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Taking the 1981 LBB's back to 1977

My first Traveller set was the 1981 Deluxe boxed set, and I am a huge fan of that set. Recently, there have been some great blogs written about the glories of the 1977 original version, and I was fascinated. Don't get me wrong, I like the early 3rd Imperium stuff just fine, especially the Spinward Marches, but the blogs and discussions got me wondering if I could use my beloved 1981 LBB's to replicate a 1977 game. It turns out not to be that difficult, really. The biggest changes in 1981 seem to have been communication routes, starship encounters, and travel zones. My Notes are in the Google doc linked below. I'd be happy for any input or corrections.

Thanks for that, WW. A little analysis goes a long way, and understanding how Traveller evolved in those first five years shows us not only the authors' visions, but also alternate could-have-been rules that are fun to use, and fun to develop.