How did the war develop in 2320?
It's been about ten years since I read it, but after Triumphant Destiny got itself and a big chunk of the Kafer fleet killed, the humans rode the wave for a bit back down the arm. That was in the original 2300.
Then other previously uninvolved Kafer Suzerians threw more ships at the smart barbarians, and human gains got rolled back again, resulting in a second, higher-water-mark advance into human space.
Which also got rolled back, at a huge cost.
One of the human admirals (I think the really good German one) basically said "to hell with this" and every Kafer world he could reach, he glassed over from orbit with his fleet. A lot of people in the French Arm said "brilliant idea, what took so long" and higher-ups on Terra had a conniption, and ordered him sent home in irons. He was smuggled off a warship to a colony world that granted him asylum & is ignoring extradition requests.
There was a desperate lunge at the Kafer Homeworld that released a tailored bioweapon - it was made with Pentapod assistance after a Kafer raid took out the ship one of the Pentapod "gods" was on. The bioweapon denied infected Kafers the ability to get smart, so Kafer civilization on their homeworld came to a crashing halt.
The original French Emperor was still alive after how many years, and France was retrenching after so many decades of expensive setbacks. At least one French colony issued a unilateral declaration of independence, but it was one that used life support, and French Marines and/or Foreign Legion blasted their way to the control center and shut down all air.
There were other aspects too - a few new colony worlds, including the first from a colony world, new parts of space opened up.
But the Kafer War had kinda/sorta stalled due to the incredible expense, the fact that a few nations had declared victory and gone home after the raid on the Kafer homeworld had "obviously ended the threat". That plus the German war effort was stalled at highest levels after the admiral's efforts, and the French seemed more ready to slag its own colonies unless they followed orders to the letter. No one else had the logistical support in the region to go it alone. The "anglosphere" nations got some decent ships to raid what Kafer shipping they could.
I really regret that 2320 didn"t see print, it was a good update, and *lots* of options for the player.