These are my T20 house rules. [Reasons for the rule are in square brackets.]
I'm curious to see what other people use.
· You may re-roll up to four dice during chargen. You always take the newest roll, even if it’s worse than the previous. [This is meant to let players get roughly the character they want. E.g re-roll enlistment/commission/promotion if you want a navy officer, DEX and enlistment for a sniper, mustering out benfits for a rich git, etc.]
· I’ll usually waive rules about career and class eligibility if it fits the backstory, e.g. to allow a rogue/mercenary. [T20 is a bit weird in places.]
· You can start play with up to 20% of your skill points unspent, and spend them during the first couple of sessions. [Allows some leeway against “picking the wrong skills”.]
· I give half the normal XP, and always treat you as level 4 for the purposes of “200 XP/level” type awards. Characters level slowly, and the rate gradually decreases. However, every so often you can take points off “forgotten” skills and move them to “new” skills. I also allow this swapping with feats. [The aim is to shift the emphasis from “character advancement” to “character development”.]
· Psionics don’t really happen in my games. None of the PCs have psionic abilities. There are psions in the setting -- I haven’t un-invented the Zhodani -- but you never meet any. [If I wanted magic, I’d play D&D.]
· Laser weapons and PSUs lose 10% of their weight per TL after introduction. At TL = intro+3, PSUs can be built into the weapon rather than needing a cable.
· Ignore the rules about telescopic sights getting knocked out of alignment. [They're nonsense.]
· Shipping fees are charged partly by distance, so for a dton of bulk freight it’s Cr 500/trip + 500/parsec rather than 1000/trip. Other passenger/shipping charges split similarly. [J1 to J4 can turn a fairly similar profit at PC tonnages.]
· Armour Class affects attack rolls with fists/swords/bows etc -- as per the usual D20 abstraction, you’re rolling to make a useful hit. But it does not affect attack rolls for firearms -- with these you’re rolling to hit, period, and armour just gives damage reduction. Exception: chameleon armour always modifies attack rolls. [Goal: makes combat deadlier overall, increases the gap between firearms and melee weapons, encourages stealthy types.]
· All ship computers can run all the computer programs in the THB concurrently, and they are installed free as a matter of course. A TL9+ computer can do any number crunching or signal processing the players care to dream up. [I think no explanation is necessary.]
· I use fractional BAB and fractional saving throws. [Avoids weird multiclassing artefacts.]
· Redefined Martial Training feat: Characters are eligible if they have STR and DEX 12+ or if they have completed one term in the Army/Barbarian/Marine/Mercenary/Navy/Scout careers. It raises BAB by 0.25 per level for every level held in classes which do not grant +1.0 BAB/level. [T20 version lags on three levels out of four.]
· In some games: Ships depreciate 0.9% of present value per year on a reducing balance method. A ship may be leased for three times its depreciation; the operator gains no equity in the ship and returns it at the end of the lease. [Payments are lower than the normal hire-purchase scheme, but there’s no ship ownership jackpot at the end. This suits players who actually want to play merchants, rather than playing merchants who are forced into adventuring.]
· Special PBEM rule: Coffee, food, clothes and hair are not central concerns. You will not address them at length in every other post.
I'm curious to see what other people use.
· You may re-roll up to four dice during chargen. You always take the newest roll, even if it’s worse than the previous. [This is meant to let players get roughly the character they want. E.g re-roll enlistment/commission/promotion if you want a navy officer, DEX and enlistment for a sniper, mustering out benfits for a rich git, etc.]
· I’ll usually waive rules about career and class eligibility if it fits the backstory, e.g. to allow a rogue/mercenary. [T20 is a bit weird in places.]
· You can start play with up to 20% of your skill points unspent, and spend them during the first couple of sessions. [Allows some leeway against “picking the wrong skills”.]
· I give half the normal XP, and always treat you as level 4 for the purposes of “200 XP/level” type awards. Characters level slowly, and the rate gradually decreases. However, every so often you can take points off “forgotten” skills and move them to “new” skills. I also allow this swapping with feats. [The aim is to shift the emphasis from “character advancement” to “character development”.]
· Psionics don’t really happen in my games. None of the PCs have psionic abilities. There are psions in the setting -- I haven’t un-invented the Zhodani -- but you never meet any. [If I wanted magic, I’d play D&D.]
· Laser weapons and PSUs lose 10% of their weight per TL after introduction. At TL = intro+3, PSUs can be built into the weapon rather than needing a cable.
· Ignore the rules about telescopic sights getting knocked out of alignment. [They're nonsense.]
· Shipping fees are charged partly by distance, so for a dton of bulk freight it’s Cr 500/trip + 500/parsec rather than 1000/trip. Other passenger/shipping charges split similarly. [J1 to J4 can turn a fairly similar profit at PC tonnages.]
· Armour Class affects attack rolls with fists/swords/bows etc -- as per the usual D20 abstraction, you’re rolling to make a useful hit. But it does not affect attack rolls for firearms -- with these you’re rolling to hit, period, and armour just gives damage reduction. Exception: chameleon armour always modifies attack rolls. [Goal: makes combat deadlier overall, increases the gap between firearms and melee weapons, encourages stealthy types.]
· All ship computers can run all the computer programs in the THB concurrently, and they are installed free as a matter of course. A TL9+ computer can do any number crunching or signal processing the players care to dream up. [I think no explanation is necessary.]
· I use fractional BAB and fractional saving throws. [Avoids weird multiclassing artefacts.]
· Redefined Martial Training feat: Characters are eligible if they have STR and DEX 12+ or if they have completed one term in the Army/Barbarian/Marine/Mercenary/Navy/Scout careers. It raises BAB by 0.25 per level for every level held in classes which do not grant +1.0 BAB/level. [T20 version lags on three levels out of four.]
· In some games: Ships depreciate 0.9% of present value per year on a reducing balance method. A ship may be leased for three times its depreciation; the operator gains no equity in the ship and returns it at the end of the lease. [Payments are lower than the normal hire-purchase scheme, but there’s no ship ownership jackpot at the end. This suits players who actually want to play merchants, rather than playing merchants who are forced into adventuring.]
· Special PBEM rule: Coffee, food, clothes and hair are not central concerns. You will not address them at length in every other post.