Just a thought..
Imperial Edict (a) This Edict establishes the Emperor's Privy Council, the members and the duties and perks. It is said to have been used by Cleon to reward some who had served in the dark of shadow, or granted exceptional boons to His Imperial Majesty prior to the Restoration.
Imperial Edict (b) This Edict grants the INI, IISS and a few other sub rosa agencies the right to use psionics against Citizens and Subjects, establishes rigorous standards for applications and harsh penalties for abusing psionics in intelligence related matters. In addition it allows certain sums to be drawn from the Emperor's personal funds (Privy Purse? Help, Citizens with Monarchs? I know there is a name for it.) for a number of Institutes.
They may suck, but in that case I am claiming truthfully a sixteen hour shift at work and being tired. On the other hand if they are deemed cool, I am of course a genius. :devil: