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T20 Lite Final Posted


Ancient - Absent Friend
I just posted the final PDF version of T20 Lite. Currently it is a PDF of the printed version and is not tweaked specifically for screen or printing. I'll try to get those versions available after T20 is at the printer.

Also available for those who might want a copy is a nice printed version for $6.00 + shipping. A note however, you might want to check with your FLGS first and see if they have any copies. We are planning to make them available free to game stores as promotional items. I will ask that if you already have pre-ordered T20 or are planning to get it, try to leave the copies of Lite your game store might have, for other folks who haven't yet made up their minds.

If your game store doesn't have some copies, tell them to get in touch with us for details.

I'll be closing up this forum in the next couple of days, so if you have any comments or questions about T20 Lite, please begin posting them in the main T20 forum. Thanks!

I have reviewed the T20 Lite Final product and see that the issued I raised with the playtest hasn't been addressed.

This issue is "Natural Stamina Healing" on page 44, the second sentence still doesn't read correctly. The part I'm referring to is: ... to heal 1 point of Stamina, that it takes the character to recover a single Stamina Point. Shouldn't this be: ... to heal 1 point of Stamina. (remove the rest of the sentence.)

My second point here is that a character with a non-negative CON modifier gets a level multiplier but it looks as if the negative CON modifier doesn't. Is this correct? I'm bring this up again in hopes that the full version of T20 can be corrected before it's printed.

Originally posted by Stephen Herron:
There's something up with the armor table too, the headers look wrong...
Nice catch. The top two lines in the header are shifted over one column to the left, probably because the first column has text only on the bottom line.