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The battle of Emerald


SOC-14 1K
So a new card came in the mail, stating the bearer has been awarded the MCG for Conspicuous Gallentry for actions during "The Final Victory at Emerald." I feel I should know something about this battle. Starting with which war it was in.

During the 5th Frontier war, Emerald, along with Ruby and Lysen were captured by the Zhos in 1108, but I don't know when it was retaken by the Imperium.

Established backstory has the baron being a veteran of the Fourth Frontier War. During the Fifth war, the baron was baron of Lemish and living there far from the action.

Obviously not all cards have to be for the same character, and it turns out that the baron's good friend and head of his huscaleers was back in Spinward during the war.

BTW: Meteoric Assault has done a fantastic job on the medals and ribbons.
Sorry it has been so long since you asked this...
I'm at work so - not supposed to be able to access this board - (bwahahaaah)

But the "easy to reach" data from TAS (as published in the JoTAS) are:

⑆ Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) Date: 023-1110

By TNS Staff Writer

¶ After months of speculation by informed sources, the Admiralty revealed that a major operation to relieve Jewell has been undertaken by combined Imperial and Colonial forces.

¶ No further data is available. Ω


Date: 039-1110 ⑆ Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) Date: 039-1110

By TNS Staff Writer

¶ The public relations office of the Imperial Navy refused to deny or to confirm rumors of Zhodani atrocities against the citizens of Ruby (Spinward Marches 1005) and Emerald (Spinward Marches 1006) during the recent occupation of those worlds. Ω

So, this data suggests:
1) that an attempt to relieve the systems of the Jewell cluster began in mid to late 1109
2) the Operation was largely successful before the end of 1109, allowing for results to:
A) reach the Admiralty and be assessed
B) be digested to the point the Admiralty permitted a public statement to be made
3) additional update data from the Jewell cluster was able to be received, processed and
public statements approved where data of rumored atrocities were concerned.

That suggests to me that that final battles (or forced withdrawals from positions no longer tenable):
Geared up for the assualt in early 1109
Hit Zho positions in a period from 150-1109 to 170-1109
Final withdrawals happened by 240-1109 to 280-1109

I hope to remember to answer this better from my records when I am home tonight
(It has been a loooong time since I've been active on this site)

I have gone through the data I have and cannot better lock down the dates.
One thing I can say, which should come as no surprise...

I did a desultory run through "The Spinward Marches Campaign", but found the data in didn't even come bear sync'ing up with the rest of Canon data on the system.

Indeed, where events I have referred to infer the Emerald system was relieved in 1109, the data given in the SMC says the liberation didn't occur until 23-1110. So, that date make no sense given the other canon data available.

Sorry I could not help more
CT:Alien Realms hs an adventure in Emerald just after FFW (The las Patrol).

It talks little about the battle, aside the fact that it was occupied and low level resistence was kept along the occupation, and it hints it was not retaken, but reclaimed after the war end.

It also shows clearly that Zhodani Consular Guard comandos acted there.
Indeed, where events I have referred to infer the Emerald system was relieved in 1109, the data given in the SMC says the liberation didn't occur until 23-1110. So, that date make no sense given the other canon data available.
23-1110 might be the "official date" of liberation in the sense that various mop-up operations looking for Zhodani holdouts were completed at that point; nobody had fired a weapon in anger and no civilians had made an emergency call to 911 for a few days prior to that date. In late 1109 the earlier announcement was made to show the public that Imperial forces were winning the war and reclaiming lost systems (but of course there is always clean-up - which we try to keep on the down-low - yet to be done).
Or "liberation" was when governmental functions were turned over to the reconstituted local (planetary/system) government, instead of being in the hands of the Imperial Navy and the Emergency Military Governor.