Would this be something you may use?
Membership based (including free passes) Day Pass/Monthly/semi-annual/annual and maybe bi-annual. Rates will be reasonable and paid members get special exclusives/discounts/and secret prize drawings.
Provide Space to host and play your favorite game (Magic, D&D, Traveller, Monopoly, Yatzee, Munchin, Whatever...)
Promote game of the month, (Raffle for Core rules book or Starter pack or New Supplement, etc...)
Have a cafe/Coffee Bar like setting, with a good source of Doritos, Mountain Dew, Subs and other items our moms would prefer...maybe :CoW:
This idea came to me for a few reasons. I could possible create my own job. also, I have a lack of space to host a game, a lack of gammer contacts presntly , plus it is a place where we could all come together, in a comfortable, safe place with other games we may like to try with out spending hundreds of dollars on a system no-one really likes.
Membership based (including free passes) Day Pass/Monthly/semi-annual/annual and maybe bi-annual. Rates will be reasonable and paid members get special exclusives/discounts/and secret prize drawings.
Provide Space to host and play your favorite game (Magic, D&D, Traveller, Monopoly, Yatzee, Munchin, Whatever...)

Promote game of the month, (Raffle for Core rules book or Starter pack or New Supplement, etc...)

Have a cafe/Coffee Bar like setting, with a good source of Doritos, Mountain Dew, Subs and other items our moms would prefer...maybe :CoW:
This idea came to me for a few reasons. I could possible create my own job. also, I have a lack of space to host a game, a lack of gammer contacts presntly , plus it is a place where we could all come together, in a comfortable, safe place with other games we may like to try with out spending hundreds of dollars on a system no-one really likes.

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