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Non OTU: The Last Captain, Erica Sloane

Sir Brad

Name: Erica Mai Sloane
Place of Birth: Hong Kong, Canton Republic, Earth
Citizenship: Union
Date of Birth: 11th April 2115
Age: 34 (as of 2150)
Service: Fleet, Union Services (Currently Peace Keeping Fleet)
Rank: O6 Captain
Education: Union Services Fleet Academy Earth


Navigation 3, Pilot 2, Administration 1, Computer 1, Electronics 1, Engineering 1, Vacc-Suit 1, Fleet Tactics 0, Leadership 0, Mechanics 0, Ship Tactics 0

Languages: English Native, Cantonese Advanced, Mandarin Advanced (Manchurian, North American & Formosan Dialects), Japanese Advanced, German Advanced, French Intermediate, Danish Intimidate, Scots Conversational, Afrikaans Basic, Portuguese Basic (Brazilian Dialect).

Back story to come.
1st only using Book 1, the Freebes where gifts from the GM who created the now defunct campaign this character was generated for, liked the character that was but after sticking on Star Blazers to occupy nieces (didn't work) and watching the SBY live action movie I cooked up a new universe for Erica and my Alts.

In the past four years of War the Earth has gone from an on world population of around 12 Billion, around an other 2-4 Billion in the Solar System and 2+ Billion in extra solar colonies to less than 4 billion on earth perhaps 10's of millions in the solar system. the Fate of the Extra Solar Colonies is unknown but it is hoped at least a token population still exists out there.

The PKS Endeavor (originally laid down as the EV Endeavor) is the Last ship the Union could build, Sloane was to be the first officer of the Endeavor, but after the intended Captain was killed in battle Sloane was promoted and made the Last Captain of the Last Ship. The Endeavors mission , Determine the fate of the extra solar colonies and find a way to carry the fight to the enemy.
wow. I am impressed as that sounds like a cool adventure.

I have a copy of the Dan Dare's Technical Manual - that could be one way of instant background.
Is this a published setting, from a novel, or something you're creating? What enemy is she taking the fight to? What is PKS?
1st only using Book 1, the Freebes where gifts from the GM who created the now defunct campaign this character was generated for, liked the character that was but after sticking on Star Blazers to occupy nieces (didn't work) and watching the SBY live action movie I cooked up a new universe for Erica and my Alts.

In the past four years of War the Earth has gone from an on world population of around 12 Billion, around an other 2-4 Billion in the Solar System and 2+ Billion in extra solar colonies to less than 4 billion on earth perhaps 10's of millions in the solar system. the Fate of the Extra Solar Colonies is unknown but it is hoped at least a token population still exists out there.

The PKS Endeavor (originally laid down as the EV Endeavor) is the Last ship the Union could build, Sloane was to be the first officer of the Endeavor, but after the intended Captain was killed in battle Sloane was promoted and made the Last Captain of the Last Ship. The Endeavors mission , Determine the fate of the extra solar colonies and find a way to carry the fight to the enemy.

Billions killed in just four years. Nukes? Orbital strikes? Germ warfare? All of the above?

This sounds like a very desperate---and therefore dramatic--situation.
Something I'm cooking up myself.

PKS is one of the preface given to ships in the Peace Keeping Fleet, it stands for "PeaceKeeping Ship", the other is PKV "PeaceKeeping Vessel" that is prefered.

PKS is reserved for ships that are immediate follow-on's for a ship of the same name or ships we would call "Capital" ships, the PKF hasn't had a full on capital ship since the end of the 21st century, the CF (Colonial Fleet) has capital scale ships but they aren't Warships and the EF (Exploration Fleet) was meant to get the Endeavor as it's first non-Yard Ship that was on a Capital scale.

the Endeavor was first laid down a decade ago and designed to use R Drives (Reaction Drives) A Drives (Acceleration Drives) and power plants that where prototypes at the time, the Endeavor was slated to be fitted with the first production models of those systems, construction was stopped when the war started around four and a half years ago, but re-started a year and a half ago as a crash progam with the Endeavor redesigned as a Warship.
Unknown, presumably Aliens, they come from beyond explored space, they do Tech differently to Humans and there Tech is estimated to be at least a couple of hundred years or further more advanced than the Union that is collectively about 20-30 years ahead the domestic tech of any member state and 50 years ahead of the domestic production of the most advanced non-union member (the US).
Unknown, presumably Aliens, they come from beyond explored space, they do Tech differently to Humans and there Tech is estimated to be at least a couple of hundred years or further more advanced than the Union that is collectively about 20-30 years ahead the domestic tech of any member state and 50 years ahead of the domestic production of the most advanced non-union member (the US).

The implied future history is interesting.

If there's a Cantonese Republic and a distinct North American dialect of Mandarin, I'm guessing that the PRC has broken up and the Chinese Diaspora in North America has grown significantly larger.
there are four "China's" the RoC (Taiwan/Formosa) the Kingdom of Manchuria, Canton Republic and the remnants of the PRC Tibet & Mongolia are now free nations and the PRC claims all of China and Koera but can only control about half the territory not part of the other China's.

Tibet, Korea and all the china's except the PRC are part of the Union.

China broke up after they opposed the reunification of Korea (with Tanks and quarter billion screaming Infantry) wile the US was mustering their troops in Korea the Union used orbital strikes to take out the government, military high command and the senior civil bureaucracy as well as their Nukes (Korea was and still is a member of the Union).

Russia suffered the same fate a few years later over trying to annex parts of the former USSR & Warsaw Pact.

no other major nation has tried it on since, though it was thought that if the Neo-traditionalists made it to the presidential election in 2148 and they if they followed through on their policy platform the US would have bean the first country to suffer that fate in almost a century, then again if the Bull-Mose party or the Democrats won the US would have finally joined the Union, but the War happened.

I like the character stats and what it all implies about her background. A few lines on looks, personality, goals, would be nice.
Story: Born the first child to parents starting a 2nd life after emigrating to Earth, she grew up an only child with her brother not being born till after she joined the Fleet. Erica grew up mostly in the Asia/Pacific Blocs, but did spend some time in Europe. Highly intelligent she received one of the best (STEM based) educations available on earth she didn't want to waste her first life on earth and didn't want to grind away as a "Well Climber" with no new colony program on offer she joined the Fleet to be part of the "New Frontier" exploration program scheduled to start in 2150, she planed to start a 2nd life when the new colonies opened up in the wake of New Frontier.

After the Academy she started as in the CC (Command Center) with the Colonial Fleet (CF) doing the rounds of Cyber Warfare, Electronic Warfare, Commutations and Sensors before settling on the Aux-Helm. she soon transferred to the Bridge where their where better career opportunities. she would shift between the CF & PKF as she climbed the ladder. just before the War as a Lt Commander she had transferred from 2nd Officer on a Light Cruiser to chief bridge officer on one of the few Heavy Cruisers (the Yi) in the PKF.

As the war went on ships where pulled off the line for Repair and Refit she spent a few months as the skipper of a Corvette before returning to the Yi as a full Commander, till one battle the Yi became too badly damaged, as the Command Staff converted the Yi to a "Fire Ship" the remaining officers where assigned to the evacuation of the Crew.

after a few months bouncing around the reserve deport Erica was assigned to the Endeavor as it's 2nd officer to help oversee it's construction and final fit-out, this was eighteen months ago, six months ago the 1st officer was promoted to Captain of an other warship and Erica was promoted to 1st officer, six weeks ago the Endeavors proposed Captain had to "Fire Ship" his command, he didn't make it off, just days before launch Erica was promoted to Captain and given the Endeavor.
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