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The Onderneming Colony Ship


(Gallery links below.)

The Onderneming was a TL11 Interstellar Wars era colony startup ship. The Onderneming was named by the Dutch architect who designed it (Venture in english), though later crews and passengers often shortened it to simply 'Onder'. While not the largest colonial class, its low cost and general versatility made it fairly ubiquitous anywhere the Terrans were eager for a foothold. After the first few Interstellar wars, ships like the Ondernemings were built during peacetime operations in the same manner as the wartime Victory Ships of old Terra, often with workers putting in volunteer 'shifts' two, three times a week at almost no pay to mass produce these early seedpods of humanity.

Convoys of up to 50 Ondernemings, plus escorts, could be encountered in distant stellar clusters from Earth, weaving through noman's lands, scooping, refining and moving on, sometimes even using deep-space refueling depots to bridge 3 parsec gaps. These flights of Onders would travel to anything marginally life sustainable, pre-designated for colonization by venture capitalists, General Colonial Inc., or the Terran Confederation Navy, drop off anywhere from 44 to 2200 colonists, simple bases, supplies, vehicles, and head back for more.

Ships that were severely damaged on the way or at the colony endpoint would get converted into makeshift orbital transferal stations, orbital weather/traffic control satellite stations, or anything else the colonists could salvage and put to use, often with the ship's original crew heading home on another ship of the convoy.

If a colony was well off the beaten track, one or more of the Onders on convoy would be assigned permanent resupply ship, often constituting a world's sole contact with the rest of humanity. Several early colonies were completely forgotten because of the later loss of these Onders.

In areas where footholds had been established, Onders were converted into liners for more conventional, subsidized colonial 'buildup', carrying at least one whole cargobay full of GenAssist cloning facility equipment for on-site rapid-growth, along with the personnel to set up or operate such machinery once it was delivered.

Much later in the 'Wars era, older Onders would be sold off to free traders and small, but growing, interstellar shipping and transport firms, gaining often outlandish 'company' paint jobs and even heraldry in some cases.

Upper Deck (part 1) http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Gallery/index.php?n=999
Mid Deck (part 2) http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Gallery/index.php?n=998
Bottom Deck (part 3) http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Gallery/index.php?n=997
Chafer Shuttle (Carried on top) http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Gallery/index.php?n=995

Note, very tired, very late when I finished. Typos likely exist/abound. I'll get round 'em eventually. The whole idea was a standardized, small colonization vessel.

Security oddities, crew traditions, quirks, odd technologies regarding these ships and their operation are found in the images' floorplan descriptions.

In the case of the one major/common variant, the changes are shown on an inset next to the middle deck's plans.

The ship's boat is the only thing not statted out anywhere on the boards, but essentially it works out to TL11 30ton ship's boat, 3G, 30 passengers with 6 tons cargo, model 2/bis computers and costs MCr 29.3 as an established production model with the same sensors and comm system as the parent ship.

I agree with Starviking, it is nice to see your Great deckplans. I like the writeups as well. My latest campaign was around the IW years (2240 and the discovery of jump 3) and was a scouting/colonization campaign.

Excelent deck plans.

I'm sorry to have to report one little mistake that I spotted. The staircase in the cargo bays should be going aft not forward. As drawn the bottom of staircase land in front of the cargo doors to the ship an would block the use of those doors.

Still, good work.
Excelent deck plans.

I'm sorry to have to report one little mistake that I spotted. The staircase in the cargo bays should be going aft not forward. As drawn the bottom of staircase land in front of the cargo doors to the ship an would block the use of those doors.

Still, good work.

Eep! You're right (chalks it up to rushed 3am revisions)! That'll get fixed and upper two decks images replaced sometime soon then. Thankyou for spotting that :>

Edit: These decks have been corrected now in Gallery files
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Good job Seriayne! You got me thinking about drawing up one of my own. Thanks for the inspiration.
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Thanks for the nice words and encouragement. :)

Fixed the upper and mid deck plans so the stairs *blush* don't block the lowermost cargo locks. :eek:
Body of work

Not that I am counting or anything, but I have about 44 pages of Seriayne's ships and other entries on file. I am a big fan and must repeat others in thanking him for sharing his work with the rest of us.

Wow... how did I miss this?!!?

Superb, simply superb. I especially like the many adventure seeds sprinkled throughout the descriptive text. The mention of those lost Onders got my weary wetware perking... ;)
I want to make a T5 version of this to see how it compares.

Given your excellent track record with all kinds of "version conversions", I know I won't be the only one who can't wait to see your T5 design.

By the way, Seriayne hasn't visited in over 3 years. Is anyone here in touch with him so they can pass along all our praise?