"The ship is built at TL12 using a modular method of construction, the hull is of a close structure configuration and consists of three main areas:
front section -- bridge 20t, 6fib computer/sensors/coms 7.2t, 3fib avionics 2.4t, 1 extra airlock 3t, 1 sickbays 8t, 3 staterooms 12t, 4 triple beam laser turrets as two batteries, 0.5t cargo
sub total 57.1t
note - without the carried craft or modules the ship is only 800t, hence the 20t bridge.
central section -- 800t worth of mission specific modules + grapples for a ship's boat and a cutter (30+50) 24t
standard load = 400t fuel module(contains a 12t purification plant and of 388t fuel), 100t crew module(25 staterooms),+ 300t remaining
sub total 824t
aft/engineering section -- jump2 62.4t 41.6EP, maneuver2 104t 41.6 EP, TL9pp producing 205EP 307.5t, 3 staterooms 12t, 120t docking grapple for 400t fuel skimmer, 1 extra airlock 3t, engineering shop 6t, 4 triple beam laser turrets as two batteries 4t
sub total 618.9t
note - jump 2 requires 416t of fuel
Built into the spine of the ship is a factor 3 meson gun 100t 200 EP
note - the ship cannot fire the meson gun at full power unless it doesn't use its maneuver drive. Kind referees may allow a low powered shot at factor 2 for only 150EPs and still maneuver, or a factor 1 shot for 100EPs and keep agility 2 as well.
When docked the ancillary craft may add their EPs to the ship total.
Total 2080t."
Copy pasted from the original to avoid thread necromancy, not my work.
Like I said earlier, the central section is missing grapples, but if we use the tne stats for unstreamlined grapples the mantas grapple should be 40dt instead of 120dt, leaving 80dt of grapples for the 800 dts of containers in the central section.
Doing the same for the grapples on the ships boat and cutter saves you another 16 dtons.
EDIT; sorry, was asleep there, totaly missed the point, sorry, I haven't seen them in classic stats.
At least putting the T20 stats here may save someone a search....