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TDX/EMP effect?


On page 205, TDX is stated to be "a gravitationally polarized explosive." How exactly is this acheived? If gravitational waves or electrical fields are used to accomplish this, does a small EMP effect take place within a certain radius? Perhaps it is more accomplished along the line of a conventional Claymore mine?

If an EMP is generated, what would be considered a reasonable radius of effect; 10,100,1000 meters?

How does blast damage and Range increments work? Page 155 state some of the rules, but range increment for an explosive still causes some confusion in our group. How do the damage dice/saving throws change based on the range increment? Would placing an explosive in an object which would be destroyed (ie, a car) create more or less damage to surrounding people? (shrapnel verses unimpeeded explosive effect)

As you can see, I have a lot of questions!

All I know is that our group is bleeding from the ears,below half our lifeblood, and dragging our dying buddy through a recently "de-urbanized" area while avoiding the remains of the local bomb squad! :(

...and you should try to see what is left of the two car thieves that tried to steal our car after someone planted the bombs!!
Hello Aravain.
TDX is only a normal chemical explosive so there is no EMP.
The explosion is at 90' to the local grav field (parallel to the ground), if there is no local grav field i quess it explodes like a normal bomb.
I assume there is only two range bands (full damage and half damage).
At all damage ranges its a standard save V's reflex only one save per bang, if you save you take half of the damage at that range, if you fail you take full damage (remember armour removes damage from lifeblood but not from stamina).
If you put a bomb in an object the object will soak some of the blast damage but shrapnel will only hurt the same as the blast will, Though dragging someone around with a piece of steel in them is not going to do them any good, maybe 1 dice of soakable damage per round from moving with frag in you.
Frag grenaids are not very efficient but concussion grenaids are better.
I assume you have put a bandaid on the injured player.
Poor car thieves they probably came from a broken home and where drug users and where abused as children.
Hope this helps, but probably not if the DM's out to get you.
Originally posted by stofsk:
What does TDX stand for? It's not in the PHB.
I don't recall where TDX made it's debut or if it had an official definition of the name. It could be some chemical shorthand, a trademark label, or an acronym. Maybe short for "gravity field Tangentially Directed eXplosive device" or something.

As for the first question in the past we've used it as a plastic and cord explosive (very handy for cutting down things like trees, poles, etc., in a hurry) but my thinking over the past several years is it must have some kind of field effect going on to make it work. Probably nothing more than standard plastic explosives sandwiched between a contra-gravity plate (available at TL9 as TDX is listed) and small single use (duh ;) ) battery to power the CG for the fraction of a second needed. Outside of a strong gravity field they would perform just like conventional explosives with some shrapnel effects from the useless CG plate and battery. In this form I see them primarily employed as a future version of a Valmara-69 land mine (aka Bouncing Betty). The BB version used a spring to pop-up when triggered and explode at about eye level in a spray of shrapnel. The TDX version utilizes the CG to pop-up and dispenses with the shrapnel, instead using the CG field focused explosion in a relatively clean decapitation effect.
Wow! Two CG plates with area effect of 12 meters,special chemical explosive,extremely powerful battery, and detonater for only Cr150!! Now, THAT'S a bargin!

Ah well, it's not like Traveller is really a "hard" Sci-fi RPG. ;)

At least that's the best answer we've got to run with, so until it gets "disproved", our group will consider it as "Canon-lite".

Thank you for your help!
No problem Aravain, glad you like it, y'all come back and shop Save n Boom again real soon :D

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TDX appeard in JTAS for CT. It does, in fact, stand for "Two Dimetional eXplosive."

Adn in its original incarnation 90% of the blast force whent into a 45degree wedge... ( perpendicular to gravity direction, plane + & - 22.5 degrees...)

Note that 10% of the energy was spread throughout the rest of the sphere...

Canonical uses include low level ap mines, logging, dynamite fishing, depth charges, etc.