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T5 Adventures: Twlight's Peak


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
Adventure 3: Twilight's Peak

: A search for a lost starship gets caught up in bigger things...


Characters. Legacy or pre-generated crew need their skill levels upgraded. The quickest way to do this is like so:

 CT   T5     
 -- -------
 0  1     
 1  2 and 3  
 2  4 and 5  
 3  6 and 7  
 4  8 and 9
After that, the T5 task system can be used.

Far Trader. The ship can be used as-is, since Book 2 starships are ACS starships of DOARN quality (Design Only As Really Necessary).

Map and Starchart. The map can be used as-is. Also the starchart can be used as-is; if trade is a serious pursuit, however, updated stats from Travellermap are needed.

Animal Encounters. Animals and animal encounter tables can be used as-is, since Book 3 animals are T5 animals of DOARN* quality (Design Only As Really Necessary).

Fancy Artifacts. The fancy artifacts from Twlight's Peak are in the Traveller5 Core Rules equipment list (but that's not needed to run the adventure).

Droyne. The Droyne character creation mini-system at the end of the adventure should be replaced by a T5 Droyne character creation card. A draft of this is attached to this post.

Note. [FONT=arial,helvetica]DOARN, Design Only As Really Necessary: This means, when preparing for a game, budget your time with the toolsets to the degree that the players and adventure requires. For example, when Designing a starship, what you need to know about it depends on its use: you might only need to know (up front) its jump capability, number of staterooms, and cargo hold size.[/FONT]


  • T5 Sophont Creation Card - Droyne - 2013-05-10 1545h.doc
    104 KB · Views: 17
Last edited:
Map and Starchart. The map can be used as-is. Also the starchart can be used as-is; if trade is a serious pursuit, however, updated stats from Travellermap are needed.
Don't forget to change Regina's TL to 12 (space 13). :D

Also, depending on your players, you may need to figure out why, 700 years ago, the Octagon Society happened to build their shelter slam bang on top of the 300,000 year old Ancient base and why those coyn pictograms were put on the shelter's foundation. (Sheer coincidence? I sincerely doubt it.)
