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Sword Worlds


Like 'em?

If so, what features do you find attractive, and why?

Have you developed the Sword Worlds and the inhabitants thereof in your own campaigns/prep?

Any favorite canonical sources on the SW?
I don't particularly like the Sword Worlds.

I did love the new MgT2 Lunion/Shield Worlds product. It's MJD's work and it's really fantastic. (I've actually been looking for an excuse to gush about it.)
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I have to admit I have developed a soft spot for the Swordies.

I like the idea of a society that sees itself as struggling against all odds, and some times, succeeding. It provides a very nice counterpoint to the "Third Imperium Uber Alles" standard Point of View in most 3I setting materials.

One of my character concepts is a Swordie Literature professor from Narsil, specializing in Tolkien of all things.

The single best source is the GT Sword Worlds book. Even though the characters are in GURPS 3e, and the time frame is 1120 with no Rebellion, the history section is great. Take a look here: http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/traveller/swordworlds/
I have to admit I have developed a soft spot for the Swordies.

I like the idea of a society that sees itself as struggling against all odds, and some times, succeeding. It provides a very nice counterpoint to the "Third Imperium Uber Alles" standard Point of View in most 3I setting materials.

One of my character concepts is a Swordie Literature professor from Narsil, specializing in Tolkien of all things.

The single best source is the GT Sword Worlds book. Even though the characters are in GURPS 3e, and the time frame is 1120 with no Rebellion, the history section is great. Take a look here: http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/traveller/swordworlds/

LotR is a best seller still, in the Far Future.

Or, in my take on it, some intrepid Swordie explorer was a big fan.

I don't particularly like the Sword Worlds.

I did love the new MgT2 Lunion/Shield Worlds product. It's MJM's work and it's really fantastic. (I've actually been looking for an excuse to gush about it.)

Do tell.
Swordie thoughts

"By the Allfather!"

I imagine the Sword Worlders' principal faith involves a conception of the Creator as a cosmic patriarch-progenitor, ancient, wise, and supremely powerful.
I'm going to avoid making any specific references to real-world religions of our time, in order to respect forum rules.

The formal clergy of a sort of planetary 'Kirk' would be all male, fitting the patriarchal culture of the SW.

My guess is that fathers perform certain basic ceremonies at home, captains aboard starships, commanders in military units, etc.

Women likely have their own domestic cultic practices.
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Swordie thoughts


Wild guess, but swords mean something to these people, or did when they named their worlds. Swords and metals.

Swords crop up in the Third Imperium too, of course.
What's different and what's similar?
Do Swordies appreciate Imperial Marines' archaic attachment to the cutlass?
I don't mean that a typical SWer walks around with a sword all the time, but that swords carry a certain romance or mystique in their ancestral culture.
It may not be particularly important today, on most of the Sword Worlds.
Or do they really run about with blades, chopping people up over insults?

I've run the Sword Worlders as having a distinct "sword culture" replete with dueling societies, sword-based martial arts, etc. often involved in the Mushashi Flex (pulled from Steve Perry Matador series) and often rather "warrior mystic" or "warrior poet" types.

Thinking about it, having played the heck out of Destiny (the Computer game) there's some potential for a horribly corrupt version based on the "Sword Logic" of the Hive...

I've run the Sword Worlders as having a distinct "sword culture" replete with dueling societies, sword-based martial arts, etc. often involved in the Mushashi Flex (pulled from Steve Perry Matador series) and often rather "warrior mystic" or "warrior poet" types.

Thinking about it, having played the heck out of Destiny (the Computer game) there's some potential for a horribly corrupt version based on the "Sword Logic" of the Hive...


Sounds fun.

My Sword Cultist Marines reskin might fight in the SW.
IMTU, one of the founders of Tavonni is Baroness Heidi Maria Heyerdahl, an exile from the Sword Worlds - who is itching to get back and conquer her planet, after her family was forced out in a coup. [cue spy scenarios here...]
I don't particularly like the Sword Worlds.

I did love the new MgT2 Lunion/Shield Worlds product. It's MJD's work and it's really fantastic. (I've actually been looking for an excuse to gush about it.)
Would like to see a YouTube video that talks about it.
Like 'em?

If so, what features do you find attractive, and why?

Have you developed the Sword Worlds and the inhabitants thereof in your own campaigns/prep?

Any favorite canonical sources on the SW?

I purchased the Mongoose book on the Sword Worlds, and was not that thrilled with it. Presently I am working on the Sword Sub-sector in my Piper Sector out on the rim, primarily using H. Beam Piper's Space Viking as the basis, with some of the planets using Sword World names from Piper that are not used in Traveller.
For those interested in really getting into the Sword Worlds, you can download an Icelandic Grammar courtesy of the US Army in World War 2 at archives.org.


There are additional Icelandic grammar primers there, just go to the advanced search and enter "Icelandic" as part of the title. I read the "Sage of Burnt Njal" in college, and it is a good read., especially if you want to understand how the Sword Worlders might carry on.