3. Registration Number :______________________________________________
4. Ship Type__________________ 5. Builder __________________________
6. Homeworld __ __ __ __ __ __ __ -- __ 7. Laid Down: _______
8. First Flight ________ 9. Cost ( new) ________________ 10 Occupation __________
11a Hull Tonnage ________ Standard ___ Custom __ 11 b. Streamlined? Yes __ No__
11c. Max Atmosphere ___ 12 Acceleration ______ 13. Jump ___
14. Power Plant ________________ 15. Cargo ( in tons) _________________
16. Staterooms ____ 17. Low Berths ____ 18. Full Crew ___ 19. Minimum Crew ____
20. Ship’s Vehicles (describe)
21. Crew Manifest ( List names, UPPs, Skills, salaries for all crew members)
22. Owner (include full particulars on owner, whether present or not )
Aboard __ Absent ___
23.a. Ship Computer Model ______________ 23 b. PP total/max _______
23 c. Mass_____________ 23 d. Value__________________
24. Computer Programs (note those programs available)
Name Rtn PP KCr name rtn PP Kcr
□Anti/missile def 2 1 □ auto/evade def 1 5
□ ecm def 3 4 □ return fire def 1 5+ 50cr pt
□ double fire off 4 4 □gunner interact off 1 1
□ predict off 2 7.5 □ select off 1 3
□ weapon systems off 1 4 □ anti hijack opns 1 1
□ generate opns 1 8 □ jump___ opns ___ __
□ library data misc 1 3 □ master misc 5 5
□ server misc 3 25 □ valet misc 2 3
□ personality ui 1 10 □ etiquette ui 5 50
□ Lang ______ ui 5 1 □ Lang _____ ui 5 1
□ Skill _______ misc _ __ □ Skill_______ ui __ __
25. Turrets (list turrets by hard point; indicate weaponry fitted)
27. Ship’s Locker (inventory contents)
28. Annual Maintenance ( indicate date and location of last performance)