So, you don't think that by TL 15 (the difference between cavemen & us) it wouldn't be solved?
No. Because TL 15 isn't the same as the difference between us and TL 10, even.
When one looks
in detail at the TL tables, the changes in energy density, propulsion tech, weapons tech, and computer tech are high in TL1 to TL8, and slow down drastically between TL10-16. (TL17+ accelerates this again.)
If we were to use a more consistent scaling, TL9 would be unchanged, current TL's 10-13 would be AlternateTL 10, and TL14-16 would be ATL 11, with TL 17+ being reduced by 5 each.
It's a matter of focus. Traveller puts lots of detail into its primary game-emphasis, and makes that emphasis fully 1/4th of the defined technology scale (see TTB, p86-87, or B3, p.14-15... defining TL's to 21; TL 10-15 is 6/21, more than 1/4th).
Note that this isn't only my opinion, either... It matches the GURPS tech scale pretty well.
To give a visual aid:
Rather than: