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TAS Access Terminal version 3 released


After three years of rewriting, porting, converting, etc. I have completed version 3 of the Travellers' Aid Society Access Terminal. The history of the evolution of this program spans from 1982 to 2018, five different programming languages, multiple platforms, etc. The iteration for version 3 is a 32-bit Microsoft Windows application. It installs over 4,500 files and requires at least 230MB of hard drive space. It utilizes OpenGl 1.4, Microsoft .NET 4.5 and 2010 c++ runtime libraries (installed during installation). And has a ton of original artwork.

There is an 86-page user manual which has extensive screenshots and use information.

You can download the TASAT application, manuals, sourcecode, etc. from my TASAT page:


I hope you and your players find use and enjoy my labor of love/hate, multi-decade, project.
So far, so good. It needs to switch the video resolution back to the original setting when exiting full-window mode. Otherwise, it's left in 1024x768 res.
So far, so good. It needs to switch the video resolution back to the original setting when exiting full-window mode. Otherwise, it's left in 1024x768 res.
I did notice that happen on one of the machines I tested it on. I will continue to see how to improve return resolution. You can always launch in window mode if it causes a problem. Thanks for the feedback.
I did notice that happen on one of the machines I tested it on. I will continue to see how to improve return resolution. You can always launch in window mode if it causes a problem. Thanks for the feedback.

Check at startup, save in a novel variable, then reset upon exit and in the onerr routine for fatal errors.
full screen fixed

I believe I have solved the sync issue. I have uploaded a revised version that when you select full screen, it presents you with a menu to select resolution and start. On exit, the original Windows desktop returns with correct resolution.