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T20 Second Printing


Does anyone know when the 2nd printing of the T20 Traveller's Handbook is scheduled to be shipped? Last I heard, it is scheduled to come out some time this month. I want to get my FLGS to order a a copy for me, and it would help to know when to expect it.
Originally posted by Gabe:
Does anyone know when the 2nd printing of the T20 Traveller's Handbook is scheduled to be shipped? Last I heard, it is scheduled to come out some time this month. I want to get my FLGS to order a a copy for me, and it would help to know when to expect it.
We are waiting to get word from the printer on the ship date.

Will al the Erratta be "cleaned" up???
Well, I was once told (by people here) T20 would be released August 15. Now, we are August 22, and while T20 is indicated as "In Stock", it's impossible to order it either here, or on Amazon, or at Gameslore.ltd. Well, has anyone the info on when the book is shipped ?

I can't wait to buy this book !!!!!
Just click the link to the Home page below the title bar above and have a look at the article "Adversity Builds Character" for the latest. In fact though this page (the forums) is my first stop too I find the latest news and other goodies are often on the Home page so its good to have a look there once a day too.
Thanks for the info. So, if I understand well (after having read the "rant"), the book will be available around the 5th of September. Then, with shipping to various places, but probably not to France, I will have to order it online, so I can expect to get it next month, the 20th september at best.

Well, okay, lets wait.
One of the players in my group said he recieved a response and the books should be back from the printer by the 19th and then shipped after that.

Hunter, any confirmation? I know my new group has four hungry purchases ready to be executed or this print run. :D
Patience, remember the first printing had all kinds of delays and we all survived. When the second printing hits the "stands" we will all forget about this delay.
Originally posted by Havocatalyst:
Patience, remember the first printing had all kinds of delays and we all survived. When the second printing hits the "stands" we will all forget about this delay.
Amen to that, Havocatalyst. Amen to that.

Paul Nemeth
Just in time for our new campaign in the Tampa Florida area!
I assume we will be able to order these online as soon as possible?
Or do we have to go through a retailer?
Can't wait to get it! :)