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T20 best by?

Sir Brad

Ok T20 has droped on DrivethruRPG, they want almost 30 OZ Bucks (28 & change) for the Core rules PDF, but after Conversion and P&H I estimate the DC-ROM will set me back around 60 OZ Bucks (more with a 2nd disk I want to order at the same time) and take me 2-6 weeks to arrive (after I order it next pay along with a replacement JTAS since my last one went missing after being on lone).

looks like the collected core book isn't on the CD-Rom, has it got some odds and ends that don't show up in the components on the CD-Rom that make it worth having once it's served it's purpose of tiding me over till my CD-Rom can arrive? (that's if we again experiment with T20)

I'm about two thirds of the way through my pay cycle and the PDF will eat up most of whats left of my entertainment budget.

Suggest T20 lite as a starter. Fighting ships of the Solomani Confederation is free. This will atleast get you started.

I find the Core rulebook is tempting as well, but at $30AU can wait.
Ok T20 has droped on DrivethruRPG, they want almost 30 OZ Bucks (28 & change) for the Core rules PDF, but after Conversion and P&H I estimate the DC-ROM will set me back around 60 OZ Bucks (more with a 2nd disk I want to order at the same time) and take me 2-6 weeks to arrive (after I order it next pay along with a replacement JTAS since my last one went missing after being on lone).

looks like the collected core book isn't on the CD-Rom, has it got some odds and ends that don't show up in the components on the CD-Rom that make it worth having once it's served it's purpose of tiding me over till my CD-Rom can arrive? (that's if we again experiment with T20)

I'm about two thirds of the way through my pay cycle and the PDF will eat up most of whats left of my entertainment budget.

The 3-volume version of the PDFs is the same content, save for errata, as the single-volume version. And it's numbered the same, even.