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The Head Freezer.


Because MegaTraveller combat was just so damn deadly. Sooner or later, it was double-sixes, and at x8 that little pistol just did 24D6.

The solution: the Head Freezer (tm). Invented by our medic/ bounty hunter for obvious reasons, it was soon adapted as a life saving device (and once, as a means of escape) because your can have your entire body regenerated on any TL12+ world and as long as your brain core is intact you'll make it.

Also, it saves on shipping when the nearest high-tech hospital is parsecs away. Just send the the cooler, a note, and a credit card....
You're reading too much Schlock Mercenary :)

WHAT AM I SAYING! No one can possibly read too much Schlock Mercenary :D

I've been considering working up nanny bags and all the rest for a while. I did the Sgt's plasma pistol a while back (with FF&S1 iirc, and probably some fudging, or maybe it was all fudge, mmmm fudge...), posted it around here somewhere maybe, maybe not, can't recall.


On the off chance you (or someone else) doesn't know about Schlock Mercenary, just click the link...

ominous hummmmm

(ok the link is to a panel with the nanny bag mentioned and NOT a plasma pistol, on topic and all :) I'm sure you can find your way around the site from there)
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Interesting idea, but seems a bit "high tech" for Traveller.

It's that easy? Just have your body regrown at any TL 12+ world and then have your frozen head re-attached? Badda-bing, new character?

I "doubt" that tech because of the tech in robots. Aaybee, the Blade Runner-like replicant, is TL 16. At TL 15, robots appear human from a distance, but at close inspection, one can easily tell.

So, I'm not so sure it's that easy to re-attach a frozen head to a cloned body at TL 12.
Freezing the head and re-growing a body is used in Lois Bujold's Vorkosigan books as well.

Freezing the whole body is the norm, but as the system of Jackson's Whole has developed whole-body cloning & brain transplant techniques, in extremis, only the head is truly required.
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Ah yes, have your head cut off and frozen until medical science invents a cure for having your head cut off and frozen...


Well Traveller at least has the cure for the frozen part, done properly and maybe not always 100% safe but it beats dead.

The having your head cut off cure is there in some too. What TL was whole body cloning? Ah, TL13 in CT. Not so bad. Limb regeneration at TL9 to preface that. Somewhere "not quite dead" is mentioned (killed but frozen allowing reanimation) but I can't recall where or the TL. Seems like "pop the head in the lowbag and grow a new body" should be an option around TL13 then.
I had some supplement (a Journal, I think) about advanced medicine and finding a good doctor. Your right that CT says 13+ for regeneration (as I recall we used Efate in the Spinward Marches as our favorite stopover).

It was a law-level 0 Hi-Pop Tech-13 world ruled (at least in theory) by an old Imperial oligarchy.

It was no problem to find a good hospital.

There was a section on surviving death in the Journal, I recall. In MT, I just made it Formidable. It took about three months of hospital care to get your stats back if you where at 0-0-0 or below.

P.S. In one of my more classic battles, a player who was secretly cyborged was hit with a PGMP-13 and lived due to a disastrous damage roll. He was rebuilt.

It can happen if you have enough cash.
Freez-A-Head also took care of the biggest problem MegaTraveller had... if you have good enough armor, NOTHING can harm you... it can only KILL you!

IF you're VERY lucky, the FGMP will leave enough left to scrape into a freezer baggie for cloning and brain transplant!
Because MegaTraveller combat was just so damn deadly. Sooner or later, it was double-sixes, and at x8 that little pistol just did 24D6.

The solution: the Head Freezer (tm). Invented by our medic/ bounty hunter for obvious reasons, it was soon adapted as a life saving device (and once, as a means of escape) because your can have your entire body regenerated on any TL12+ world and as long as your brain core is intact you'll make it.

Also, it saves on shipping when the nearest high-tech hospital is parsecs away. Just send the the cooler, a note, and a credit card....

So... before you get shot, you need to lick ice cream real fast? :oo:

Oh wait... that's "brain freeze" :rofl: