Human ones.
Good ideas all! I actually still have my copy of Dark Conspiracy somewhere. They did have some creepy aliens. I had *ahem* "borrowed" a few aliens from D20 Modern's Menace Manual. I found a copy for sale at my local library for a few dollars. Score! Specifically, the had a beastie called an Etoile (French for star). This thing looks like an abstract modern chandelier, with clawed tentacles that can extrude from the center. It injects victims with nanites that spread and take over the victim, sort of like the Borg. The resulting controlled hosts were called Sand Slaves, because upon dying, their corpses dissolved into piles of sand.

Other tidbits:

Having grown up in the '60s and '70s, I read more than my fair share of UFO lore. I patterned my Nordic aliens on contactee George Adamski's accounts. I gave them 800 ton Book 2 "Cruisers" that looked like his cylindrical mother ships, and 100 ton scouts that looked like his Saturnian scout saucers.

I decided the Reptilians flew triangular ships, and sketched out 10 ton fighters, 100 ton scouts, and 800 ton "cruisers".

I kept vacillating about Grey ships. I knew they liked to use stunners (form Mongoose Trav) to capture prisoners alive.

Contactee herb Schirmer reported little probe saucers that looked like "baby moon hubcaps". So all my aliens had those. At least one of the groups would have 12,000 ton spherical mobile bases, based on extrapolation of the Book 2 "Z" drive.

I was reading Jack Vance's "Planet of Adventure" at the time. His aliens each had a subservient group of humans in their thrall. I thought I might include them, perhaps as the infamous "Men in Black". It would give me a chance to try to impersonate Hugo Weaving, "Misterrr Anderson..."