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The Mystery of the M-Drive

OK, bear with me.

I'm looking at the LKW deckplans for the 20 ton Launch. In the text, the ship is described as having 2G performance. In the stats, the ship is listed as having 1G performance (except the combat gig, which is listed at 5Gs).

So...I take this as evidence of the Escape Velocity rule.

I started wondering...should all small craft be upgraded to 2Gs when operating in space? What about the vessels that are already listed at 6Gs? Is it just the 1G crafts that need to be upgraded?

But, then, I thought, "That doesn't make sense." You'd list your M-Drives one way or the other. Since most Traveller adventures take place in space, M-Drives in starship descriptions must reflect their performance in space. Subtract 1G from that to see performance in atmo (or, more specificaly, just subtract the G rating of the planet listed in the STANDARD WORLDS table in Book 2 to find the ship's performance close to that planet's surface). This is supported by other CT sources, including the specific mention of it in Striker.

So, a 20 ton Launch only produces 1G of thrust when operating in space.


But...the text in LKW's says, in more than one location, that the drive is rated at 2Gs...and the stats of the vessel are rated at 1G....

...and this is when I remembered something.

Plop out your copy of Sup 7: Traders and Gunboats. Look at pg. 24 where the stats of the Far Trader are listed.

See the Performance listing? It reads:

Acceleration: 2G. Normal operations and crusing at 1G.

Looking at the text description of the Type A2, it reads:

"Using the type 200 hull, the far trader is capable of 1-G acceleration and Jump-2."

Well...what does that mean? Has the ship got a drive that produces 2Gs of thrust or 1G of thrust? Has it got some M-Drive "helper", like the 20 ton Launch, that produces 2Gs when close to a world? Or does that "2Gs" refer to some variation of the Type A2 not mentioned in the variant section of the ship's description?

Keep bearing with me...

Then, I remembered seeing something like this for other Classic Traveller stats.

I turn to pg. 10 of the IISS Ship Files, and for the 300 ton Heyan Rose class Freight Tractor Vessel, I see:

Acceleration: 2G constant (1G)

I know the "(1G)" means the ship has altered performance under certain conditions mentioned in its description, but what does the word "contant" mean? Why put that tag in there when most CT descriptions just list a G rating?

I see that word "constant" popping up here and there.

Look at the Kinunir in Adventure 1. It says "constant". There are other instances of that popping up as well. I'm wondering what the difference is between a ship listed as "1G" and a ship listed as "1G constant" is.

So, what are we talking about here? Are these all "left overs" from 1st edition Traveller?

Or, is there some M-Drive description in CT someplace that I haven't read?

And, that doggone 20 ton Launch. Does it perform at 2Gs in space or 1G? Does it have some other drive "helping" it when it's close to the surface of a planet?

Care to ponder the mystery of the M-Drive?
OK, bear with me.

I'm looking at the LKW deckplans for the 20 ton Launch. In the text, the ship is described as having 2G performance. In the stats, the ship is listed as having 1G performance (except the combat gig, which is listed at 5Gs).

So...I take this as evidence of the Escape Velocity rule.

I started wondering...should all small craft be upgraded to 2Gs when operating in space? What about the vessels that are already listed at 6Gs? Is it just the 1G crafts that need to be upgraded?

But, then, I thought, "That doesn't make sense." You'd list your M-Drives one way or the other. Since most Traveller adventures take place in space, M-Drives in starship descriptions must reflect their performance in space. Subtract 1G from that to see performance in atmo (or, more specificaly, just subtract the G rating of the planet listed in the STANDARD WORLDS table in Book 2 to find the ship's performance close to that planet's surface). This is supported by other CT sources, including the specific mention of it in Striker.

So, a 20 ton Launch only produces 1G of thrust when operating in space.


But...the text in LKW's says, in more than one location, that the drive is rated at 2Gs...and the stats of the vessel are rated at 1G....

...and this is when I remembered something.

Plop out your copy of Sup 7: Traders and Gunboats. Look at pg. 24 where the stats of the Far Trader are listed.

See the Performance listing? It reads:

Acceleration: 2G. Normal operations and crusing at 1G.

Looking at the text description of the Type A2, it reads:

"Using the type 200 hull, the far trader is capable of 1-G acceleration and Jump-2."

Well...what does that mean? Has the ship got a drive that produces 2Gs of thrust or 1G of thrust? Has it got some M-Drive "helper", like the 20 ton Launch, that produces 2Gs when close to a world? Or does that "2Gs" refer to some variation of the Type A2 not mentioned in the variant section of the ship's description?

Keep bearing with me...

Then, I remembered seeing something like this for other Classic Traveller stats.

I turn to pg. 10 of the IISS Ship Files, and for the 300 ton Heyan Rose class Freight Tractor Vessel, I see:

Acceleration: 2G constant (1G)

I know the "(1G)" means the ship has altered performance under certain conditions mentioned in its description, but what does the word "contant" mean? Why put that tag in there when most CT descriptions just list a G rating?

I see that word "constant" popping up here and there.

Look at the Kinunir in Adventure 1. It says "constant". There are other instances of that popping up as well. I'm wondering what the difference is between a ship listed as "1G" and a ship listed as "1G constant" is.

So, what are we talking about here? Are these all "left overs" from 1st edition Traveller?

Or, is there some M-Drive description in CT someplace that I haven't read?

And, that doggone 20 ton Launch. Does it perform at 2Gs in space or 1G? Does it have some other drive "helping" it when it's close to the surface of a planet?

Care to ponder the mystery of the M-Drive?
This makes me think of Elves in D&D. They're supposed to be adept at magic but have no bonuses doing anything magical. This was the real reason why Tom Hanks' character went nuts in Mazes and Monsters...
This makes me think of Elves in D&D. They're supposed to be adept at magic but have no bonuses doing anything magical. This was the real reason why Tom Hanks' character went nuts in Mazes and Monsters...
Good point. In atmosphere, the vessel doesn't have all that hard vacuum slowing it down... ;)

Seriously, though. I'm sure the ship's grav plates would be functioning in conjunction with its maneuver drive within a world's gravity well. My Chief Engineer could make a better explanation of the theory than can I.

@Straybow: LOL, and I thought the guy just had a hankerin' for steam tunnels...
Good point. In atmosphere, the vessel doesn't have all that hard vacuum slowing it down... ;)

Seriously, though. I'm sure the ship's grav plates would be functioning in conjunction with its maneuver drive within a world's gravity well. My Chief Engineer could make a better explanation of the theory than can I.

@Straybow: LOL, and I thought the guy just had a hankerin' for steam tunnels...
Plop out your copy of Sup 7: Traders and Gunboats. Look at pg. 24 where the stats of the Far Trader are listed.

See the Performance listing? It reads:

Acceleration: 2G. Normal operations and crusing at 1G.

Looking at the text description of the Type A2, it reads:

"Using the type 200 hull, the far trader is capable of 1-G acceleration and Jump-2."

Well...what does that mean? Has the ship got a drive that produces 2Gs of thrust or 1G of thrust? Has it got some M-Drive "helper", like the 20 ton Launch, that produces 2Gs when close to a world? Or does that "2Gs" refer to some variation of the Type A2 not mentioned in the variant section of the ship's description?
speaking in hg2 terms, the ship must have maneuver drive 2 and power plant 2. this means that the power plant can support A2, _or_ it can support A1 and 2 lasers. A2 might be described as its emergency agility.
Plop out your copy of Sup 7: Traders and Gunboats. Look at pg. 24 where the stats of the Far Trader are listed.

See the Performance listing? It reads:

Acceleration: 2G. Normal operations and crusing at 1G.

Looking at the text description of the Type A2, it reads:

"Using the type 200 hull, the far trader is capable of 1-G acceleration and Jump-2."

Well...what does that mean? Has the ship got a drive that produces 2Gs of thrust or 1G of thrust? Has it got some M-Drive "helper", like the 20 ton Launch, that produces 2Gs when close to a world? Or does that "2Gs" refer to some variation of the Type A2 not mentioned in the variant section of the ship's description?
speaking in hg2 terms, the ship must have maneuver drive 2 and power plant 2. this means that the power plant can support A2, _or_ it can support A1 and 2 lasers. A2 might be described as its emergency agility.
Originally posted by flykiller:
speaking in hg2 terms, the ship must have maneuver drive 2 and power plant 2. this means that the power plant can support A2, _or_ it can support A1 and 2 lasers. A2 might be described as its emergency agility.
Sup 7 shows HG2 stats for the Type A2 (pg. 46). It says it has a 1G M-Drive.
Originally posted by flykiller:
speaking in hg2 terms, the ship must have maneuver drive 2 and power plant 2. this means that the power plant can support A2, _or_ it can support A1 and 2 lasers. A2 might be described as its emergency agility.
Sup 7 shows HG2 stats for the Type A2 (pg. 46). It says it has a 1G M-Drive.
The S7 Far-Trader is a wholly broken design as presented
Half of it is B2, half of it is B5 1st ed. and half of it is B5 2nd ed. as I recall ;) It's no wonder the deckplans add up to more than 200tons

I still love the ship :D
The S7 Far-Trader is a wholly broken design as presented
Half of it is B2, half of it is B5 1st ed. and half of it is B5 2nd ed. as I recall ;) It's no wonder the deckplans add up to more than 200tons

I still love the ship :D
It says it has a 1G M-Drive.
(smile) maybe it varies by tech level. I have a number of deckplans for merchant ships and they're all designed to be built from common hulls at any yard from tech 11 to tech 14. those from tech 11 & 12 are M1, those from tech 13 & 14 may choose between M1 (if they want to operate weapons) and M2 (if they don't).

proofread consistency is not emphasized in ct. it's a feature.
It says it has a 1G M-Drive.
(smile) maybe it varies by tech level. I have a number of deckplans for merchant ships and they're all designed to be built from common hulls at any yard from tech 11 to tech 14. those from tech 11 & 12 are M1, those from tech 13 & 14 may choose between M1 (if they want to operate weapons) and M2 (if they don't).

proofread consistency is not emphasized in ct. it's a feature.
Originally posted by flykiller:
[proofread consistency is not emphasized in ct. it's a feature.

But, the ship's description lists the Type A2 as having a 1G drive (pg. 23), the quick stats box lists it as having a 1G drive (pg. 24), and the HG2 stats lists it as having a 1G drive (pg. 46).

The only dirt in the cog is on pg. 24 where the quick stats box reads:

Acceleration: 2G. Normal operations and crusing at 1G.

The ship seems pretty consistent, don't you think, in that it's a 1G vessel. At least that configuration is.

So, what's the "2G" mean?
Originally posted by flykiller:
[proofread consistency is not emphasized in ct. it's a feature.

But, the ship's description lists the Type A2 as having a 1G drive (pg. 23), the quick stats box lists it as having a 1G drive (pg. 24), and the HG2 stats lists it as having a 1G drive (pg. 46).

The only dirt in the cog is on pg. 24 where the quick stats box reads:

Acceleration: 2G. Normal operations and crusing at 1G.

The ship seems pretty consistent, don't you think, in that it's a 1G vessel. At least that configuration is.

So, what's the "2G" mean?
Fascinating... those M-drive oddities would make a great plot hook for an enterprising referee. That's what it means to me. Otherwise, those references to 2G seem to me to be typos or mid-course changes.
Fascinating... those M-drive oddities would make a great plot hook for an enterprising referee. That's what it means to me. Otherwise, those references to 2G seem to me to be typos or mid-course changes.

Roping in an idea from MT here...

Maybe it's 2g within a certain radius of and/or distance from a large mass and 1g when in deep space?

Didn't MT have two different types of thrusters? One that worked at the given rating only when there was a mass around to 'push off' from and another that worked at a given rating all the time?

I know all the references you've posted are from CT but I'm grasping at straw here too! :(

Have fun,

P.S. Why not send an email to LKW and ask him if the discrepency with the launch's gee rating in his book is a typo?

Roping in an idea from MT here...

Maybe it's 2g within a certain radius of and/or distance from a large mass and 1g when in deep space?

Didn't MT have two different types of thrusters? One that worked at the given rating only when there was a mass around to 'push off' from and another that worked at a given rating all the time?

I know all the references you've posted are from CT but I'm grasping at straw here too! :(

Have fun,

P.S. Why not send an email to LKW and ask him if the discrepency with the launch's gee rating in his book is a typo?