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T5 Combat Band-Aid

For those of you running T5 games, trying to make sense of the combat system and waiting for the upcoming combat update, I have a suggestion. Rather, two suggestions....

Plug in T4

If you like a more loose CT type of game, look to T4 for inspiration. The task system is almost the exact same as that used in T5. It does, indeed, have a bit of a Classic Traveller feel. But, it should suit your needs nicely up and until an update for T5 comes out.

Sure, you'll have a couple of decisions to make (do I use the T4 armor system after a hit is made, or do I use the T5 system), but most of the work is done for you. You've got a pretty good combat system just waiting to be used in your T5 game.

Plug in TNE

T5 seems to be about the "crunch". The more I learn about the game, the more it reminds me of TNE. Ironically, the combat system provided in T5 is very loose to interpretation and abstract. It doesn't seem to fit the rest of the rules, imo.

I've put in a suggestion to Marc that the TNE combat system be adapted to fit T5. Sure, it's a bit more work than adapting the T4 system, but, for the most part, the TNE system will work just fine. Both games use a lower is better system.

For example, when I look at Brawling Combat in TNE (that's CT's term for melee combat), I see eight different options. Melee combat cannot start unless the two combatants are within 2 meters of each other, and the combatant has a choice of a hand strike or a kick, a leaping kick, a throw, a diving blow, a grapple or escape or strangle.

THAT feels like T5, to me. Lots of simulated crunch.

If a defender is hit, then he is allowed to attempt to block the attack. A successful block means that there is no damage from the Melee attack, but a character who blocks also uses one of his allotted combat actions for the round. Except, when a special success is made on the Block task, then the Block is not counted against the character's actions for the round.

Yeah, that really sounds like what I would expect in T5. I think it's a lot better than the useless (imo) Brawling tasks given in T5 under the Fighting skill.

I haven't done an extensive analysis, but by just eyeballing it, it looks like this Melee system could fit easily into the T5 game.

The TNE task to make a Hand Strike or a Kick is Difficult: Unarmed Martial Arts. I believe you could easily just substitute the equivalent T5 task of 3D < C + S.

The TNE task to Block a successful Melee attack against you is Formidable Unarmed Martial Arts. Again, just substitute the T5 task of
4D < C + S.

You'll need to make some choices when it comes to damage. Although the damage done by TNE weapons look to do about the same as that from T5 weapons, I'd just use the TNE equipment (for combat system consistency) and forget the makers until the T5 combat update appears.

I know you'll need to make some choices when it comes to burst and auto weapons fire as TNE has the player rolling one die per bullet fired. You'll need to fix this using the T5, T4, or your own task fix. But, it's not an insurmountable problem.

TNE Fire Combat discusses options for Aimed Shots, Electronic Sights, Recoil, AutoFire, Movement and Fire, different ammo types (like High Explosive rounds), and does have an ammo tracking system.

Again, THAT sounds like what I would expect from a T5 combat system.

I think the answer to T5's combat problems lie in the pages of TNE. IT's a well thought out and game tested system. Just convert it to T5, and you've got an exceptional combat system to use in your T5 games.
I found the T4 retrofit of components to be the easiest thing to do.

I used the Emperor's Arsenal book for the group for them to select weapons anyways.