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The most AWESOME T5 Solutions and great things about T5

Well with all the bagging, nit picking and down right bigoted opinions featuring Traveller players from all the versions, I thought it might be nice to have the opposite side of the coin.

How will developers feel looking at a T5 discussion forum that's a touch negative to say the least.

So here is a thread for that purpose for those of us who are liking T5 and all the goodness it offers.

It would also be a great thread to drop examples where T5 has proven to be magic and works well for you.

So far I'm really enjoying the Starship chapters with the nice Starship recognition guide being a real plus for this new edition. Space Combat is also very straight forward (although I'll probably stick to Power Projection for starship battles as it works and I don't have a problem with it, but I might try these out at the very least).

The Gun maker, Vehicle Maker and Armor maker are very generic and despite lacking essential details for core Traveller universe equipment(which I'm sure will come later), it outlines a fairly detailed design system.

What Jumpspace Looks Like. Marvelous. A picture tells a thousand words.
(PS. The CDROM features a splash of colour on this. Also there's colour throughout most of the illustrations amidst the text. Understandably in the printed book, only a certain amount could be colour and the rest black and white for cost reasons, so worth checking out your CDROM. :) ).

More to come, that's just some of the things that jump out at me(even when not in jump space). :)
The new chargen careers and skill allocations. Good stuff here.

The fact that we can now have robot PCs, and organic spaceships, and AI's...

And reasonable computer sizes.
I love the ganged drives now allowed by T5 and have used them in house rules from the publishing of HG. (Not for players but for the SSU navy, allowing for the energy requirements of HG. This kept ME as GM honest!)

I also like the way it does away with vastly oversize Bridge requirements and all-to-large computers.

Berthing is another favorite that I believe was long overdue.
Characters. The careers (p.78) are generic and cover a lot of ground. And they work as-is with sophonts (p.537), chimeras (p.122), and robots (p.560). The skill set is constrained but not limited at a reasonable 64 skills. Supplements do not need to pile on advanced or alien character generation rules.

Tasks. The task system is fast and malleable. Target numbers are large enough to potentially use all sorts of benchmark values as-is, from characteristics and tech levels to quality mods and officer rank.

Tools. Toolset outputs are designed to work meaningfully with the task system. They tend to focus on understandable concepts and descriptions. They strike a balance between simplicity and complexity -- they go far enough, but no further.

Starships. Complexity is often ignorable, and there are occasional defaults: it is possible to design a trader quickly. And yet, at the same time, the system fully supports the Traveller Universe: even though Big Ships are not designed with this system, the components used are clearly not confined to small ships.

How Starships Work. Many long-debated issues are illuminated. In this respect, Traveller5 is an authoritative statement on How Traveller Works.

Mapping Worlds. Terrain types, maps, altitude and environmental data gives the referee a single source for managing adventures on the surface of any type of world.

Sophonts. An official system that GDW has needed since 1980.
What's that OLD_DR_SKULL? I'm guessing something you made with vehicle maker???

There it is, top of page 287, an illustration of an honest-to-god MOLE MACHINE!!

"MOLE" is inclided as a MOTIVE type on p284. So, you could design any sort of MOLE MACHINE you ever wanted.

For me, the mark of a great Traveller adventure is when the players break into the enemy bunker in a freaking MOLE MACHINE.

I've had to improvise/house rule all my MOLE MACHINES for the last 30 some years, but now, finally, they've recognized the overwhelming need for by-the-book MOLE MACHINES!
There it is, top of page 287, an illustration of an honest-to-god MOLE MACHINE!!

"MOLE" is inclided as a MOTIVE type on p284. So, you could design any sort of MOLE MACHINE you ever wanted.

For me, the mark of a great Traveller adventure is when the players break into the enemy bunker in a freaking MOLE MACHINE.

I've had to improvise/house rule all my MOLE MACHINES for the last 30 some years, but now, finally, they've recognized the overwhelming need for by-the-book MOLE MACHINES!

COOL!!! Your right, another sensational feature of T5. :)
Well with all the bagging, nit picking and down right bigoted opinions featuring Traveller players from all the versions, I thought it might be nice to have the opposite side of the coin.

How will developers feel looking at a T5 discussion forum that's a touch negative to say the least.

So here is a thread for that purpose for those of us who are liking T5 and all the goodness it offers.

It would also be a great thread to drop examples where T5 has proven to be magic and works well for you.
So you know, it's not all negative, we've done this before. Take a look: http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=29774

My input: QREBS! (I can't believe that hasn't been mentioned yet!) I expound upon their greatness in the above thread. Basically, not only adds a great deal of realism and variety to a game, but is so versatile that I have house rules showing how to use them with the arts!

More, from ship design: Lifting Body hull configuration, self-healing polymer and organic hulls, landing skids, legs, or wheels, jump bubble vs. plates vs. grid, jump and maneuver go to 9 instead of 6 now, hop, skip and vault drives opening up the galaxy at higher tech levels, sensor mounts, many different ways of mounting or storing a vehicle or small craft, lots of accommodation options (animal low-berths, labs, surgery bay, etc.), passenger demand, crew comfort, and ship ergonomic calculations, and while not strictly part of ship design, I also like the different kinds of atmospheric re-entry!

From Worlds: Rocky planets now go up to size 15 (or 20 according to the mapping chapter), and the Economics Extension (which I've also been able to expand upon with house rules for some interesting things).

More: Benchmarks, Technology Stage Effects, how some of the new careers are handled (like Entertainer, Citizen, Rogue, Agent, Noble, and Functionary), Genetics (along with cloning and "Life Insurance" :rofl:), The Senses, Personals, and how edible and tasty animals are in BeastMaker. :D
I also like the different kinds of atmospheric re-entry!

[...] and how edible and tasty animals are in BeastMaker. :D

Totally like the reentry rules.

And... Okay, edibility, I guess I have to agree there.

Also, vehicle combat is part of personal combat. And damage scales between personal and ship combat.
A game that will stretch

I only ever played classic traveller, and I quite like a lot of what has been presented. I haven't figured out how to make the starship rules work for maximum efficiency, but I don't really want to anymore. I can control an entire ship from my iPad!

The TL stage effects are as cool as previously described. I did a little dance for the mole machine myself. I love the variety of sensors and the extensions of tech.

I think my kids will enjoy playing traveller5, as it will let their visions and stories become a reality of sorts. I never considered playing CT with them.
I think my favorite part is TL, and how after TL21 it becomes a unique path for each individual species after TL21 is achieved.

Also the planetary and system generation, love the world sizes going well beyond 10!

That and the Hop Drive. And the definitive answers on how jump works with room for Jump fields, plates and grids all in the same universe.

Oh, did I mention the mole machine?

Guess I like a lot of T5. Its a mine of things for MTU.
