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The Rocinante


Admin Award
So I'm debugging my iOS Adventure Class Ships app on my iPad in preparation for release to the store. Since T5 has so many more options for systems than previous versions of Traveller I thought it would be fun to design a non-Traveller ship. Here's the Rocinante (MCRN Tachi) from The Expanse. The only thing I couldn't do was make the point defense cannon turrets pop-ups. This is the exported design, condensed into fewer lines:

E Rocinante (MCRN Corvette Class Corvette)
Tons: 400
Mission: E - Corvette
Qualifier: Minor
Type: Offensive
Activity: Combat
Service: Naval

D - Main Hull
Tonnage: 400 tons, 0 tons available
Cost: MCr12
Configuration: U - Unstreamlined
Structure: A - Plate
Hardpoints: 2 total, 0 available
Firmpoints: 6 total, 0 available
Jump Field: None
12 hull grapples
No fittings
BF-90 Pen-90 EMP-90 Rad-90
Heat-900 Pres-90 Burn-0 Trac-0
Coating: None
Layer 1: Standard

>>Interplanetary Drives
HEPlaR 3 Model F TL9 Improved
EP: 660 Cost: MCr6 Tons: 6

>>Power Plants
Fusion 3 Model F TL9 Improved
EP: 660 Cost: MCr19 Tons: 19

>>Dispersed Power
>Computer Dispersed Power
Main Computer: Standard Model 1 bis
Power Cell

>>Fuel Systems
>Fuel Stores
Hydrogen Tank - 139 tons

>Surface-Mounted Sensors
Ear DS BAnt
Cost: MCr12 Tons: 30 S=12 Mod +4

Ear LR BAnt
Cost: MCr8 Tons: 20 S=9 Mod +4

Ear LR Ant
Cost: MCr3.5 Tons: 2 S=9 Mod +0

Radiation Sensor-9
Imp VD Surf
Cost: MCr0.1 Tons: 0 R=7 Mod +1

Imp VL Surf
Cost: MCr0.1 Tons: 0 R=5 Mod +1

Ear FO Surf
Cost: MCr0.2 Tons: 0 R=9 Mod -1

>Hardpoint-Mounted Weapons
2x Missile-9
Mod AR Bay
Cost: MCr7 Tons: 50 S=7 Mod +7

>Firmpoint-Mounted Weapons
6x Slug Thrower-9
Imp D T3
Cost: MCr0.7 Tons: 0.5 R=6 Mod +1

>>Control Panels
>Accommodation Panels
2x Life Support: Long-Term
Computer: Main Computer
Access: Personnel Air Lock
Access: Cargo Lock
>Connector & Hull Fitting Panels
Grapples: Main Hull to External Dock
>Drive & Fuel Panels
IP Drive: HEPlaR F TL9 Improved
Power Plant: Fusion F TL9 Improved
>Sensor Panels
Sensor: Ear DS BAnt Communicator-9
Sensor: Ear LR BAnt Radar-9
Sensor: Ear LR Ant Scope-9
Sensor: Imp VD Surf Radiation Sensor-9
Sensor: Imp VL Surf Proximeter-9
Sensor: Ear FO Surf Jammer-9

>Weapon Panels
6x Weapon: Imp D T3 Slug Thrower-9
2x Weapon: Mod AR Bay Missile-9

Helm - Bridge
Standard Standard Control Console
TL 9 Cost: MCr0.2 Tons: 1
>Attached Control Panels
Computer: Main Computer
IP Drive: HEPlaR F TL9 Improved
Grapples: Main Hull to External Dock
Sensor: Ear LR BAnt Radar-9
Sensor: Ear LR Ant Scope-9
Sensor: Imp VL Surf Proximeter-9

Navigation - Bridge
Standard Standard Control Console
TL 9 Cost: MCr0.2 Tons: 1
>Attached Control Panels
Computer: Main Computer
Sensor: Ear LR BAnt Radar-9
Sensor: Ear LR Ant Scope-9

Command - Command Deck
Standard Standard Control Console
TL 9 Cost: MCr0.2 Tons: 1
>Attached Control Panels
Computer: Main Computer
Sensor: Ear DS BAnt Communicator-9

Engineering - Command Deck
Standard Standard Operating Console
TL 8 Cost: MCr0.1 Tons: 1
>Attached Control Panels
Life Support: 2x Long-Term
Access: Personnel Air Lock
Access: Cargo Lock
Power Plant: Fusion F TL9 Improved

Missiles - Command Deck
Standard Standard Operating Console
TL 8 Cost: MCr0.1 Tons: 1
>Attached Control Panels
Weapon: Mod AR Bay Missile-9
Weapon: Mod AR Bay Missile-9
Sensor: Ear FO Surf Jammer-9

PDC - Command Deck
Standard Standard Control Console
TL 9 Cost: MCr0.2 Tons: 1
>Attached Control Panels
Weapon: Imp D T3 Slug Thrower-9
Weapon: Imp D T3 Slug Thrower-9
Weapon: Imp D T3 Slug Thrower-9
Weapon: Imp D T3 Slug Thrower-9
Weapon: Imp D T3 Slug Thrower-9
Weapon: Imp D T3 Slug Thrower-9

Main Computer
Standard Model 1 bis
TL 9 Cost: MCr3 Tons: 1

>>Crew Accommodations
6x Double Stateroom
Cost: MCr0.6 Tons: 12

2x Common Fresher
Cost: MCr2 Tons: 2

2x Commons
Cost: MCr0 Tons: 2

Cost: MCr1 Tons: 2

>>Life Support
2x Long-Term
Cost: MCr4 Tons: 4

Specialized Cost: MCr0.4 Tons: 4

Command Deck
Specialized Cost: MCr1.2 Tons: 12

Storage Cost: MCr0 Tons: 1

Vacc Suit Locker
Storage Cost: MCr0 Tons: 1

Specialized Cost: MCr0.4 Tons: 4

Storage Cost: MCr0 Tons: 8

Sophisticated Cost: MCr4 Tons: 4

Cargo Hold
Storage Cost: MCr0 Tons: 6

Specialized Cost: MCr0.4 Tons: 4

Personnel Air Lock
Cost: MCr0.1 Tons: 0.5

Cargo Lock
Cost: MCr0.4 Tons: 2

>>Crew Departments
Crew Department
>Department Crew
James Holden
Captain, Armsman

Naomi Nagata
Exec, Engineer

Alex Kamal
Pilot, Astrogator, Cook

Amos Burton
Chief Engineer, Armsman
It's thought for Quixotic adventures ;)?

(sorry, I could not refrain myself)
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