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T20 Cover (Print Version)

Very nice, but I have a question Hunter. Forgive me if this has already been mentioned in the T20 Lite discussion but I have had no time to take a look at the book since downloading it or even scan the threads on the feedeback. Does this mean you will be printing a run of T20 Lite? Sounds like a neat idea, might be great advertising and could bring in more players.

Dan "far-trader" Burns
While it looks good as a cover, I wonder about the idea of doing a print run. It can't be cheap to do a run of 60 page books considering that the G:T planet surveys were 32 pages and cost $7 USD. I really don't think that this would be worth $14 to a prospective player. (Checks cover pdf) Ok, make that $12.

The rules are extreamly limited by what you are able to play as I've mentioned elsewhere on this board. In essence this is like a copy of the 3rd edition PHB that only lets you play clerics. While there are some for whom that won't be a problem, it will be for quite a few others. I really can't see these doing anything but gather dust on either a store shelf or a collectors bookshelf - and niether end gets you any new players. For it to have any value to the T20 line, IMHO and all that, it needs to be either free or have an essentially nominal price. Even a huge print run selling out wouldn't allow for that.

You're already giving the impression of being an extreamly expensive line. Yes, I understand your POV, but the sticker shock is going to be real and intense. Charging for this will only make this impression worse.

I really think you should keep this electronic only. If you must print some, use them as give aways at Cons and charge back the costs to advertising. In that case, do leave the price on the cover as it helps people believe their getting that much more - much as many catalogs have a price that is almost never actually charged for them.

As always, YMWV.

(I do wish this system had a spell checker... )
1) Lite is being printed, and yes just in time for GenCon ;)

2) At GenCon, we will 'sell' Lite for $6.00, but if you pre-order T20, you'll get it for free.

3) Our plan after the con is to make them available (free in limited quantities) to retailers to help promote and sell the main book.

4) As for the line being expensive, the main book is high in total price, but compared in size and material to other lines, T20 is much cheaper per page.

Originally posted by hunter:
1) Lite is being printed, and yes just in time for GenCon ;)

2) At GenCon, we will 'sell' Lite for $6.00, but if you pre-order T20, you'll get it for free.

Very cool! Now, can my imaginary friend pick up a real complimentry pre-order fan copy at GenCon or do I have to accompany "it"? Or did you mean for pre-order sales at Gen-Con? I don't trust "it" with money anymore

Alternatively will you be selling 'any' anywhere but GenCon?

Dan "far-trader" Burns
Originally posted by far-trader:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by hunter:
1) Lite is being printed, and yes just in time for GenCon ;)

2) At GenCon, we will 'sell' Lite for $6.00, but if you pre-order T20, you'll get it for free.

Very cool! Now, can my imaginary friend pick up a real complimentry pre-order fan copy at GenCon or do I have to accompany "it"? Or did you mean for pre-order sales at Gen-Con? I don't trust "it" with money anymore

Alternatively will you be selling 'any' anywhere but GenCon?

Dan "far-trader" Burns
</font>[/QUOTE]The free Lite copy is a GenCon special only, and there won't be a discounted price. So those who managed to pre-order before we closed the discount (see my other recent posts on this), you still got the best deal around!

As for selling it elsewhere, we might. I want to see what we come back with from GenCon, and what kind of levels we'll need for retailers first.

It mentions on the back that more is available on the CotI website and webzine.

Shouldn't you have put the website on the back cover. Preferably prominently. That way it sticks in peoples minds.