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The Backwards Mask


Is everyone familiar with Brunette's proposed TNE trilogy of novels that kicked off with "The Death of Wisdom", continued with "To Dream of Chaos" and was supposed to conclude with "The Backwards Mask?" I know the third novel never got published but was wondering if anyone's run across the manuscript or heard from Paul Brunette on what was supposed to happen? The first two novels are fairly interesting looks at life in the RC and out in the AO: they jump into the whole self-righteous anti-Imperial prejudice with both feet! I was amazed to find protagonist (a remnant scout) confiding that the Kinunir Colonial Cruiser was REALLY designed to brutally supress all the colonial revolts cropping up in that last century of the Imperium! Gosh, I guess that stuff just didn't make it into the TAS reports...
The same question eas posted to the TML years ago. Sadly, nobody ever managed to get hold of that text.

Which is a real pity! I, for one, would be willing to buy a copy.
I seem to recall that there were some iossues aluded to, which pretty much squashed the idea of tracking paul brunette down for the manuscript....
Agree - the third part of that novel would be nice, it would certainly get the older players back on board, and help with new recruits to TNE.

As for the Kinuir suppressing planetary revolts - ha with 30 troops 1 APC, 3 air/rafts and a pinnace they will have fun suppressing a friday night pub fight.

No kidding. A brace of dedicated soccer hooligans could give a Kinunir a run for its money. From the surface, no less. I agree: let's track down this Brunette guy and find out how the series ends.
A very well known TMLer bought the manuscript off of eBay, a few years back. Don't remember the name but who knows if it was authenic or not.

Hopefully, the same person resides on this list...
Don't forget to two big lasers. Plus the missile launchers with 500Mt warheads on each missile, and besides the ships troops are imperial marines and therefore by definition invincible.
More ANti-Imperial eyewarsh!

A kinunir as an anti-colonial/ world platform!!
Talk about forgetting the LBB on the Kinunir's series of ships!

Agreed, a pub fight or two dedicated Hooligans from a Soccer match would give them trouble.

Invincible Imperial Marines? LOL. 30 marines might be enough to quell a squad of trouble makers,
But even Battledress isnae impregnable!
Yeah, you can nuke the planet, but that is sort of throwing the baby out with the bath water. Besides a couple of SDBs would start to give it trouble. So yes we can nuke planets with populations of about 1 million (i.e. no space defence forces) Lot of use!!!

But back to the novel, yes, can we put out a general broadcast? May be on the duty free shop or under random static?

do as you please. However, it's safe to say that QLI doesn't have the cash to print a novel right now, not with so many books in the worlks, and when we do have the cash, well, there are other projectc long, long ahead of that one....
ISTR that there were some serious canon problems with the novels (possibly including weird jump stuff) - I must admit that I wasn't very impressed with the books and would much prefer to see more T20 settings, expansions and (especially) TNE stuff printed first.

All IMHO of course

I will bow to your superior knowledge. I never managed to get hold of them to read. I just hoped they we okay, the rest of the TNE stuff was.

They really weren't all that good IMO, and there were some odd things, like characters staring at Jumpspace.

As line editor and as the author of TNE and Trav fiction, I can safely tell you that we're not really interested in publishing The Backwards Mask in any forseeable future. Quite apart from anything else, I have plenty of fiction of my own to publish first
But, you have to admit that the TNE novels were better than the attempt at T4 fiction: Gateway to the Stars or something like that. Simply comparing it to your own work is just apples and oranges.

I think the TNE was meant as a welcoming card to all those gamers who started in Dragonlance and needed a quick introduction to the Traveller universe. Which by TNE had already got quite complicated.
I wasn't really making a comparison. I didn't think the TNE novels were that good, (one reason not to publish) and I have ficiton waiting to be done (another). The comparison is implicit, but not really the point.
Speaking for most of the rabid TNE fans, we love your fiction and only wish we could see more. But, we are also eager to see how a saga can end...hence, the hope that the last book of the trilogy might redeem itself.

So, don't worry you are the undisputed King of Traveller fiction, at the moment.
(However, if Swycaffer would churn something out for the OTU...)
They certainly were TNE teasers, but stacked vs MJD's first part....hardly pleasers.

Anti-Imperial GDW-DN approved pap/ propaganda.
The characters were too 2D, if ye know what I mean. Sorry. Just MHO, Kafka..
No, they certainly weren't very good novels. Like most poor sci-fi they contained interesting ideas, events and situations but lacked a strong narrative and convincing characters to pull it all together. I found myself skimming for content rather than enjoying the story.

That said, the content (pertaining as it does to TNE) was pretty interesting. We get to see RC cultural chauvanism at its worst: the characters routinely denigrate "zippers" (people who DIDN'T get a free ride from the starfish), patronize anyone from a TL8- society, and make laughable statements about the Imperium. We get an interesting look at Guild operations and conditions in the Wilds. We're also treated to a dissenting (and thus, predictably, villainous) voice in the person of Vega Zorn: the ex-Dawn Leaguer who thinks her ship and the whole League was sold out by a Shadow Nest. I think we even get to meet the Soleeans in the second book, but I don't remember (not a good sign.)

No, they're certainly not great books; however, for me, they're part of the whole TNE package and I would've liked to have known how the trilogy turned out.