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The foo, non human, space faring Lifeform


If anyone needs something totally no human, and alien enough to stump any Spohantologist I present to you the foo.


Image is actual Size of a young adult foo.

Created as playable race in one of my Games at RPOL.NET

The Foo

One of the most exotic and least understood alien species encountered by Humans the Foo are mercurial, easily bored, intensely curious and often frustrating to other species. Assumed to be the source of many precontact legends of ghost lights, will-o-wisps and UFOs the Foo are found in small numbers in most reaches of Normal and Hyperspace.

When young, during their centuries long wandering phase, Foo will occasionally begin accompanying another species, without any rational reason other than curiosity or boredom. observing questioning and investigating the individual or species until it suddenly leaves the region never to be seen again.

A race of silicone based creatures native to an unknown high pressure high temperature environment.. Foo resemble a sphere made up of thin translucent discs of crystals with a crystalline central spire . When active Foo create a plasma shell, and intense electromagnetic and gravitic fields around themselves for protection and propulsion.

the Resemblance of this species to mythical phantom glowing object that were first described by pilots during the second world war as "Foo Fighters" led to the adoption of the name to describe the species and has entered common usage even outside Human territory.

Foo are long lived while no exact figures are available recorded instances of a single foo being a generational companion to families and remaining in the same region for centuries indicate the species is capable of living up to 400 years. The Individuals that are responsible for these stories were known to indicate they were only youngsters and their elders had existed many many centuries.

Foo are usually only several inches across with a shell of plasma that can be expanded to roughly the size of a beach ball in flight, or to deter attack. The individuals who communicate with other races, and observations by explorer craft indicate foo can grow to truly immense sizes rivaling dreadnoughts and leviathans in size.

Ancient Foo are known to act as vessels, cities and colonies for a multitude of younger foo which act as crew, and auxiliary craft for the "Elders". The Elder Foo are secretive and elusive avoiding contact with other species and living in the most difficult and dangerous regions of Hyperspace.

The Elder "Klatuhl" is recorded as lingering in the outer corona of a supernova enduring extreme temperatures and radiation without any viable difficulty. This ancient feeds on the abundant exotic particles and high energy plasma of a stellar objects converting the free energy into a form it can use to maintain itself and fuse the materials ofinto new body mass.

Foo have demonstrated a wide variety of personalities behaviors and temperaments. They can be friendly and outgoing, or cold, unfriendly loaners... reports that a very few hostile, almost psychotic individual which terrorize other species with their abilities have been confirmed by investigators on several occasions.

Foo are immune to pressures, heat and cold that would instantly kill many organic species, they can freely travel through either normal or hyperspace using their flight abilities to streak effortlessly through almost any environment including water at speeds in the Supersonic range. Foo are endlessly moving unless retrained or bribed with something they find interesting. In flight they are seen routinely executing bone crushing turns and deceleration almost at random as they explore the area around them.

When threatened Foo can generate a powerful blast of plasma that can be used offensively or to destroy incoming weapons and projectiles. the average Foo can generate several pulses of plasma that are equivalent to a laser pistol in delivered energy, every second for prolonged periods of time.

In addition to their plasma bolts Foo can generate blinding light, bursts of Electromagnetic noise, and sonic squeals that can blind, confuse or even stun opponents

defensively Foo produce a strong barrier of gravitic sheering forces that act as a defensive barrier blunting projectile and physical attack, while their thick shell of plasma protects them from directed energy attacks. Their only significant weakness appears to be powerful electrical charges, and electromagnetic pulses which can stun, blind, and occasionally kill Foo if they are unable to avoid the effect by fleeing rapidly from the scene.

Little is known about Foo society, or culture, and the Foo do not seem to be willing to discuss it. They quickly become bored with in depth questioning and tend to randomly spout trivia and odd observations when they become bored.

Lifetimes of exploring the reaches of space has led to the average Foo having a huge database of "trivia" that often turn out to be more than trivial to scientist historians. Those who can endure hours of chatter to glean some piece of data from the unfiltered stream of random comments stories, and questions of an overactive Foo, can gain extremely valuable data on several subjects.
I like them.

How do they communicate? Radio waves? Light bursts? Gravity ripples?

Do they use the same means of communication in hyperspace and real space?

Anyway, I like them and I give the bonus points for not being psionic and not being ascended energy " angels." Not that I am against psionics, or ascended races. I just like that these guys do have physical bodies and that their abilities work more like electromagnetic and gravitic technology.

Do you use something different from Jump Drive and jump space? Or is hyperspace a synonym for Jump, as used here?

Does these guys skim hydrogen? It seems like they might, from some clues in your post.
I do like these- like chatty Q from Star Trek infuriating 8-balls.

I think I would have them talk in a child's voice through the translator, with asking innocent and embarrassing questions with no clue that they should moderate their curiosity or method of asking.

A child that can spew out the solution to unified field theory or spill the location of the closest Ancients cache or go into great detail about how Vegan thornberry jam is made, and is immediately distracted and fascinated by your cat cowering behind the couch.

I'd also have their natural plasma shell interfere with recording equipment, so players can only recall what they wrote down or heard from the ref at the time of the conversation. Which is a big reason why science and history tends to discount or dismiss the more spectacular content of the conversations.
I like them.

How do they communicate? Radio waves? Light bursts? Gravity ripples?

Do they use the same means of communication in hyperspace and real space?

Anyway, I like them and I give the bonus points for not being psionic and not being ascended energy " angels." Not that I am against psionics, or ascended races. I just like that these guys do have physical bodies and that their abilities work more like electromagnetic and gravitic technology.

Do you use something different from Jump Drive and jump space? Or is hyperspace a synonym for Jump, as used here?

Does these guys skim hydrogen? It seems like they might, from some clues in your post.

Thanks. I was trying to create just what you were describing...
IN my onw setting they would be using a hyperspace drive..physically ransiting over to a higher dimension...

IN the canon setting they would be using a version of jump drives...someone watching them on sensors adjusted to see through their "noise" would see all the same internal energy signals of an extremely compact jump drive.....a very advanced pin point accurate, real time, jump drive.

If they could examine the actual core of the Foo they could learn a few things about how jump drives could be improved..but that would require getting a foo to stand still and cooperating....or figure out how to subdue and contain one...not a trick I wold recommend they can spit plasma,surf a solar corona, and micro jump through most barriers.

they are not using anything but raw physics and extremely exotic high energy 'science' nothing mystical or psionic...just applied "physics." as for how they do it, how they evolved those abilities..or where they learned all the beyond cutting edge physics....well that's for the GM/Ref to know and the players to find out...I left that part blank for anyone who wanted to use them to fill in. I have my own version but wanted to leave some room to play with for other people.

They communicate through a combination of radio waves, and gravity waves. they have the ability to sense across the EM spectrum,, and gravity, quantum bands.

They do skim material from the upper atmosphere of gas giants, and stars. they re very small so they don't need a lot of material...unless of course it's an ancient or elder..then those guys have to skim a lot of material to jump.

I do like these- like chatty Q from Star Trek infuriating 8-balls.

I think I would have them talk in a child's voice through the translator, with asking innocent and embarrassing questions with no clue that they should moderate their curiosity or method of asking.

A child that can spew out the solution to unified field theory or spill the location of the closest Ancients cache or go into great detail about how Vegan thornberry jam is made, and is immediately distracted and fascinated by your cat cowering behind the couch.

I'd also have their natural plasma shell interfere with recording equipment, so players can only recall what they wrote down or heard from the ref at the time of the conversation. Which is a big reason why science and history tends to discount or dismiss the more spectacular content of the conversations.

the behavior was what I wanted to set them apart. not all knowing all wise ascended beings ...just energetic, over eager, over active two year old super genius..

It took a few days of brainstorming with a friend to come up with the racial abilities. I used the behavior reported by FooFighters in WWII and the way that ball lightening can create interference in the EM band. As far as anyone knows they are pretty much unable to communicate when they do a jump...

I had one show up in a game .it wreaked havoc everywhere it went basically leafing though data files, scrambling computers, and driving players mad as they tried to figure out if it was hostile, or some sort of secret weapon being tested on them...

.they shot at it once. it vaporized the bullet...stopped, yanked the gun out of their hand with a pulse of gravity. then seemed to examine it before dropping it, and going back to surfing the ships database.

I had it follow them around until they figured out how to talk to it....and they discovered it was bored and curious....

Foo, very interesting. to coin a phrase... 'Fascintating.'

Thanks I take that as high praise.