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CT Only: Template for New Alien Race


I am currently developing a new alien race and wanted to know if there is a general template to assist in making new races. The race I have in mind is similar to a snake or lizard race (old V series), which requires a warm climate due to being cold blooded; our planet’s climate is at the lowest end of acceptable range for this race. In addition, I want their skin to be a little stronger than ours.

So far I have the following:

Lizard Man Race
Skin = Jack armor
Claws = dagger damage
-2 to all dice throws/checks when in cold climate
Given that there were three published levels of detail for aliens in CT (Short LibDat, Contact article, Module) with no real shorthand appearing, you are probably best served by studying the Contact articles for examples of brief but informative prose.

The old Dragon article on random aliens might have had some sort of standard output format, but GDW never adopted it.
T5 has guidelines for creating sophonts and even a template.

I have been experimenting and developing some templates myself. I'd be very happy to chat with you more about it.

Maksim, I began to make note of Mongoose Traveller's alien description system and Traveller5's system, but I think he's specifically going CT-Only on this one.

Given that there were three published levels of detail for aliens in CT (Short LibDat, Contact article, Module) with no real shorthand appearing, you are probably best served by studying the Contact articles for examples of brief but informative prose.

I think Jim is right, here. These three forms are complementary and give us a pretty good guide as to what needs describing.

And I think, in particular, if you set all of the Contact! articles side-by-side, you'd have not only a good idea of the guide, but hints for random tables as a "spur to the imagination".

If I were to go the CT route, I would presume a Universal Alien Profile (UAP) with six to nine elements to it. It could contain a size digit overloaded with atmosphere code; a characteristic "leaning" digit indicating which physical characteristic is stronger and which is weaker; a structural digit (symmetry plus limb groups); a manipulator digit; and three social/cultural digits. Up to five two-letter codes might detail commonly found variations. Additional text would itemize unusual features.

Off the cuff:

Droyne   42-H00K Ps Wi S-1 E-1
Aslan    82-P00S Ag Ca S+1 E+1
Vargr    62-H00C       S-1 D+1
Hiver    85-G00? Cu    S-1 E-1
K'Kree   84-H00K Ag He S+1 E+1
1. SIZE/AIR (2D):
2 - Std (~72kg), Thin Atmo
3 - Small (~50kg), Thin Atmo
4 - Small (~50kg), Std Atmo
5 - Small, Tainted Atmo
6 - Std (~72kg), Std Atmo
7 - Std, Tainted Atmo
8 - Large (~100kg+), Std Atmo
9 - Large, Tainted Atmo
A - Std, Exotic Atmo
B - Large, Exotic Atmo
C - Small, Exotic Atmo

2. STRUCTURE (2D-2):
0 - Radial, multiple limbs/groups
1 - Asymmetric, odd limb groups
2 - Bilateral, two limb groups
3 - Trilateral, three limb groups
4 - Bilateral, more than two limb groups
5 - 5-arm radial
6 - Trilateral, more than two limb groups
7 - 7-arm radial
8 - Bilateral horizontal
9 - Trilateral horizontal
A - Asymmetric Basker/Collector


G - Graspers
H - Hands
P - Dextrous Paws
T - Tentacles

4. SOCIAL-1:

5. SOCIAL-2:

6. SOCIAL-3:
? - Unclassifiable
C - Charismatic
K - Casted
R - Robotic (indicates a Robot "species")
S - Sociocratic?

Ag: Aggressive
Ca: Carnivorous (strict)
Cu: Curious
D+/-N: Dexterity + or -
E+/-N: Endurance + or -
He: Herbivorous (strict)
Lk: Lucky
Ps: Particularly psionic
S+/-N: Strength + or -
Wi: Winged
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Maksim, I began to make note of Mongoose Traveller's alien description system and Traveller5's system, but I think he's specifically going CT-Only on this one.

I think Jim is right, here. These three forms are complementary and give us a pretty good guide as to what needs describing.

And I think, in particular, if you set all of the Contact! articles side-by-side, you'd have not only a good idea of the guide, but hints for random tables as a "spur to the imagination".

Funny you mentioned that. I have been doing exactly that: setting all the Contact articles together, and seeing how they could be laid out into a standard format.

If I were to go the CT route, I would presume a Universal Alien Profile (UAP) with six to nine elements to it. It could contain a size digit overloaded with atmosphere code; a characteristic "leaning" digit indicating which physical characteristic is stronger and which is weaker; a structural digit (symmetry plus limb groups); a manipulator digit; and three social/cultural digits. Up to five two-letter codes might detail commonly found variations. Additional text would itemize unusual features.

Very cool, Rob. UAP. Except Traveller, as rule, doesn't like the alien designator. Use sophont instead.

Universal Sophont Profile (USP).

Off the cuff:

Droyne   42-H00K Ps Wi S-1 E-1
Aslan    82-P00S Ag Ca S+1 E+1
Vargr    62-H00C       S-1 D+1
Hiver    85-G00? Cu    S-1 E-1
K'Kree   84-H00K Ag He S+1 E+1
1. SIZE/AIR (2D):
2 - Std (~72kg), Thin Atmo
3 - Small (~50kg), Thin Atmo
4 - Small (~50kg), Std Atmo
5 - Small, Tainted Atmo
6 - Std (~72kg), Std Atmo
7 - Std, Tainted Atmo
8 - Large (~100kg+), Std Atmo
9 - Large, Tainted Atmo
A - Std, Exotic Atmo
B - Large, Exotic Atmo
C - Small, Exotic Atmo

Very nifty, but the SAH of the UWP has three digits, all of which are important and affect physiology:
* Size: affects gravity which is a very important thing to know.
* Atmosphere: Accounted for.
* Hydrography: Arid-desert creatures are very different from aquatic-oceanic-marine-wet creatures. Important.

2. STRUCTURE (2D-2):
0 - Radial, multiple limbs/groups
1 - Asymmetric, odd limb groups
2 - Bilateral, two limb groups
3 - Trilateral, three limb groups
4 - Bilateral, more than two limb groups
5 - 5-arm radial
6 - Trilateral, more than two limb groups
7 - 7-arm radial
8 - Bilateral horizontal
9 - Trilateral horizontal
A - Asymmetric Basker/Collector

Very clever.


G - Graspers
H - Hands
P - Dextrous Paws
T - Tentacles

Locomotor / manipulator differences and similarities are important.

4. SOCIAL-1:

5. SOCIAL-2:

6. SOCIAL-3:
? - Unclassifiable
C - Charismatic
K - Casted
R - Robotic (indicates a Robot "species")
S - Sociocratic?

Getting a good psychology system would be a great start. I'm working on one right now. The Dandies have been a test case.

I'd like to go with the T5SS codes, which are not well defined from what I have seen.

Ag: Aggressive
Ca: Carnivorous (strict)
Cu: Curious
D+/-N: Dexterity + or -
E+/-N: Endurance + or -
He: Herbivorous (strict)
Lk: Lucky
Ps: Particularly psionic
S+/-N: Strength + or -
Wi: Winged


I am currently developing a new alien race and wanted to know if there is a general template to assist in making new races. The race I have in mind is similar to a snake or lizard race (old V series), which requires a warm climate due to being cold blooded; our planet’s climate is at the lowest end of acceptable range for this race. In addition, I want their skin to be a little stronger than ours.

So far I have the following:

Lizard Man Race
Skin = Jack armor
Claws = dagger damage
-2 to all dice throws/checks when in cold climate

Ok. Lizard Man race:

L-men average x.x m in height and x.x kg in weight.

Anatomy & Physiology

Body Plan
# Semi-humanoid
# Bilateral symmetry (2-ial)
# Tetrapod (4-ped)
## Two limbs used for manipulation "arms"
## Two limbs used for locomotion (biped) "legs"
## Tail
# Body consists of three segments
## Head with sensors and multiple-use orifice (consumption, communication, and respiration)
## Torso with manipulatory "arms"
## Abdomen with locomotor limbs "legs"

L-men have a conventional carbon-water based biochemistry.

L-men use a conventional respiration cycle consisting of:
# Oxygen-nitrogen inhalant
# Carbon dioxide exhalant

Evolution & Environment
No information yet available.
# Developed intelligence in response to X?
# Prefers X environment.
# Prefers hot climate.

No information yet available.

Diet & Trophics[edit]
# Carnivore-hunter
## Poikilotherm
## L-men are content eating fish, amphibian, insects, birds, or other small animals.

Gender & Reproduction
L-men have the following reproductive characteristics::
# 2 genders (male & female)
## Mild sexual dimorphism
# (sexual reproduction)
## Promiscuous mating system
## Reproduces through conjugal intercourse
# Oviparous birth
## (Iteroparous): Uses K-selection and have few offspring that require considerable amounts of time to raise to maturity.

No information yet available.

Special Characteristics
# Hot climate adaptation
# Natural armor
# Natural weapons

Hope that helps.

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I created a random alien species generator in Excel a while back - based on information from lots of canon and non-canon sources - and came up with the following traits to describe each new species:

  • Ecological Stock: Herbivore (Filter, Intermittent, Grazer), Omnivore (Gatherer, Hunter, Eater), Carnivore (Pouncer, Trapper, Chaser, Siren, Killer), Scavenger (Reducer, Hijacker, Intimidator, Carrion-Eater)
  • Class: Avian, Insectile, Mammalian, Reptilian, Hybrid (mix of two), Exotic (something very 'alien')
  • Metabolism: Cold- or Warm-blooded
  • Reproduction: External budding, Live-bearing, Egg–laying
  • Genders: Asexual, Hermaphroditic, 2-8 genders
  • Respiration: Terrestrial, Aquatic
  • Movement: Crawler, Glider, Hopper, Roller, Side-walker, Slitherer, Walker
  • Upper Extremities: 2-4
  • Digits: 1-4 + 'thumb', Grasping forelimbs, Hooked forelimbs, Pincers, Pseudopods, Sensitive Cilia, Suckers, Telekinesis-3
  • Lifespan: 25-200 years
  • Average Height: 50cm to 5m
  • Average Mass: 15kg to 300kg
  • Cultural Lenses: Altruistic, Bureaucratic, Communal, etc.
  • Strength DM: -2 to +2
  • Dexterity DM: -2 to +2
  • Endurance DM: -2 to +2
  • Social Stratification: Caste, Clan / Tribe, Social Standing, Curiosity, Charisma
  • Alien Traits: Claws, Deafness, Enhanced Taste, Keen Eyesight, Low Gravity, No Psionics (Unreadable), Prehensile Tail, Trace Breather, Vacuum Survival, etc.

Not sure how that would fit into a USP but I thought I'd offer it up for consideration.
