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Supported Character types


In the "Questions for the Ancients" thread, you mention that the focus will be the RMN. Understandable enough. But will you include data to create NPCs or even Player Characters for any other organizations? I'm thinking side bars or appendixes that cover:

Manticoran Diplomatic Corp, Palace Security, and Native Protection Agency
the People's Navy, Marines, and State Sec.
the GSN, Grayson Army, and Steadholders/Protectors guards.
Solarian Navy
ManPower flunky or special ops type
Silesian Pirate
Andermani Navy

Not to mention civilians from the above.
There's enough odd and end data in the back of each of the novels (at least the paperback ones that I have) to simply most of this work immensely.

Of course, us obsessive fans don't need this information. :D
That certainly is a good list, but I think some of those are good for follow on supplements, either print or PDF.

My pared down, in the main book list would be (besides the Manticore military):

Manticoran Diplomatic Corp
Manticoran Merchant Fleet
the People's Navy, Marines, and State Sec
Silesian Pirate
Andermani Navy

Solarian Navy is borderline. The Solarians almost need their own book.
That being said, The Peeps & Andermani could be greatly expanded in followup books.

The wide variations provided by ManPower deserves a seperate suppliment (See "A Crown of Slaves" for details).

Treecats should be detailed, but I don't see them as player characters. I'd call a Treecat bonding a feat. More like a series of feats. The first to get the actual treecat, then additional feats to improve the link between the human PC and the treecat. The PC would have to use feats to buy additional abilities for their treecat.
Treecats are certainly sentient. They are extremely intelligent. It might be fun to play a Treecat campaign. Though as a PC in a standard campaign they would definitely be limited because of their lack, until they learn to sign, of communication skills.

The list definitely needs to include Manticorian Naval Intelligence, StateSec, SolSec and The Ballroom. Grayson Intelligence is no slouch either, especially towards the latter books in the series. And lets not forget the Faithful.

These need to be developed, not just to be used as Player Characters, but because the GM (Or should we just call him/her the Games Operations Director.) needs protagonists.

Most RPGs are based around smaller units than Batalions of Marines and Heavy Cruiser Crews, one of the campaign settings needs to be the intelligence war. (Everyone wants to be James Bond.)

Most of the existing T20 PC rules are easily adaptable to the RMN or PRN, but T20 seems to have lost the Intel and Spec Ops guys that many of us, myself definitely included, love to play. (And I am not talking about IRIS.)