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The Official 2010 Traveller Calendar

Andrew Boulton

The Adminator
The Office of Calendar Compliance is proud to present the 2010 Traveller Calendar.

Featuring artwork by Andrew Boulton, Jesse DeGraff, Mark Hirst, William H Keith, Mark Lucas, Magmagmag, Thomas Peters, and Wayne Peters, it is available in both printed and PDF format.

All profits from the sale of the Calendar will be donated to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

More information can be found at www.traveller3d.com/calendar/ and the Calendar can be ordered from http://stores.lulu.com/travcal and

Nag nag nag...


Thanks for the friendly reminder that I still need to comply. Please put the nuke ortillery on hold...
OK, this sector is now in compliance.

One note: The text description for the 2010 calendar on Lulu says 2009. The title is correct, though.

Thanks again!

"The fox has a stick: 'Whom shall I strike?'
He has a legal document: 'Whom shall I sue?'"
-Sumerian proverb, ca. 2500 B.C.