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T5 Status, 9/30/14


First, a personal note... Marc asked me to do this weekly, and I've gotten very far behind.

On 7/22, I had gastric bypass surgery. Three years ago, I had a quadruple bypass, and I weighed 356 in July. Low energy, circulation problems, and numerous other diabetic and blood pressure issues.

Today, I've lost over 70 pounds, but (other than Asian foods) I have real trouble keeping food down. Food was a social activity for me, and now I don't know if what I eat will send me running out of the room. I've discovered a number of restaurants where I cannot go in, because the smell makes me sick.

So I'm VERY behind at the moment. And now working to catch up. IF you think there's something I missed that needs to be brought to my attention, my e-mail is don.mckinney@gmail.com.

First, you've all hopefully seen Imperiallines 6. The restart of Imperiallines is envisioned as both a method for explaining and refining T5, and for expanding the OTU. Rob's serving as editor, with lots of help.

Marc's working on the T5 combat update. He and I discussed that yesterday. I hope to have a new update for the reviewers by the start of next week.

Lots of activity with Mongoose, although I'm not in a position to make any of that public. It should be a good Traveller Christmas this year.

And I hope to have more info next Monday.

If we've learned anything in the last 37 years, it's that Traveller is a lifelong work in progress. While we truly appreciate your dedication to Traveller and our community, please make sure you take care of YOU first. Traveller will officially evolve when it officially evolves.

I had my gallbladder removed a little over a year ago, and I've had a lot of problems eating. Evidently, with most patients, gallbladder removal is hardly noticed. I'm part of the lucky minority that experience digestion problems.

What I'm trying to say is that, I feel for you, man. Hang in there.

For me, with time, it's gotten better. I hope the same for you.
please make sure you take care of YOU first.

^ This. I find Don to be useful, a good person, not a whiner, assertive but not aggressive, handy to have on either side of an argument -- he knows the proper way to debate a topic is to understand both sides, and he doesn't take it personally.

It's more important for you to rest and recover, Don. Take that as advice from a cranky and nervous editor.
A question to THE POWERS THAT BE:

Does this imply that the corrections/updates to T5 (such as fixing personal combat) are only going to be offered thru Imperiallines?
A question to THE POWERS THAT BE:

Does this imply that the corrections/updates to T5 (such as fixing personal combat) are only going to be offered thru Imperiallines?

NO SIR. Imperiallines is a support-Traveller5-by-example thing. It's not even necessarily bound to the OTU.
please make sure you take care of YOU first.

Seconded from me too.

It’s a fact that “s*** happens” and I’m just glad that DonM, et al, are still here. But given peoples’ ongoing RL time commitments and health issues and whatnot, and given the progress made todate, do the powers that be have any kind of a feel yet for when we might see the personal combat changes? Are we talking “before Christmas” or “by next year’s spring break” or what? (Just so I can maintain my own expectations.)
Thanks to everyone who has expressed their good wishes. I've started with the basics (CT errata catchup)....

NO SIR. Imperiallines is a support-Traveller5-by-example thing. It's not even necessarily bound to the OTU.

And I cannot agree with Rob enough here. Imperiallines is not meant as a route for errata or rule updates. It's definitely a path for examples. And there will be some non-OTU examples of using the T5 rules as we work through them.
NO SIR. Imperiallines is a support-Traveller5-by-example thing. It's not even necessarily bound to the OTU.


Thanks to everyone who has expressed their good wishes. I've started with the basics (CT errata catchup)....

And I cannot agree with Rob enough here. Imperiallines is not meant as a route for errata or rule updates. It's definitely a path for examples. And there will be some non-OTU examples of using the T5 rules as we work through them.

Thank you, gentlemen. Consider me reassured.
Thanks to everyone who has expressed their good wishes. I've started with the basics (CT errata catchup)....

And I cannot agree with Rob enough here. Imperiallines is not meant as a route for errata or rule updates. It's definitely a path for examples. And there will be some non-OTU examples of using the T5 rules as we work through them.

glad to hear from you. hope to see you around more. if there is anything i can do to help feel free to email/text/call etc.
Hemdian said:
[FONT=arial,helvetica]It’s a fact that “s*** happens” and I’m just glad that DonM, et al, are still here. But given peoples’ ongoing RL time commitments and health issues and whatnot, and given the progress made todate, do the powers that be have any kind of a feel yet for when we might see the personal combat changes? Are we talking “before Christmas” or “by next year’s spring break” or what? (Just so I can maintain my own expectations.)

We could ask a certain Universe author the same thing... ;)
It’s a fact that “s*** happens” and I’m just glad that DonM, et al, are still here. But given peoples’ ongoing RL time commitments and health issues and whatnot, and given the progress made todate, do the powers that be have any kind of a feel yet for when we might see the personal combat changes? Are we talking “before Christmas” or “by next year’s spring break” or what? (Just so I can maintain my own expectations.)

I don't give out dates. That's always been a personal rule. Sorry.

When Marc gives me the next update for the reviewers, I'll have the reviewers give me their thoughts and summarize.

I do know that once the reviewers approve, it will appear here on COTI.

But again, no dates.
I don't give out dates. That's always been a personal rule. Sorry.

Which is why I explicitly didn't ask for a date, just a general feeling without commitment. Presumably, there is a sense of how much progress has been made, if any?
I know real progress has been made. The reviewers were much happier with the last pass, but they all want the next one tomorrow. :CoW:
Health and wellbeing should be a/the top priority. I wish you well, but saying things like "prayers be with you" is very out of character for me and it ultimately does nothing. But I am hoping there is an abundance of positivity moving forward.

That being said, whilst I am relatively new to Traveller (Anything less than 20 years working experience seems "new" sometimes!!"), I want to offer what ever skills and effort I can to help you. I'm not a gear head, or a math genius, and you have your trusted proofreaders and testers. But like many who are not saying it, the offer is there. Even if it is simple stuff like 'not shitting up the forums with fluffy-bubblegum-feel-good posts'!!! (You know what I mean!) :file_21:
Don, best wishes from me as well, in this rough patch. Health problems like that tend to dominate your life, and this community understands.

I haven't been on CoTI (or playing any RPGs since I last updated my blog! - arrgh! RL) but I really loved Imperial Lines and bought it when I saw it. Great idea. Already the examples are bringing out the idea that the T5 universe is teeming with alien life. Love the detail in referencing previous publications as well.

Looking forward to updates, but as others have said, please take care of your health first!