Back in 1978-79, I lived next door to a budding comic book artist. 12-year old Me attempted to explain to this 20-something what Traveller was, and might he be willing to draw my major alien races? He was a fast learner, and he not only drew basic prototypes of my designs, but drew many drawings of characters with Traveller accurate weapons and armor. I did not include all these drawings, but I am posting the prototypes for your perusal. As a postscript, I remember literally nothing else about my artist, not even his name, but I am greatly appreciative of his work.
The Third Imperium is such a great setting that it seemed to drown out alternatives, yet I always wanted my own setting from the beginning. As will be apparent, 12-year old Me designed aliens that were often slight variants of the Third Imperium. Today Me is working on my setting now, and trying to shape these into something more interesting and unique. Note that all alien names are Allani names: the alien race's own name could be quite different and unpronouncable.
Some warnings: These drawing are colored pencil and not up to modern print standards, though I quite like them. They are also of their time, so they have some retro charm, but the humans are far too white. Be assured that all these aliens have variations in appearance (well, perhaps not the Narrelians...) Also, the Maroans are probably NSFW, so be warned.
Allani: The Allani are my baseline humans. But my setting is a galaxy "far, far away", and so the Allani are not Terrans and their homewrold Aalan is not Earth. The Allani are the founders of the Imperial Sovereign Empire, the focus of my setting. I'm still working on their alternate history, which I want to be significantly different from Earth. The Sovereign Empire is defintely not the Star Wars Empire, but neither is it the Star Trek Federation.

Destri: The Destri are high-gravity offshoots of the Allani. They are short, stocky, and quite strong.

NorI: The Nori are low-gravity offshoots of the Allani. The are tall, slender, and dexterous.

Erri: Originally the Erri were another offshoot of the Allani, but they are now an alien humanoid race. They are uniformly psionic, but are not as strong on average as a random psionic. I am working to make them "not Vulcans". They rule a Federation that is a contrast to the Sovereign Empire, but is far from a utopia. The superficailly Asian clothing is just that: the Erri prefer a variety of loose-fitting garments (evening wear is depicted below), in contrast to the more fitted clothing of the Allani.

Dellins: The Dellins are ursoid humanioids who embrace a radial form of self-actualization. They are not a warrior race, but are a survivalist race: their goal is complete self-reliance in any situation. They are highly technologically advanced, but have a complex and fraught relationship to tech. They have many other cultural aspects which are extremely alien to humans, yet they are probably the most relatable to humans of all the major aliens.

Maroans: The Maroans were my cat race, because who doesn't love a cat race? Originally I doubt I thought of them much differently than the Aslan. Revisiting them today, I researched other feline social structures and came upon the cheetah. There are some very interesting implications here, for example females doing better on their own, while males doing better in groups. I'm enjoying fleshing out this nugget. The Maroan are also omnidexterous, fully capable of both bipedal and quadripedal movement, and thus wear little clothing so as not to get in the way of ambulation. Note: the female Maroan is probably not safe for work, so be warned.

Narrelians: The Hivers were given a mistaken name, not being a hive-based race. But I liked the idea of a hive mind, and so we have the Narrelians, who humans would compare to humanoid termites or the like. The Narrelians are the first of three "mystery aliens" which are not available as player characters. They are the highest known TL aliens in the setting, but are quite inscrutable to humans. Humans refer to their three sexual types as workers, drones, and queens (as presented) per the insect analog, but the actual situation is rather more complex and mysterious.

Torrans: The Torrans are fish-men, because 12-year old Me wanted fish-men (male top, female bottom). I now realize that fish-men are unlikely candidates for technological advancement, so the fact that the Torrans ARE technologically advanced, with jump drives and land suits, makes them all the more intriguing. How exactly did they accomplish this? They won't say, or allow any scrutiny of their worlds, so this is a deep mystery worth some research.

Kryllin: The Kryllin are a gas giant alien race physically modeled on the Jgd-Ii-Jagd, but the similarity ends there. The Kryllin appear to be the oldest known jump-capable alien race, with indications of ancient settlements across known space. But the Kryllin seem to have no conventional technology or even civilization or social structure. They are psionic, but not conventionally so. They do not normally communicate with other alien races, but this seems to be changing of late. So what is going on here?

I hope these ancient drawings and contemporary musings are of some interest.
The Third Imperium is such a great setting that it seemed to drown out alternatives, yet I always wanted my own setting from the beginning. As will be apparent, 12-year old Me designed aliens that were often slight variants of the Third Imperium. Today Me is working on my setting now, and trying to shape these into something more interesting and unique. Note that all alien names are Allani names: the alien race's own name could be quite different and unpronouncable.
Some warnings: These drawing are colored pencil and not up to modern print standards, though I quite like them. They are also of their time, so they have some retro charm, but the humans are far too white. Be assured that all these aliens have variations in appearance (well, perhaps not the Narrelians...) Also, the Maroans are probably NSFW, so be warned.
Allani: The Allani are my baseline humans. But my setting is a galaxy "far, far away", and so the Allani are not Terrans and their homewrold Aalan is not Earth. The Allani are the founders of the Imperial Sovereign Empire, the focus of my setting. I'm still working on their alternate history, which I want to be significantly different from Earth. The Sovereign Empire is defintely not the Star Wars Empire, but neither is it the Star Trek Federation.

Destri: The Destri are high-gravity offshoots of the Allani. They are short, stocky, and quite strong.

NorI: The Nori are low-gravity offshoots of the Allani. The are tall, slender, and dexterous.

Erri: Originally the Erri were another offshoot of the Allani, but they are now an alien humanoid race. They are uniformly psionic, but are not as strong on average as a random psionic. I am working to make them "not Vulcans". They rule a Federation that is a contrast to the Sovereign Empire, but is far from a utopia. The superficailly Asian clothing is just that: the Erri prefer a variety of loose-fitting garments (evening wear is depicted below), in contrast to the more fitted clothing of the Allani.

Dellins: The Dellins are ursoid humanioids who embrace a radial form of self-actualization. They are not a warrior race, but are a survivalist race: their goal is complete self-reliance in any situation. They are highly technologically advanced, but have a complex and fraught relationship to tech. They have many other cultural aspects which are extremely alien to humans, yet they are probably the most relatable to humans of all the major aliens.

Maroans: The Maroans were my cat race, because who doesn't love a cat race? Originally I doubt I thought of them much differently than the Aslan. Revisiting them today, I researched other feline social structures and came upon the cheetah. There are some very interesting implications here, for example females doing better on their own, while males doing better in groups. I'm enjoying fleshing out this nugget. The Maroan are also omnidexterous, fully capable of both bipedal and quadripedal movement, and thus wear little clothing so as not to get in the way of ambulation. Note: the female Maroan is probably not safe for work, so be warned.

Narrelians: The Hivers were given a mistaken name, not being a hive-based race. But I liked the idea of a hive mind, and so we have the Narrelians, who humans would compare to humanoid termites or the like. The Narrelians are the first of three "mystery aliens" which are not available as player characters. They are the highest known TL aliens in the setting, but are quite inscrutable to humans. Humans refer to their three sexual types as workers, drones, and queens (as presented) per the insect analog, but the actual situation is rather more complex and mysterious.

Torrans: The Torrans are fish-men, because 12-year old Me wanted fish-men (male top, female bottom). I now realize that fish-men are unlikely candidates for technological advancement, so the fact that the Torrans ARE technologically advanced, with jump drives and land suits, makes them all the more intriguing. How exactly did they accomplish this? They won't say, or allow any scrutiny of their worlds, so this is a deep mystery worth some research.

Kryllin: The Kryllin are a gas giant alien race physically modeled on the Jgd-Ii-Jagd, but the similarity ends there. The Kryllin appear to be the oldest known jump-capable alien race, with indications of ancient settlements across known space. But the Kryllin seem to have no conventional technology or even civilization or social structure. They are psionic, but not conventionally so. They do not normally communicate with other alien races, but this seems to be changing of late. So what is going on here?

I hope these ancient drawings and contemporary musings are of some interest.