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The Sol Subsector - A new setting

This is a 3-dimensional subsector with the first 2 digits representing the hex layer.

------ ---------------- ------------- -------------- ---- --- ------------ --------------------------
Hex -- NAME ----------- UWP --------- Trade Class -- Zone PBG Stellar Data Colonized By
------ ---------------- ------------- -------------- ---- --- ------------ --------------------------
011826 GLIESE 1 ------- B000535-B --- Ni De As ----- ---- 614 M3 V ------- --------------------------
011828 YZ CETI -------- C000466-C --- Ni De As ----- ---- 113 M4.5 V -----
011924 GLIESE 832 ----- B00087C-9 --- Na De As ----- ---- 525 M3 V -------
012129 LP 944-020 ----- B699950-E --- In ----------- ---- 913 BD ---------

021722 GLIESE 783 ----- C331654-8 -S- Na Ni Po ----- ---- 921 K3 V/M4 V --
021824 LACAILLE 8760 -- X000234-1 --- Ni De As ----- ---- 622 M0 V -------
021826 LACAILLE 9352 -- C0009CB-A --- Na In De As -- ---- 921 M1.5 V -----
021828 TAU CETI ------- A865540-B --- Ni De -------- ---- 911 G8 V -------
021922 GLIESE 784 ----- E0007B9-6 --- Na De As ----- ---- 115 M0 V -------
021925 EPSILON INDI --- B200698-9 SN- Na Ni De Va -- ---- 611 K5 V -------
022028 LUYTEN 372-58 -- D455589-5 --- Ag Ni -------- ---- 625 M5.5 V -----
022123 DELTA PAVONIS -- A887844-F --- Ni ----------- ---- 312 G8 V -------

031922 GLIESE 745 ----- D664353-8 S - Ni ----------- ---- 111 M4.5 V -----
031930 EPSILON ERIDANI- D6648CH-C --- -------------- ---- 912 K2 V -------
032129 KAPTEYN’S STAR - X000003-2 --- Ni De As ----- ---- 811 M1.5 V -----

041725 AGIDDA --------- A972979-F --- -------------- ---- 102 M2 V -------
041923 GLIESE 682 ----- D000533-8 –S- Ni De As ----- ---- 903 M4.5 V -----
042023 GLIESE 674 ----- A500666-B –N- Na Ni De Va -- ---- 322 M4.5 V -----
042122 GLIESE 693 ----- C767300-C --- Ni Ag -------- ---- 914 M4 V -------

051821 GJ 2130 -------- A0009AC-C --- Na In De As -- ---- 131 M2 V/M2 V/M5 V
051827 EARTH and MARS ---------- Earth A867973-F –B- Mars A454951-F - B -------------- ---- 724 G2 V
051921 GLIESE 667 ----- A000564-F --- Ni De As ----- ---- 112 M5 V/K5 V/M2 V
051926 BARNARD -------- B200869-E --- Na ----------- ---- 812 M5 V -------
052027 ALPHA CENTAURI - Prometheus A785979-F –S-, Athena A464947-F –S-, Thea A866973-F, Proxima A300587-F –N- -------------- ---- 913 G2 V/K6 V/M5 V
052029 SIRIUS --------- E00099C-9 --- Na In De As -- ---- 614 A1 V/DA ----
052325 WD 1142-645 ---- A000557-A –N- Na In De As -- ---- 123 DA ---------
052326 LHS 288 -------- B0009BD-A --- Na In De As -- ---- 521 M5.5 V -----

061821 36 OPHIUCHI ---- X000100-3 --- Ni De As ----- ---- 611 K5 V -------
062030 PROCYON -------- E000432-8 --- Ni De As ----- -A-- 321 F5 V/DF ----
062122 GLIESE 588 ----- D000410-6 --- Ni De As ----- ---- 132 M3 V -------
062226 EMBER ---------- A412969-D –N- Na In -------- ---- 302 M8 V -------
062430 GLIESE 360 ----- X457137-3 --- Ni ----------- ---- 621 M3.5 V -----

071722 WOLF 630/629 --- C100AFH-C --- Na In De Va -- ---- 713 M5 V/M5 V/M5 V/M5 V/M5 V
071823 WOLF 1061 ----- X646678-0 --- Ag Ni -------- ---- 111 M3 V -------
071828 LALANDE 21185 - C210775-8 --- Na De -------- ---- 311 M2 V -------
071928 WOLF 359 ------ X344346-0 --- Ni ----------- ---- 612 M8 V -------
071930 DX CANCRI ----- D310767-3 -S- Na De -------- -A-- 522 M6.5 V -----

081829 ROSS 128 ------ C7A3415-5 Ni ----------- ---- 414 M4 V -------
082022 GLIESE 570 ---- C235343-A Ni ----------- ---- 121 K5 V/M1 V/M3 V
082221 LHS 3003 ------ C000558-D S Ni De As ----- ---- 412 M7 V -------
082228 LOKI ---------- C9CA369-D Ni ----------- ---- 111 M4 V -------
Here are the system details I have completed. I'm eventually doing to complete the system details for each system in the Sol Subsector from the data above.

------ ----------------
Hex -- NAME ----
------ ----------------
011826 GLIESE 1 -------
Starport: Type B ------------------ Good quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards for non-starships.
Size: 0 ------------------------------ 3.9 km
Atmosphere: 0 --------------------- Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 ---------------- 0%
Population: 5 ----------------------- Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants.
Government: 3 --------------------- Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy
Law Level: 5 ----------------------- Personal concealable firearms (pistols, revolvers) prohibited
Tech Level: B ---------------------- Average Interstellar
Non-industrial, Desert, Asteroid
Population Multiplier: 6 ---------- 600,000 people
Maximum Number of Orbits: 5- Distances 0 = 0.0836 A.U., 1 = 0.4186 A.U., 2 = 0.6931 A.U., 3 = 0.9845 A.U., 4 = 1.902 A.U., 5 = 2.863 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 0
Asteroid Belts: 1 ------------------- 2 asteroid belts: Orbits 0 (0.0836 A.U.), Orbit 1 (0.4186 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 4 ----------------------- Large gas giant (118,149 km), Small gas giant (20,090 km), Large gas giant (118,714 km), Small gas giant (17,089 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: ------------------ Orbit 2 (0.6931 A.U.), -------- Orbit 3 (0.9845 A.U.), ------- Orbit 4 (1.902 A.U.), ---------- Orbit 5 (2.863 A.U.)
Satellites: 0
Star Type: M3 V ------------------- Red Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.007, Radius = 0.358, Mass = 0.331, Habitable Zone = 0.0836 A.U. (Orbit 0)
Orbital Period: 0.0420 years

------ ----------------
Hex -- NAME ----
------ ----------------
011828 YZ CETI --------
Starport: Type C ------------------ Routine quality with unrefined fuel, some repair facilities.
Size: 0 ------------------------------ 64.9 km
Atmosphere: 0 --------------------- Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 ---------------- 0%
Population: 4 ----------------------- Tens of thousands of inhabitants.
Government: 6 --------------------- Captive Government
Law Level: 6 ----------------------- Most firearms (all except shotguns) prohibited. The carrying of any type of weapon openly discouraged.
Tech Level: C --------------------- Average Interstellar
Non-industrial, Desert, Asteroid
Population Multiplier: 1 ---------- 10,000 people
Maximum Number of Orbits: 5- Distances 0 = 0.0836 A.U., 1 = 0.4168 A.U., 2 = 0.7713 A.U., 3 = 1.035 A.U., 4 = 1.188 A.U., 5 = 3.015 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 1 -------------------- Orbit 3 (1.035 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 1 ------------------- 2 asteroid belts: Orbit 0 (0.0836 A.U.), Orbit 1 (0.4168 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 3 ----------------------- Small gas giant (18,058 km), Large gas giant (99,686 km), Large gas giant (80,495 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: ------------------ Orbit 2 (0.7713 A.U.), ------- Orbit 4 (1.188 A.U.), --------- Orbit 5 (3.015 A.U.)
Star Type: M4.5 V ----------------- Red Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.007, Radius = 0.358, Mass = 0.331, Habitable Zone = 0.0836 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.0420 years

------ ----------------
Hex -- NAME ----
------ ----------------
011924 GLIESE 832 -----
Starport: Type B ------------------- Good quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards for non-starships.
Size: 0 ------------------------------- 253 km
Atmosphere: 0 ---------------------- Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 ----------------- 0%
Population: 8 ------------------------ Hundreds of millions of inhabitants
Government: 7 ---------------------- Balkanization
Law Level: C ------------------------ Weapon possession is prohibited
Tech Level: 9 ------------------------ Early Interstellar
Non-agriculttural, Desert, Asteroid
Population Multiplier: 5 ------------ 500,000,000 people
Maximum Number of Orbits: 9 --- Distances 0 = 0.0836 A.U., 1 = 0.376 A.U., 2 = 0.7488 A.U., 3 = 1.002 A.U., 4 = 1.366 A.U., 5 = 2.962 A.U., 6 = 4.683 A.U., 7 = 8.613 A.U., 8 = 28.10 A.U., 9 = 41.21 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 2 ---------------------- Orbit 2 (0.7488 A.U.), Orbit 3 (1.002 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 2 --------------------- 3 asteroid belts: Orbit 0 (0.0836 A.U.), Orbit 4 (1.366 A.U.), Orbit 5 (2.962 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 5 ------------------------- Small gas giant (23,500 km), Large gas giant (71,168 km), Small gas giant (21,990 km), Large gas giant (112,000 km), large gas giant
Gas Giant Orbits: -------------------- Orbit 1 (0.376 A.U.), --------- Orbit 6 (4.683 A.U.), -------- Orbit 7 (8.613 A.U.), --------- Orbit 8 (28.10 A.U.), ---------- Orbit 9 (41.21 A.U.)
Star Type: M3 V -------------------- Red Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.007, Radius = 0.358, Mass = 0.331, Habitable Zone = 0.0836 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.0420 years

------ ----------------
Hex -- NAME ----
------ ----------------
012129 LP 944-020 -----
Starport: Type B ----------------- Good quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards for non-starships.
Size: 6 ----------------------------- 10,048 km
Atmosphere: 9 -------------------- Dense, tainted
Water Coverage: 9 --------------- 90%
Population: 9 ------------------------ Billions of inhabitants.
Government: 5 ---------------------- Feudal Technocracy
Law Level: 0 ------------------------ No prohibitions
Tech Level: E ----------------------- Above Average Interstellar
Industrial World
Population Multiplier: 9 ----------- 9,000,000,000 people
Period of rotation: ------------------ 25.9 hours
Maximum Number of Orbits: 6 --- Orbit 0 = 0.1242 A.U., 1 = 0.3825 A.U., 2 = 0.7985 A.U., 3 = 1.016 A.U., 4 = 1.462 A.U., 5 = 2.219 A.U., 6 = 5.054 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 0
Planets: 3 ----------------------------- 6 (10,048 km), -------- 5 (8,603 km), ---------- 7 (11,385 km)
Planet Orbits: ------------------------ Orbit 0 (0.1242 A.U.), Orbit 1 (0.3825 A.U.), Orbit 2 (0.7985 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 1 -------------------- 1 asteroid belt: Orbit 3 (1.016 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 3 ------------------------ Small gas giant (17,833 km), Large gas giant (69,225 km), Small gas giant (47,313 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: ------------------- Orbit 4 (1.462 A.U.), --------- Orbit 5 (2.219 A.U.), -------- Orbit 6 (5.054 A.U.)
Satellites: 2 -------------------------- Distances: 200,960 km, 276,320 km,
Satellite Spaceports: ---------------------------Type G – Poor quality with unrefined fuel; no repair facilities, Type F – Good quality with unrefined fuel, minor repair facilities
Satellite Sizes: ---------------------------------- 5 (7,271 km), 1(2,316 km)
Satellite Atmospheres: ------------------------- 3 – Very thin, 0 – Vacuum
Satellite Water Coverages: --------------------- 4 – 40%, 0%
Satellite Populations: ---------------------------- 8 – Hundreds of Millions of inhabitants, 6 – millions of inhabitants.
Satellite Government: --------------------------- 0 – No Government, 6- Captive Government
Satellite Law Level: ----------------------------- 0 – No Prohibitions, 1 – Body pistols undetectable by standard detectors, explosives (bombs, grenades), and poison gas prohibited.
Satellite Tech Level: ---------------------------- D – Above average Interstellar, D – Above average Interstellar.
Satellite Population Multiplier: ---------------- 3 – 300,000,000 people, 7 – 7,000,000 people.
Star Type: BD ----------------------- Blue Dwarf, Luminosity 0.046, Radius 0.018, Mass 0.26, Habitable Zone = 0.1342 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.0964 years

------ ----------------
Hex -- NAME ----
------ ----------------
021722 GLIESE 783 -----
Starport: Type C ------------------- Routine quality with unrefined fuel, some repair facilities
Size: 3 ------------------------------- 4,791 km
Atmosphere: 3 ---------------------- Very Thin
Water Coverage: 1 ----------------- 10%
Population: 6 ------------------------ Millions of inhabitants.
Government: 5 ---------------------- Feudal Technocracy
Law Level: 4 ------------------------ Light assault weapons (submachine guns) prohibited.
Tech Level: 8 ----------------------- Pre-interstellar
Scout Base
Non-agricultural, Non-industrial Poor World
Population Multiplier: 9 ----------- 9,000,000 people
Period of rotation: ------------------ 26.2 hours
Maximum Number of Orbits: 6 --- Orbit 0 = 0.2800 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.3779 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.6996 A.U., Orbit 3 = 0.9467 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.406 A.U., Orbit 5 = 2.946 A.U., Orbit 6 = 5.750 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 0
Planets: 1 ----------------------------- 3 (4,791 km)
Planet Orbits: ------------------------ Orbit 0 (0.2800 A.U.)
Empty Orbits: 3 --------------------- Orbit 1 (0.3779 A.U.), Orbit 2 (0.6996 A.U.), Orbit 3 (0.9467 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 2 -------------------- 2 asteroid belts: Orbit 4 (1.406 A.U.), Orbit 5 (2.946 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 1 ------------------------ Small gas giant (20,497 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: ------------------- Orbit 6 (5.750 A.U.)
Satellites: 0
Star Type K3 V --------------------- Orange Main Sequence, Luminosity 0.08, Radius = 0.566, Mass = 0.570, Habitable Zone = 0.28 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.1969 years
Companion Star Type: M4 V ----- Red Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.007, Radius = 0.358, Mass = 0.331, Habitable Zone = 0.084 A.U.

------ ----------------
Hex -- NAME ----
------ ----------------
021824 LACAILLE 8760 --
Starport: Type X --------------------- No Starport. Generally a red travel zone.
Size: 0 --------------------------------- 11.6 km
Atmosphere: 0 ------------------------ Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 ------------------- 0%
Population: 2 -------------------------- Hundreds of inhabitants.
Government: 3 ------------------------ Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy.
Law Level: 4 -------------------------- Light assault weapons (sub machineguns) prohibited.
Tech Level: 1 -------------------------- Bronze Age to Middle Ages.
Non-industrial, Desert, Asteroid
Population Multiplier: 6 -------------- 600 people.
Maximum Number of Orbits: 5 ----- Orbit 0 = 0.2 A.U. Orbit 1 = 0.3991 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.7683 A.U., Orbit 3 = 0.9910 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.525 A.U., Orbit 5 = 2.534 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 0
Planets: 1 -------------------------------- 6 (8,964 km)
Planet Orbits: --------------------------- Orbit 1 (0.3991 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 2 ----------------------- 3 asteroid belts: Orbit 0 (0.2 A.U.), Orbit 2 (0.7683), Orbit 3 (0.9910 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 2 --------------------------- Small gas giant (40,856 km), Large gas giant (61,497 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: ---------------------- Orbit 4 (1.525 A.U.), --------- Orbit 5 (2.534 A.U.)
Star Type M0 V ------------------------ Red Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.04, Radius = 0.549, Mass = 0.489, Habitable Zone = 0.2 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.1279 years.

------ ----------------
Hex -- NAME ----
------ ----------------
021826 LACAILLE 9352 --
Starport: Type C --------------------- Routine quality with unrefined fuel, some repair facilities.
Size: 0 --------------------------------- 75 km.
Atmosphere: 0 ------------------------ Vacuum.
Water Coverage: 0 ------------------- 0%
Population: 9 -------------------------- Billions of inhabitants.
Government: C ----------------------- Charismatic Oligarchy.
Law Level: B ------------------------- Weapon possession is prohibited.
Tech Level: A ------------------------- Early Interstellar
Non-agricultural, Industrial, Desert, Asteroid
Population Multiplier: 9 -------------- 9,000,000,000 people.
Maximum Number of Orbits: 6 ----- Orbit 0 = 0.200 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.381 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.7343 A.U.., Orbit 3 = 0.9640 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.542 A.U., Orbit 5 = 2.922 A.U., Orbit 6 = 4.139 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 3 ----------------------- Orbit 2 (0.7343 A.U), Orbit 3 (0.9640 A.U.), Orbit 4 (1.542 A.U)
Asteroid Belts: 2 ----------------------- 3 asteroid belts: Orbit 0 (0.200 A.U.), Orbit 1 (0.381 A.U.), Orbit 5 (2.922 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 1 --------------------------- Large gas giant (104,459 km).
Gas Giant Orbits: ---------------------- Orbit 6 (4.139 A.U.)
Star Type: M1.5 V --------------------- Red Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.04, Radius = 0.549, Mass = 0.489, Habitable Zone = 0.2 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.1279 years

021828 TAU CETI -------
Starport: A -------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards.
Size: 8 ------------------------------- 12,712 km
Atmosphere: 6 ---------------------- Standard.
Water Coverage: 5 ----------------- 50%
Population: 5 ------------------------ Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants.
Government: 4 ---------------------- Representative Democracy.
Law Level: 0 ------------------------ No prohibitions.
Tech Level: B ----------------------- Average Interstellar
Non-industrial, Desert World
Population Multiplier: 9 ---------- 900,000 people.
Period of rotation: ----------------- 33.68 hours
Maximum Number of Orbits: 6 --- Orbit 0 = 0.1792 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.3377 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.7501 A.U., Orbit 3 = 0.9055 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.613 A.U., Orbit 5 = 2.310 A.U., Orbit 6 = 5.827 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 0
Planets: 5 ----------------------------- 3 (4,278 km), ---------- 5 (7,439 km), ---------- 3 (5,147 km), --------- 8 (12,712 km), --------- 5 (7,978 km)
Planet Orbits: ------------------------ Orbit 0 (0.1792 A.U.), Orbit 1 (0.3377 A.U.), Orbit 2 (0.7501 A.U.), Orbit 3 (0.9055 A.U.), Orbit 4 (1.613 A.U)
Asteroid Belts: 1 -------------------- 1 asteroid belt: Orbit 5 (2.310 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 1 ------------------------ Small gas giant (28,328 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: ------------------- Orbit 6 (5.827 A.U.)
Satellites: 0
Star Type: G8 V -------------------- Yellow Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.44, Radius = 1.67, Mass = 0.82, Habitable Zone = 0.9055 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.95 years.
021922 GLIESE 784 -----
Starport: E -------------------------- Frontier installation; no facilities.
Size: 0 ------------------------------- 6.7 km
Atmosphere: 0 ---------------------- Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 ----------------- 0%
Population: 7 ------------------------ Tens of millions of inhabitants.
Government: B ---------------------- Non-Charismatic Leader.
Law Level: 9 ------------------------- Possession of any weapon outside one’s residence is prohibited.
Tech Level: 6 ------------------------- circa 1940 to 1969.
Non-agricultural, Desert, Asteroid
Population Multiplier: 1 ------------- 10,000,000 people.
Maximum Number of Orbits: 6 ---- Orbit 0 = 0.2 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.3685 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.7719 A.U., Orbit 3 = 1.0081 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.822 A.U., Orbit 5 = 3.051 A.U., Orbit 6 = 4.931 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 0
Asteroid Belts: 1 ---------------------- 2 asteroid belts: Orbit 0 (0.2 A.U.), Orbit 1 (0.3685 A.U.)
Gas giants: 5 --------------------------- Small gas giant (42,958 km), Large gas giant (61,968 km), Small gas giant (54,997 km), Small gas giant (31,005 km), Small gas giant (56,749 km).
Gas Giant Orbits: ---------------------- Orbit 2 (0.7719 A.U.), ------ Orbit 3 (1.0081 A.U.), ------- Orbit 4 (1.822 A.U.), --------- Orbit 5 (3.051 A.U.), --------- Orbit 6 (4.931 A.U.)
Star Type: M0 V ---------------------- Red Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.04, Radius = 0.549, Mass = 0.489, Habitable Zone = 0.2 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.1279 years.

021925 EPSILON INDI ---
Starport: Type B --------------------- Good quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards for non-starships.
Size: 2 --------------------------------- 3,680 km.
Atmosphere: 0 ------------------------ Vacuum.
Water Coverage: 0 ------------------- 0%
Population: 6 -------------------------- Millions of inhabitants.
Government: 9 ------------------------ Impersonal Bureaucracy.
Law Level: 8 -------------------------- Long bladed weapons (all but daggers) are controlled, and open possession is prohibited.
Tech Level: 9 -------------------------- Early Interstellar Community.
Scout Base, Naval Base.
Non-agricultural, Non-industrial, Desert, Vacuum World.
Population Multiplier: 6 -------------- 6,000,000 people.
Period of rotation: --------------------- 19.08 hours
Maximum Number of Orbits: 6 ----- Orbit 0 = 0.1227 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.3600 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.7013 A.U., Orbit 3 = 0.9695 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.443 A.U., Orbit 5 = 2.620 A.U., Orbit 6 = 5.635 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 0
Planets: 5 ------------------------------- 7 (10,777 km), -------- 2 (3,680 km), ----------7 (11,543 km), --------- 6 (9,949 km), ---------- 9 (14,623 km)
Planet Orbits: -------------------------- Orbit 0 (0.1227 A.U.), Orbit 1 (0.3600 A.U.), Orbit 2 (0.7013 A.U.), Orbit 3 (0.9695 A.U.), Orbit 4 (1.443 A.U.)
Asteroid belts: 1 ----------------------- 1 asteroid belt: Orbit 5 (2.620 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 1 --------------------------- Small gas giant (37,895 km).
Gas Giant Orbits: ---------------------- Orbit 6 (5.635 A.U.)
Satellites: 0
Star Type: K5 V ------------------------ Orange Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.13, Radius = 1.0, Mass = 0.71, Habitable Zone = 0.36 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.2563 years.

022028 LUYTEN 372-58 --
Spaceport: Y--------------------------- No Space Port (See third satellite for Starport)
Size: Large Gas Giant --------------- 115,143 km.
Atmosphere: C ------------------------ Insidious, hydrogen (At 1 atmosphere altitude) - crushing below
Water Coverage: 0 ------------------- 0%
Population: 0 -------------------------- No inhabitants.
Government: 0 ------------------------ No government.
Law Level: 0 -------------------------- No prohibitions.
Tech Level: 0 -------------------------- No Tech Level
See Third Satellite for trade category.
Population Multiplier: 0 ------------- 0 people.
Period of rotation: -------------------- 24.98 hours
Maximum Number of Orbits: 6 ---- Orbit 0 = 0.08367 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.3482 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.5919 A.U., Orbit 3 = 0.9853 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.569 A.U., Orbit 5 = 2.522 A.U., Orbit 6 = 5.806 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 0
Asteroid Belts: 2 ---------------------- 2 asteroid belts: Orbit 1 (0.3482 A.U.), Orbit 6 (5.806 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 5 -------------------------- Large gas giant (115,143 km), Small gas giant (26,308 km), Small gas giant (55,971 km), Large gas giant (128,014 km), Small gas giant (45,795 km).
Gas Giants Orbits: -------------------- Orbit 0 (0.08367 A.U.), ------- Orbit 2 (0.5919 A.U), -------- Orbit 3 (0.9853 A.U.), ------- Orbit 4 (1.569 A.U.) ----------- Orbit 5 (2.522 A.U.)
Satellites: 3 ---------------------------- Distances: 460,572 km, --------- 719,652 km, ---------- 1,036,287 km
Spaceport/Starport: ------------------------------- Y ---No Spaceport--- Y ---No Spaceport --- D --- Poor quality with unrefined fuel; no repair facilities.
Satellite Sizes: ------------------------------------- S (190 km), --------- 0 (6.17 km) ------------ 4 (6,301 km)
Satellite Atmospheres: --------------------------- 0 – Vacuum, --------- 0 – Vacuum ----------- 5 – Thin.
Satellite Water Coverage: ----------------------- 0 – 0%, --------------- 0 – 0% ------------------ 5 – 50%
Population: ---------------------------------------- 0 – No inhabitants, -- 0 – No inhabitants. --- 5 – Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants.
Government: -------------------------------------- 0 – No government, - 0 – No government. – 8 – Civil Service Bureaucracy
Law Level: ---------------------------------------- 0 – No prohibitions, - 0 – No prohibitions. – 9 – Possession of any weapon outside one’s residence is prohibited.
Tech Level: ---------------------------------------- 0 – No Tech Level, - 0 – No Tech Level. --- 5 – circa 1900 to 1939 A.D.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agricultural, Non-industrial World
Population Multiplier: ---------------------------- 0 – 0 people, -------- 0 -- 0 people. ----------- 6 --- 600,000 people
Period or rotation/orbit: ---------------------------3.63 days -------------7.08 days --------------- 12.24 days
Star Type: M5.5 V -------------------- Red Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.007, Radius = 0.358, Mass = 0.331, Habitable Zone = 0.08367 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.04207 years

Starport: Type A ------------------------ Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards.
Size: 8 ------------------------------------ 12,306 km.
Atmosphere: 8 --------------------------- Dense.
Water Coverage: 7 ---------------------- 70%
Population: 8 ----------------------------- Hundreds of millions of inhabitants.
Government: 4 --------------------------- Representative Democracy
Law Level: 4 ----------------------------- Light assault weapons (sub machineguns) prohibited.
Tech Level: F ---------------------------- Technical maximum Interstellar.
Non-industrial World
Population Multiplier: 3 ---------------- 300,000,000 people
Period of rotation: ----------------------- 24.05 hours
Maximum Number of Orbits: 7 ------- Orbit 0 = 0.1646 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.3617 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.7587 A.U., Orbit 3 = 1.000 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.886 A.U., Orbit 5 = 3.039 A.U., Orbit 6 = 5.516 A.U., Orbit 7 = 8.957 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 2 -------------------------- Orbit 0 (0.1646 A.U.), Orbit 1 (0.3617 A.U.)
Planets: 2 ---------------------------------- 5 (7,447 km), --------- 8 (12,306 km)
Planet Orbits: ----------------------------- Orbit 2 (0.7587 A.U.), Orbit 3 (1.000 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 2 ------------------------- 2 asteroid belts: Orbit 4 (1.886 A.U.), Orbit 7 (8.957 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 2 ----------------------------- Large gas giant (155,091 km), Small gas giant (56,749 km).
Gas Giant Orbits: ------------------------ Orbit 5 (3.039 A.U.), Orbit 6 (5.516 A.U)
Satellites: 3 -------------------------------- Distances: 61,530 km, 123,060 km, 307,650 km
Satellite Sizes: ----------------------------------------- 2 (2,491 km), 0 (645 km), 3 (5,548 km)
Satellite Atmospheres: -------------------------------- 6 – Standard, 0 – Vacuum, 5 – Thin
Satellite Water Coverages: ---------------------------- 1 – 10%, 0 – 0%, 3- 30%
Satellite Populations: ----------------------------------- 5 - Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants, 7 – Tens of millions of inhabitants, 3 – Thousands of inhabitants.
Satellite Governments: --------------------------------- 2 - Participating Democracy, 6 – Captive Government, 6 – Captive Government
Satellite Law Levels: ----------------------------------- 2 – Portable energy weapons (laser carbine, laser rifle) prohibited, Ship’s gunnery not affected, 7 – Shotguns are prohibited, 3 – Weapons of strict military nature (machine guns, automatic rifles) prohibited.
Satellite Tech Levels: ---------------------------------- E – Above average Interstellar, E- Above average Interstellar, E – Above average Interstellar
Satellite Populations Multipliers: --------------------- 1 – 100,000 people, 7 – 70,000,000 people, 6 – 6,000 people.
Star Type: G8 V -------------------------- Yellow Main Sequence, Luminosity = 1.0, Radius = 1.07, Mass = 0.98, Habitable Zone = 1 A.U.
Orbital Period: 1.0102 years
031922 GLIESE 745 -----
Starport: D ------------------------- Poor quality with unrefined fuel; no repair facilities.
Size: 6 ------------------------------ 10,137 km
Atmosphere: 6 -------------------- Standard
Water Coverage: 4 --------------- 40%
Population: 3 --------------------- Thousands of inhabitants
Government: 5 ------------------- Feudal Technocracy
Law Level: 3 --------------------- Weapons of a strict military nature (machine guns, automatic rifles) prohibited.
Tech Level: 8 -------------------- Pre-interstellar
Scout Base
Non-industrial World
Population Multiplier: 1 --------- 1,000 people
Period of rotation: ----------------- 12.8 hours.
Maximum Number of Orbits: 3 --- Orbit 0 = 0.08367 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.4137 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.6841 A.U., Orbit 3 = 0.9969 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 0
Planets: 2 --------------------------- 6 (10,137 km), ---------- 4 (6,492 km)
Planet Orbits: ---------------------- Orbit 0 (0.08367 A.U.), Orbit 1 (0.4137 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 1 ------------------ Orbit 2 (0.6841 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 1 ---------------------- Small gas giant (19,470 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: ----------------- Orbit 3 (0.9969 A.U.)
Satellites: 0
Star Type: M4.5 V ---------------- Red Main Sequence Star, Luminosity = 0.007, Radius = 0.358, Mass = 0.331, Habitable Zone = 0.08367 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.04207 years.
Starport: D ------------------------------ Poor quality with unrefined fuel; no repair facilities.
Size: 6 ----------------------------------- 9,293 km
Atmosphere: 6 -------------------------- Standard
Water Coverage: 4 --------------------- 40%
Population: 8 ---------------------------- Hundreds of millions of inhabitants
Government: C -------------------------- Charismatic Oligarchy
Law Level: H ---------------------------- Weapon possession is prohibited
Tech Level: C ---------------------------- Average Interstellar
Population Multiplier: 9 ---------------- 900,000,000 people
Period of Rotation: 80.3 hours
Maximum Number of Orbits: 5 ------- Orbit 0 = 0.2342 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.3447 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.5477 A.U., Orbit 3 = 1.023 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.659 A.U., Orbit 5 = 3.298 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 0
Planets: 3 --------------------------------- 6 (9,309 km), ---------- 4 (6,376 km), --------- 6 (9,293 km)
Planet Orbits: ---------------------------- Orbit 0 (0.2342 A.U.), Orbit 1 (0.3447 A.U.), Orbit 2 (0.5477 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 1 ------------------------- Orbit 3 (1.023 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 2 ----------------------------- Small Gas Giant (23,677 km), Small Gas Giant (17,545 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: ------------------------ Orbit 4 (1.659 A.U.), ---------- Orbit 5 (3.298 A.U.)
Satellites: 2 ------------------------------- Distances: 41,818 km, 60,405 km
Satellite Spaceports: --------------------------------- H- Primitive facilities, Y – No Spaceport
Satellite Sizes: ---------------------------------------- 3 (4,777 km), ---------- 2 (2,574 km)
Satellite Atmospheres: ------------------------------- 3 – Very Thin, -------- 0 – Vacuum
Satellite Water Coverage: ---------------------------- 4 – 40%, -------------- 0 – 0%
Satellite Populations: ---------------------------------- 1 – Tens of inhabitants, 6 – Millions of inhabitants
Satellite Governments: -------------------------------- 0 – No government structure, 1 Company/Corporation
Satellite Law Level: ----------------------------------- 0 – No Prohibitions, ---------- F – Weapon possession is prohibited
Satellite Tech Level: ----------------------------------- B – Average Interstellar, ---- B – Average Interstellar
Satellite Population Multipliers: ----------------------9 – 90 people, ----------------- 9,000,000 people
Star Type: K2 V ----------------------- Orange Main Sequence Star, Luminosity = 0.300, Radius = 0.900, Mass = 0.800, Habitable Zone = 0.5477 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.4532 years.
Starport: X ------------------------------- No starport. Generally a red travel zone.
Size: 0 ------------------------------------ 9.9 km
Atmosphere: 0 -------------------------- Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 --------------------- 0%
Population: 0 --------------------------- No inhabitants
Government: 0 ------------------------- No government
Law Level: 3 --------------------------- Weapons of a strict military nature (machine guns, automatic rifles) prohibited.
Tech Level: 2 -------------------------- circa 1400 to 1700
Non-industiral Desert Asteroid
Population Multiplier: 8 -------------- 8 people
Maximum Number of Orbits: 2 ----- Orbit 0 = 0.1649 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.4183 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.6896 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 0
Asteroid Belts: 1 ----------------------- Orbit 0 (0.1649 A.U.), Orbit 1 (0.4183 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 1 -------------------------- Small Gas Giant (43,174 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: ---------------------- Orbit 2 (0.6896 A.U.)
Star Type: M1.5 V --------------------- Red Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.04, Radius = 0.549, Mass = 0.489, Habitable Zone = 0.2 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.3869 years at Orbit 1 (0.4183 A.U.)

041725 AGIDDA -------------
Starport: A ------------------------------ Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards
Size: 9 ----------------------------------- 14,265 km
Atmosphere: 7 -------------------------- Dense, tainted
Water Coverage: 2 --------------------- 20%
Population: 9 ---------------------------- Billions of inhabitants.
Government: 7 -------------------------- Balkanization
Law Level 9 ----------------------------- Possession of any weapon outside one’s residence is prohibited.
Tech Level: F --------------------------- Technical Maximum Interstellar
Population Multiplier: 1 --------------- 1,000,000,000 people
Period of Rotation: 10 hours.
Maximum Number of Orbits: 3 ------- Orbit 0 = 0.2000 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.4057 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.78 A.U., Orbit 3 = 0.9735 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 0
Planets: 2 --------------------------------- 9 (14,265 km), -------- 5 (7,887 km)
Planet Orbits: ---------------------------- Orbit 0 (0.2000 A.U.), Orbit 1 (0.4057 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 0
Gas Giants: 2 ---------------------------- Small Gas Giant (56,891 km), Large Gas Giant (66,861 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: ----------------------- Orbit 2 (0.7800 A.U.), --------- Orbit 3 (0.9735 A.U.)
Satellites: 0
Star Type: M2 V ------------------------ Red Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.04, Radius = 0.546, Mass = 0.489, Habitable Zone = 0.2 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.1279 years.
041923 GLIESE 682 ----------
Starport: D ------------------------------ Poor quality with unrefined fuel; no repair facilities.
Size: 0 ----------------------------------- 2.3 km
Atmosphere: 0 -------------------------- Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 --------------------- 0%
Population: 5 ---------------------------- Hundreds or thousands of inhabitants.
Government: 3 -------------------------- Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy.
Law Level: 3 ---------------------------- Weapons of a strict military nature (machine guns, automatic rifles) prohibited.
Tech Level: 8 --------------------------- Pre-Interstellar
Scout Base
Non-industrial Desert Asteroid
Population Multiplier: 9 --------------- 900,000 people
Maximum Number of Orbits: 3 ------ Orbit 0 = 0.08366 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.4149 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.6912 A.U., Orbit 3 = 0.9641 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 0
Asteroid Belts: 0 ------------------------ 1 asteroid belt, Orbit 0 (0.08366 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 3 ---------------------------- Small Gas Giant (25,850 km), Small Gas Giant(37,375 km), Small Gas Giant (27,870 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: ----------------------- Orbit 1 (0.4149 A.U.),--------- Orbit 2 (0.6912 A.U.), -------- Orbit 3 (0.9641 A.U.)
Star Type: M4.5 V ---------------------- Red Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.007, Radius = 0.358, Mass = 0.331, Habitable Zone = 0.08366 A.U.
Orbital Period = 0.0421 years

042023 GLIESE 674 -----------
Starport: A ------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards.
Size: 5 ------------------------------------ 8,447 km
Atmosphere: 0 --------------------------- Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 ---------------------- 0%
Population: 6 ---------------------------- Millions of inhabitants.
Government: 6 -------------------------- Captive Government.
Law Level: 6 ---------------------------- Most firearms (all except shotguns) prohibited. The carrying of any type of weapon openly is discouraged.
Tech Level: B --------------------------- Average Interstellar
Naval Base
Non-agricultural Non-industrial Desert Vacuum World
Population Multiplier: 3 --------------- 3,000,000 people
Period of rotation: 21.61 hours
Maximum Number of Orbits: 4 ------- Orbit 0 = 0.08366 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.403 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.7191 A.U., Orbit 3 = 1.0087 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.5907 A.U.
Empty orbits: 0
Planets: 1 --------------------------------- 5 (8,447 km)
Planet Orbits: ---------------------------- Orbit 0 (0.08366 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 2 ------------------------ Orbit 1 (0.403 A.U.), Orbit 2 (0.7191 A.U.)
Gas Giants 2 ----------------------------- Large Gas Giant (62,159 km), Large Gas Giant (64,271 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: ----------------------- Orbit 3 (1.0087 A.U.), -------- Orbit 4 (1.5907 A.U.)
Satellites: 1 ------------------------------ Distance: 211,175 km
Satellite Spaceport: -------------------------------- G --- Poor quality
Satellite Size: --------------------------------------- S --- 127 km
Satellite Atmosphere: ------------------------------ 0 --- Vacuum
Satellite Water Coverage: ------------------------- 0 --- 0%
Satellite Population: ------------------------------- 4 --- Tens of thousands of people
Satellite Government: ------------------------------2 --- Participating Democracy
Satellite Law Level: --------------------------------9 --- Possession of any weapon outside one’s residence is prohibited.
Satellite Tech Level: ------------------------------- A --- Early Interstellar
Satellite Population Multiplier: ------------------- 4 --- 40,000 people
Star Type: M4.5 V ---------------------- Red Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.007, Radius = 0.358, Mass = 0.331, Habitable Zone = 0.08366 A.U.
Orbital Period = 0.0421 years

042122 GLIESE 693 -----------
Starport: C -------------------------------- Routine quality with unrefined fuel, some repair facilities.
Size: 7 ------------------------------------- 11,025 km
Atmosphere: 6 --------------------------- Standard
Water Coverage: 7 ---------------------- 70%
Population: 3 ----------------------------- Thousands of inhabitants.
Government: 0 --------------------------- No government
Law Level: 0 ----------------------------- No prohibitions.
Tech Level: C ---------------------------- Average Interstellar.
Non-industrial Agricultural
Population Multiplier: 9 ----------------- 9,000 people.
Period of Rotation: 32.93 hours
Maximum Number of Orbits: 8 -------- Orbit 0 = 0.08366 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.4191 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.7993 A.U., Orbit 3 = 0.974 A.U., Orbit 4 = 2.0227 A.U., Orbit 5 = 2.8775 A.U., Orbit 6 = 4.6061 A.U., Orbit 7 = 12.6060 A.U., Orbit 8 = 19.5515 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 0
Planets: 4 ---------------------------------- 7 (11,025 km), ---------- 8 (13,039 km), ------- 9 (14,461 km), -------- 1 (1,435 km)
Planet Orbits: ----------------------------- Orbit 0 (0.08366 A.U.), Orbit 1 (0.4191 A.U.), Orbit 2 (0.7993 A.U.), Orbit 3 (0.974 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 1 -------------------------- Orbit 4 (2.0227 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 4 ------------------------------ Large Gas Giant (73,321 km), Large Gas Giant (63,236 km), Large Gas Giant (95,150 km), Large Gas Giant (82,142 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: ------------------------- Orbit 5 (2.8775 A.U.), -------- Orbit 6 (4.6061 A.U.), --------- Orbit 7 (12.6060 A.U.), ------- Orbit 8 (19.5515 A.U.)
Satellites: 3 -------------------------------- Distances: 38,588 km, -------------------- 60,638 km, ----------------------- 275,625 km
Satellite Spaceports: ----------------------------------- F --- Good quality, ----------- G --- Poor Quality, ------------- G --- Poor Quality
Satellite Sizes: ------------------------------------------ S (306 km), -------------------- 5 (7,486), ------------------------ 2 (3,857 km)
Satellite Atmospheres: -------------------------------- 0 --- Vacuum, ------------------ 5 --- Thin, ----------------------- 1 --- Trace
Satellite Water Coverages: ---------------------------- 0 --- 0%, ------------------------ 5 --- 50%, ----------------------- 0 --- 0%
Satellite Populations: ---------------------------------- 2 --- Hundreds of Inhabitants, - 2 --- Hundreds of Inhabitants, 2 --- Hundreds of Inhabitants
Satellite Governments: -------------------------------- 2 --- Participating Democracy, 1 --- Company/Corporation, - 1 --- Company/Corporation
Satellite Law Levels: ---------------------------------- 1, ---------------------------------- 0, --------------------------------- 2
Satellite Tech Levels: --------------------------------- B, ---------------------------------- B, -------------------------------- B
Satellite Population Multiplier: ---------------------- 8 --- 800 people, ----------------- 3 --- 300 people, -------------- 2 --- 200 people
Star Type: M4 V -------------------------- Red Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.007, Radius = 0.358, Mass = 0.331, Habitable Zone = 0.08366 A.U.
Orbital Period = 0.0421 years

051821 GJ 2130 ------------------
Starport: A --------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards.
Size: 0 -------------------------------------- 105 km
Atmosphere: 0 ----------------------------- Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 ------------------------ 0%
Population: 9 ------------------------------- Billions of inhabitants.
Government: A ----------------------------- Charismatic Dictator
Law Level: C ------------------------------- Weapon possession is prohibited
Tech Level: C ------------------------------ Average Interstellar
Non-agricultural Industrial Desert Asteroid
Population Multiplier: 1 ------------------ 1,000,000,000 people
Maximum Number or Orbits: 5 ---------- Orbit 0 = 0.2000 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.4201 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.6397, Orbit 3 = 1.0169 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.4173 A.U., Orbit 5 = 2.3445 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 0
Planets 1: ------------------------------------ 6 (9,936 km)
Planet Orbits: ------------------------------- Orbit 0 (0.2000 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 3 --------------------------- 4 asteroid belts: Orbit 1 (0.4201 A.U.), Orbit 2 (0.6397 A.U.), Orbit 3 (1.0169 A.U.), Orbit 4 (1.4173 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 1 ------------------------------- Small Gas Giant (33,850 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: -------------------------- Orbit 5 (2.3445 A.U.)
Star Type: M2 V --------------------------- Red Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.04, Radius = 0.549, Mass = 0.489, Habitable Zone = 0.2 A.U.
Orbital Period = 0.1279 years
Companion Star Type: M2 V ------------ Red Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.04, Radius = 0.549, Mass = 0.489, Habitable Zone = 0.2 A.U.
Companion Maximum Number of Orbits: 4 ---- Orbit 0 = 0.2000 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.4376 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.6783 A.U., Orbit 3 = 1.0653 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.5313 A.U.
Companion Empty Orbits: 3 -------------------------- Orbit 0 (0.2000), Orbit 1(0.4376 A.U.), Orbit 2 (0.6783 A.U.)
Companion Asteroid Belts: 2 ------------------------- Orbit 3 (1.0653 A.U.), Orbit 4 (1.5313 A.U.)
Companion Gas Giants: 0
Second Companion Star Type: M5 V --- Red Main Sequence, Luminosity = 0.007, Radius = 0.358, Mass = 0.331, Habitable Zone = 0.08366 A.U.
2nd Companion Maximum Number of Orbits: 4 ---- Orbit 0 = 0.08366 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.3987 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.8360 A.U., Orbit 3 = 0.9663 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.3573 A.U.
2nd Companion Empty Orbits: 0
2nd Companion Asteroid Belts: 2 -------------------- Orbit 0 (0.08366 A.U.), Orbit 1 (0.3987 A.U.)
2nd Companion Gas Giants: 3 ------------------------ Small Gas Giant (35,280 km), Large Gas Giant (85,014 km), Large Gas Giant (107,517 km)
2nd Companion Gas Giant Orbits:-------------------- Orbit 2 (0.8360 A.U.), -------- Orbit 3 (0.9663 A.U.), --------- Orbit 4 (1.3573 A.U.)
Earth and Mars

051827 EARTH --------------------
Starport: A ----------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards.
Size: 8 ---------------------------------------- 12,756 km
Atmosphere: 6 ------------------------------- Standard
Water Coverage: 7 -------------------------- 70%
Population: 9 --------------------------------- Billions of inhabitants
Government: 7 ------------------------------- Balkanization
Law Level: 3 --------------------------------- Weapons of a strict military nature (machine guns, automatic rifles) prohibited.
Tech Level: F -------------------------------- Average Imperial
Scout Base, and Naval Base
Population Multiplier: 4 -------------------- 4,240,000,000 people
Period of Rotation: 23.93 hours
Maximum Number of Orbits: 9a ----------- Orbit 0 = 0.2000 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.3871 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.7233 A.U., Orbit 3 = 1.0000 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.5237 A.U., Orbit 5 = 2.8000 A.U., Orbit 6 = 5.2028 A.U., Orbit 7 = 9.5388 A.U., Orbit 8 = 19.1914 A.U., Orbit 9 = 30.0611 A.U., Orbit 9a = 29.6470 A.U. +
Empty Orbits: 1 ------------------------------ Orbit 0 (0.2000 A.U.)
Planets: 4 ------------------------------------- Mercury - 3 (4,879 km), Venus - 8 (12,104 km), Earth - 8 (12,756 km), Mars - 4 (6,794 km)
Planet Orbits: -------------------------------- Orbit 1 (0.3871 A.U.), --- Orbit 2 (0.7233 A.U.), - Orbit 3 (1.0000 A.U.), Orbit 4 (1.5237 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 2 ---------------------------- Orbit 5 (2.8000 A.U.), Orbit 9a (29.6470 A.U. +)
Gas Giants: 4 -------------------------------- Jupiter - Large gas giant (142,984 km), Saturn - Large gas giant (120,536 km), Uranus - Small gas giant (51,118 km), Neptune - Small gas giant (49,572 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: --------------------------- Orbit 6 (5.2028 A.U.), ------------------- Orbit 7 (9.5388 A.U.), -------------------- Orbit 8 (19.1914 A.U.), ---------------- Orbit 9 (30.0611 A.U.)
Satellites: 3 ---------------------------------- Distance: 384,400 km, ------------------- 384,400 km, ------------------------- 384,400 km
Satellite Names: ---------------------------- Lagrangia 4, ------------------------------- Luna, ---------------------------------- Lagrangia 5
Satellite Starports: -------------------------- A – Excellent Quality, ------------------- A – Excellent Quality, -------------- A - Excellent Quality
Satellite Sizes: ------------------------------ 0 (50 km by 10 km by 10 km cylinder), 2 (3,476 km), ------------------------ 0 (50 km by 10 km by 10 km cylinder)
Satellite Atmosphere: ---------------------- 0 – Vacuum, ------------------------------- 0 – Vacuum, ------------------------- 0 – Vacuum
Satellite Water Coverage: ----------------- 0 – 0%, ------------------------------------- 0 – 0%, ------------------------------- 0 – 0%.
Satellite Population: ------------------------ 6 – millions of inhabitants, -------------- 7 – tens of millions of inhabitants, 6 – millions of inhabitants
Satellite Governments: --------------------- 6 – Captive Government, ---------------- 6 – Captive Governments, ---------- 6 – Captive Government
Run by: --------------------------------------- North America,-----------------------------, North America/Eurasia, ----------- Eurasia
Satellite Law Levels: ----------------------- 3, -------------------------------------------- 3, -------------------------------------- 3
Satellite Tech Levels: ---------------------- F, -------------------------------------------- F, ------------------------------------- F
Satellite Population Multiplier: ---------- 6 – 6,000,000 people, ---------------------- 5 – 50,000,000 people, ------------ 8 – 8,000,000 people
The Fleet: Amounts subtracted from available forces of host nations on Earth.
Fighters: ------------------------------------- 1,000,----------------------------------------- 1,000/1,500, ------------------------- 1,500
* Heavy Fighters: --------------------------200, -------------------------------------------- 200/200, ----------------------------- 250
Scout/Couriers: ---------------------------- 200, -------------------------------------------- 200/200, ----------------------------- 200
Express Boats (Jump-4) ----------------- 200, --------------------------------------------- 200/200, ----------------------------- 200
Mercenary Cruisers: --------------------- 100, --------------------------------------------- 100/100, ----------------------------- 100
Patrol Cruisers: --------------------------- 100, --------------------------------------------- 100/100, ----------------------------- 100
Star Type: G2 V ---------------------------- Yellow Main Sequence, Luminosity = 1.000, Radius = 1.000, Mass = 1.000, Habitable Zone = 1.0000 A.U.
Orbital Period: 1.000 years.

There are 11 countries on old Terra, or Earth as the inhabitants now call it. Each country speaks the same language, but they have different regional accents. Here are the Nations of Earth.

North America (The continent minus California and Mexico, and Cuba)
Starport: A –----- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards. Location: Kennedy Space Center, Florida.
Navy Base : ----- Cape Canaveral Florida
Population: 8 ---- 340,000,000 people
Government: 4 -- Representative Democracy (Federal Republic)
Law Level: 3 ----- Weapons of a strict military nature (machine guns, automatic rifles) prohibited
Tech Level: ------ F --- Average Imperial
Capital: ---------- Washington D.C.
Currency Unit: -- North American Dollar = 1 Imperial Credit
GDP: $12,000,000,000,000 (12 trillion Credits)
States of North America: Alaska, Yukon, Northwest, Nunavut, Greenland, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Labrador, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massasachusetts, Rhode Island, Nevada, Utah, Northern Arizona, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Deleware, New Jersey, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansaw, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, The Bahamas, and Cuba.
Defense Budget: $600,000,000,000 (600 billion Credits)
The Fleet:
Fighters: ------------------------- 5,000
*Heavy Fighters (Gladiators): 1,000
Scout/Couriers: ----------------- 1000
Express Boats (Jump-4): ------- 1,000
Mercenary Cruisers: ------------ 500
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------- 500
Total number of troops under arms 4,636,549

* The Gladiator (Heavy Fighter)
Class: --------- Fighter -------- EP Output: ---------- 15 (0.5 excess) --------- Turret: Pulse Laser USP-5
Tech Level: -- 14 ------------- Agility: ---------------- 0 ------------------------ Damage: ------- 5d10
Size: ---------- 50-tons -------- Initiative: ------ 0 ---------------------- Crit. ----------- 19+
Streamlining:--Airframe------AC:------------- 19---------------------- Crit. Dmg.------ x2
Jump Range:-- 0 -------------- SI:--------------- 87 --------------------- Range Incr.----- 45,000km
Acceleration:--3-G------------ Main Computer: Model/5
Fuel:----------- 1-ton LH2------- Sensor Range: 240,000km
Duration:------ 1.86 days----- Comm. Range: 240,000km
Crew:---------- 1---------------- Cost:------------ Mcr 115
Couches:------ 1----------------Atmospheric Speeds: NoE = 1,325kph
Low Berths:---1----------------Cruising = 3,975kph Maximum = 5,300kph
Cargo Space: 0.5-tons

TAS Form 3.1 (Condensed)

Design Specifications
Installed Components----------------- Tonnage--------- Cost---------- EP---Build Time
50-ton streamlined wedge hull-----------50---------6.00---------7 months
TL14 Armor USP 9-----------------------(5)--------0.70
Bridge --------------------------------------(5)
Computer Model/5------------------------(0.5)---------------(3)
Sensors Very Long Range---------------(1.5)
Communications Very Long Range----(1)
Computer + Sensors + Comm.----------------------------27.50
Fiber Optic Backup-----------------------(3)------27.50
3-G Maneuver Drive Unit---------------(4)-------2.00------(1.5)-----Fuel Consumption
TL13 Fusion Power Plant-------------(15)------45.00 ------15--------15-tons of LH2 per 4 weeks
Fuel LH2----------------------------------------------------(1)
Fuel Scoops--------------------------------------------------0.05
Hard point----------------------------------------------------0.10
Pulse Laser USP-5---------------------(10)--------5.00-----(10)
Small Craft Couch-----------------------(0.5)
Low Berth------------------------------ -(0.5)----- 0.05---- 0.0
Totals--------------------------------------+0.5--Mcr115.00 0.5

Mexafornia (California, Mexico, Central America and Columbia)
Starport: A –----- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards. Location: Panama City, Panama
Navy Base : ----- Panama City
Population: 8 ---- 250,000,000 people
Government: 4 – 3 --- Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy
Law Level: 0 ----- No Prohibitions
Tech Level: ------ E --- Above Average Imperial
Capital: ---------- Mexico City
Currency Unit: -- Mexafornian Peso = 0.1 Imperial Credit
GDP: $1,200,000,000,000 (1.2 trillion Credits)
Defense Budget: $60,000,000,000 (60 billion Credits)
The Fleet:
Fighters: ------------------------- 500
*Heavy Fighters (Gladiators): 100
Scout/Couriers: ----------------- 100
Express Boats (Jump-4): ------- 100
Mercenary Cruisers: ------------ 50
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------- 50
Total number of troops under arms 2,000,000

Brazilia (Northern South America includes the west coast and Andies but not Columbia)
Starport A: ---- Excellent quality with refined fuels, overhaul, shipyards. Location: Guiana
Navy Base: Rio de Janeiro
Population: 8 --- 300,000,000 people
Government: A --- Charismatic Dictator
Law Level: 4 --- light assault weapons Prohibited
Tech Level: E Above average Imperial
Capital: Brasilia
Currency Unit: --Brasilian Real = 0.4 Imperial Credits.
GDP: $4,000,000,000,000 (4 trillion Credits)
Defense Budget: $200,000,000,000
The Fleet:
Fighters: ------------------------------ 1,600
*Heavy Fighters: --------------------- 300
Scout/Couriers: ----------------------- 400
Express Boats: ------------------------ 300
Mercenary Cruisers: ------------------ 200
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------------- 100
Total number of troops under arms: 1,500,000

Argentchile (Argentinia Chile and any other South American countries I haven't mentioned yet.
Starport B: ---------------------------- Good Quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards for non-starships. Location: Santiago
Navy Base: Santiago.
Population: 8 --- 100,000,000 people
Government: B --- Non-Charismatic Leader
Law Level: 2 Portable energy weapons (laser carbine, laser rifle) prohibited. Ship’s gunnery not affected.
Tech Level: E Above Average Imperial
Capital: Buenos Aires
Currency Unit: Dollar = 0.05 Imperial Credits
GDP: 1,000,000,000,000 (1 Trillion Credits)
Defense Budget: $50,000,000,000
The Fleet:
Fighters: ------------------------------ 800
Heavy Fighters: ---------------------- 80
Scout/Couriers: ---------------------- 100
Express Boats: ----------------------- 75
Mercenary Cruisers: ----------------- 50
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------------- 25

Carribeia (The Carribean minus Cuba)
Starport C: --------------------------- Routine quality with unrefined fuel, some repair facilities. Location: Santo Domingo.
Navy Base: Santo Domingo
Population: 7 --- 50,000,000 people
Government: 1 --- Company/Corporation
Law Level: 0 --- No prohibitions
Tech Level: E Above average Imperial
Capital: Santo Domingo
Currency Unit: Dollar = 0.5 Imperial Credits
GDP: 100,000,000,000
Defense Budget: $5,000,000,000
The Fleet:
Fighters: ---------------------------- 80
Heavy Fighters: -------------------- 8
Scout/Couriers: -------------------- 10
Express Boats: --------------------- 8
Mercenary Cruisers: --------------- 5
Patrol Cruisers: -------------------- 2

Mediterreania (Coincides mostly with the borders of the Ancient Roman Empire (North Africa, Southern Europe, the Middle East)
Starport: A ---------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, ship yards. Location: Rome
Navy Base: Rome
Population: 8 --- 400,000,000 people
Government: 5 --- Feudal Technocracy
Law Level: 5 --- Personal concealable firearms (pistols, revolvers) prohibited.
Tech Level: F --- Above average Imperial
Capital: Rome
Currency: Deneri – 1 Imperial Credit
GDP: 12,000,000,000,000
Defense Budget: $600,000,000,000 (600 billion Credits)
The Fleet:
Fighters: ------------------------- 5,000
*Heavy Fighters (Gladiators): 1,000
Scout/Couriers: ----------------- 1000
Express Boats (Jump-4): ------- 1,000
Mercenary Cruisers: ------------ 500
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------- 500
Total number of troops under arms 5,700,000

Northern Europe (North of Mediterreania, includes Scandinavia, the Baltics, Poland, Ukraine and other slavic countries reaching as far south as Romania)
Starport: A ---------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, ship yards. Location: London
Navy Base: London
Population: 8 --- 300,000,000 people
Government: 4 --- Representative Democracy
Law Level: 6 --- Most firearms (all except shotguns) prohibited. The carrying of any type of weapon openly is discouraged.
Tech Level: F --- Above average Imperial
Capital: London
Currency: Euro-Credit = 1 Imperial Credit
GDP 10,000,000,000,000
Defense Budget: $500,000,000,000 (500 billion Credits)
The Fleet:
Fighters: ----------------- 4,000
*Heavy Fighters: -------- 800
Scout/Couriers: ---------- 1,000
Express Boats: ----------- 1,000
Mercenary Cruisers: ----- 300
Patrol Cruisers: ---------- 300
Total number of troops under Arms: 3,000,000

Eurasia (The borders of the Old Soviet Union and Mongolia)
Starport: A ---------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, ship yards. Location: Moscow
Navy Base: Moscow
Population: 8 --- 300,000,000 people
Government: 3 --- Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy
Law Level: A --- Weapon possession is prohibited.
Tech Level: E --- Above average Imperial
Capital: Moscow
Currency: Ruble = 0.25 Imperial credits
GDP 6,000,000,000,000
Defense Budget: 1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion credits)
The Fleet:
Fighters: -------------------- 8,000
*Heavy Fighters: ----------- 2,000
Scout/Couriers: ------------- 2,500
Express Boats: -------------- 2,000
Mercenary Cruisers: -------- 1,000
Patrol Cruisers: ------------ 1,000
Total number of troops under arms: 10,000,000

East Asia (China, Indonesia, Korea, Indochina)
Starport: A ---------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, ship yards. Location: Beijing
Navy Base: Beijing
Population: 9 --- 1,000,000,000 people
Government: 3 --- Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy
Law Level: A --- Weapon possession is prohibited
Tech Level E --- Above Average Imperial
Capital: Beijing
Currency: Chen = 0.10 Imperial Credits
GDP 4,000,000,000,000
Defense Budget: 400,000,000,000 (4 billion credits)
The Fleet:
Fighters: ------------------- 500
Heavy Fighters: ----------- 200
Scout/Couriers: ------------ 100
Express Boats: ------------- 100
Mercenary Cruisers: -------- 100
Patrol Cruisers: ------------- 100
Total number of troops under arms: 30,000,000

Austro-Pacifica (Australia, Antarctica, Japan, and most of the Pacific Ocean)
Starport: A ---------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, ship yards. Location: Sydney
Navy Base: Sydney
Population: 8 --- 200,000,000
Government: 4 --- Representative Democracy
Law Level: 4 --- Light assault weapons (sub machineguns prohibited)
Tech Level F --- Above Average Imperial
Capital: Sydney
Currency: Austro = 2 Imperial Credits
GDP 8,000,000,000,000 (8 trillion Credits)
Defense Budget: $40,000,000,000 (40 billion Credits)
The Fleet:
Fighters: --------------------------- 300
*Heavy Fighters (Gladiators): ---- 300
Scout/Couriers: ----------------- 30
Express Boats (Jump-4): ------- 30
Mercenary Cruisers: ------------ 33 Troop Capacity 566
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------- 33
Total number of troops under arms 1,333,333

Africa (Africa South of the Sahara Desert, includes Madagascar)
Starport: A ---------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, ship yards. Location: Cape Town
Navy Base: Cape Town
Population: 9: ------------------------------ 1,000,000,000
Government: 4 ----------------------------- Representative Democracy
Law Level: 0 -------------------------------- No Prohibitions
Tech Level: E --- Above Average Imperial
Capital: Pretoria
Currency: Rand = 5 Imperial Credits
GDP: 12,000,000,000
Defense Budget: $600,000,000,000 (600 billion Credits)
The Fleet:
Fighters: ------------------------- 5,000
*Heavy Fighters (Gladiators): 1,000
Scout/Couriers: ----------------- 1000
Express Boats (Jump-4): ------- 1,000
Mercenary Cruisers: ------------ 500
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------- 500
Total number of troops under arms 5,000,000

In addition we have Lagrangia 4, Luna, and Lagrangia 5, the details have been stated above.

Combined Earth Force Fleets:
Fighters: ------------------------- 30,780
*Heavy Fighters (Gladiators): --- 6,788
Scout/Couriers: ----------------- 7,240
Express Boats (Jump-4): ------- 6,613
Mercenary Cruisers: ------------ 3,238
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------- 3,110
Total number of troops under arms: 63,169,882

Starport: A --------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards.
Size: 4 ------------------------- 6,794 km
Atmosphere: 5 ---------------- Thin
Water Coverage: 4 ----------- 40%
Population: 9 ----------------- Billions of inhabitants.
Government: 5 --------------- Feudal Technocracy
Law Level: -------------------- 1
Tech Level: F ----------------- Imperial Maximum
Population Multiplier: 3 ------ 3,200,000,000 people
The Fleet
Fighters: ------------------------- 47,058
*Heavy Fighters (Gladiators): 9,411
Scout/Couriers: ----------------- 9,411
Express Boats (Jump-4): ------- 9,411
Mercenary Cruisers: ------------ 4,705
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------- 4,705
Total number of troops under arms 47,058,800
051921 GLIESE 667 ----------
Starport: A ------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards.
Size: 0 ------------------------------------ 4.93 km
Atmosphere: 0 --------------------------- Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 ---------------------- 0%
Population: 5 ----------------------------- Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants.
Government: 6 --------------------------- Captive government (North America)
Law Level: 4 ----------------------------- Light assault weapons (sub machineguns) prohibited.
Tech Level: F ---------------------------- Technical maximum Imperial
Non-industrial Desert Asteroid
Population Multiplier: 1 ---------------- 100,000 people
Maximum Number Orbit: 7 ------------ Orbit 0 = 0.2828 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.4108 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.65 A.U., Orbit 3 = 1.0229 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.5603 A.U., Orbit 5 = 3.0851 A.U., Orbit 6 = 4.8589 A.U., Orbit 7 = 9.7897 A.U.
Planets: 4 ---------------------------------- 8 (12,585 km), -------- 6 (10,172 km), ------ 2 (2,581 km), --------- 9 (14,251 km)
Planet Orbits: ----------------------------- Orbit 1 (0.4108 A.U.), Orbit 2 (0.65 A.U.), Orbit 3 (1.0229 A.U.), Orbit 4 (1.5603 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 2 ------------------------- Orbit 0 (0.2828 A.U.), Orbit 5 (3.0851 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 2 ---------------------------- Large Gas Giant (129,515 km), Large Gas Giant (122,305 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: ------------------------ Orbit 6 (4.8589 A.U.), ---------- Orbit 7 (9.7897 A.U.)
Star Type: K5 V -------------------------- Orange Main Sequence Star, Luminosity = 0.08, Radius = 0.566, Mass = 0.570, Habitable Zone = 0.2828 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.1992 years
Companion Star Type: M2 V ----------- Red Main Sequence Star, Luminosity = 0.04, Radius = 0.549, Mass = 0.489, Habitable Zone = 0.2 A.U.
2nd Companion Star Type: M5 V ------- Red Main Sequence Star, Luminosity = 0.007, Radius = 0.358, Mass = 0.331, Habitable Zone = 0.08367 A.U.

051926 BARNARD --------------
Starport: B ---------------------------------- Good quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards for non-starships.
Size: 2 --------------------------------------- 3,748 km
Atmosphere: 0 -------------------------------- Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 --------------------------- 0%
Population: 8 ---------------------------------- Hundreds of Millions of Inhabitants.
Government: 6 -------------------------------- Captive Government (Mars)
Law Level: 9 ---------------------------------- Possession of any weapon outside one’s residence is prohibited.
Tech Level: E --------------------------------- Above Average Imperial
Non-agricultural, Vacuum World
Piopulation Multiplier: 8 --------------------- 800,000,000 people
Period of Rotation: 28 hours
Maximum Number Orbit: 3 ------------------ Orbit 0 = 0.08367 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.3857 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.5739 A.U., Orbit 3 = 0.9795 A.U.
Planets: 1 --------------------------------------- 2 (3,748 km)
Planet Orbits:----------------------------------- Orbit 0 (0.8367 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 1 ------------------------------- Orbit 1 (0.3857 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 2 ----------------------------------- Small Gas Giant (33,094 km), Large Gas Giant (71,455 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: ------------------------------ Orbit 2 (0.5739 A.U.), Orbit 3 (0.9795 A.U.)
Satellites: 0
Star Type: M5 V ------------------------------- Red Main Sequence Star, Luminosity = 0.007, Radius = 0.358 A.U., Mass = 0.331, Habitable Zone = 0.08367 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.04206 years.
052027 ALPHA CENTAURI --------
Starport: A --------------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards.
Size: 7 -------------------------------------------- 11,038 km
Atmosphere: 8 ----------------------------------- Dense
Water Coverage: 5 ------------------------------ 50%
Population: 9 ------------------------------------- Billions of inhabitants.
Government: 7 ----------------------------------- Balkanization
Law Level: 3 ------------------------------------- Weapons of a strict military nature (machine guns, automatic rifles) prohibited.
Tech Level: F ------------------------------------ Technical maximum Imperial
Scout Base
Population Multiplier: 5 ------------------------ 5,000,000,000 people
Period of rotation: 17.3227 hours.
Orbital Period: 1.3325 years = 486.36 days = 673.84 Prometheus days

Starport: A ----------------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhauls, shipyards.
Size: 4 ---------------------------------------------- 6,801 km
Atmosphere: 6 ------------------------------------ Standard
Water Coverage: 4 ------------------------------- 40%
Population: 9 -------------------------------------- Billions of inhabitants
Government: 6 ------------------------------------ Captive Government (Mars)
Law Level: 4 -------------------------------------- Light assault weapons (sub machineguns) prohibited.
Tech Level: F ------------------------------------- Technical maximum Imperial
Scout Base
Population Multiplier: 1 ------------------------- 1,000,000,000 people
Period of rotation: 19.5566 hours
Orbit Period: 2.9016 years = 1,059 days = 1,299.7 Athena days

Maximum number Orbit: 12 -------------------- Orbit 0 = 0.1943 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.3895 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.5831 A.U. Orbit 3 = 1.0395 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.25 A.U., Orbit 5 = 2.1 A.U., Orbit 6 = 4.9178 A.U., Orbit 7 = 11.2002 A.U., Orbit 8 = 16.6357 A.U., Orbit 9 = 35.9984 A.U., Orbit 10 = 77.2 A.U., Orbit 11 = 154 A.U., Orbit 12 = 307.6 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 6 ----------------------------------- Orbit 0 (0.1943 A.U.), Orbit 6 (4.9178 A.U.), Orbit 7 (11.2002 A.U.), Orbit 8 (16.6357 A.U.), Orbit 9 (35.9984 A.U.), Orbit 10 (77.2 A.U.)
Planets: 5 ------------------------------------------- 8 (13,139 km), -------- 4 (6,356 km), ---------- 6 (10,218 km), -------- 7 (11,038 km), ------ 4 (6,801 km)
Planet Orbits: -------------------------------------- Orbit 1 (0.3895 A.U.), Orbit 2 (0.5831 A.U.), Orbit 3 (1.0395 A.U.), Orbit 4 (1.25 A.U.), Orbit 5 (2.1 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 3 -------------------------------------- Small Gas Giant (30,349 km), Large Gas Giant (99,327 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: --------------------------------- Orbit 11 (154 A.U.), ----------- Orbit 12 (307.6 A.U.)
Star Type: G2 V ----------------------------------- Yellow Main Sequence Star, Luminosity = 1.5625, Radius = 1.227, Mass = 1.10, Habitable Zone = 1.25 A.U.

Companion Star Type: K6 V -------------------- Orange Main Sequence Star, Luminosity = 0.5402, Radius = 0.865, Mass = 0.89, Habitable Zone = 0.735 A.U.
Separation from Primary: ----------------------- Minimum Distance: 11 A.U., Average Distance 23 A.U., Maximum Distance 35 A.U.
Orbital Period: 0.6679 years = 243.80 days = 429.54 Thean Days
Starport: A ----------------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards.
Size: 8 ---------------------------------------------- 12,341 km
Atmosphere: 6 ------------------------------------- Standard
Water Coverage: 6 -------------------------------- 60%
Population: 9 --------------------------------------- Billions of inhabitants
Government: 7 ------------------------------------ Balkanization
Law Level: 3 --------------------------------------- Weapons of a strict military nature (machine guns, automatic rifles) prohibited.
Tech Level: F -------------------------------------- Technical Imperial Maximum
Scout Base
Population Multiplier: 4 -------------------------- 4,000,000,000 people
Period of Rotation: 13.6219 hours
Maximum number of Orbit: 4 ------------------- Orbit 0 = 0.1928 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.3315 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.735 A.U., Orbit 3 = 1.0193 A.U, Orbit 4 = 1.63
Planets: 3 ------------------------------------------- 5 (8,489 km), ---------- 6 (10,283 km), -------- 8 (12,341 km)
Planet Orbits: -------------------------------------- Orbit 0 (0.1928 A.U.), Orbit 1 (0.3315 A.U.), Orbit 2 (0.735 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 1 ---------------------------------- Orbit 3 (1.0193 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 1 -------------------------------------- Large Gas Giant (83,965 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: --------------------------------- Orbit 4 = 1.63 A.U.

2nd Companion Proxima Centauri Star Type: M5 e --------------- Red Main Sequence Star, Luminosity = 0.00006, Mass 0.1, Habitable Zone = 0.007745 A.U.
Separation from Primary: ------------------------ 13,000 A.U.
Period of Orbit: 0.002155 years = 18.88 hours.
Starport: A ---------------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards.
Size: 3 --------------------------------------------- 4,981 km
Atmosphere: 0 ------------------------------------ Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 ------------------------------- 0%
Population: 5 -------------------------------------- Hundreds of thousands of people
Government: 8 ------------------------------------ Civil Service Bureaucracy (North America)
Law Level: 7 -------------------------------------- Shotguns are prohibited
Tech Level: F ------------------------------------- Technical maximum Imperial.
Population Multiplier: 4 ------------------------- 400,000 people.
Navy Base
Vacuum Desert World.
Maximum number of orbits:4 ------------------ Orbit 0 = 0.007745 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.3777 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.7099 A.U., Orbit 3 = 0.908 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.7257 A.U.
Empty Orbits: 2 ---------------------------------- Orbit 2 (0.7099 A.U.), Orbit 3 (0.908 A.U.)
Planets: 2 ------------------------------------------ 3 (4,981 km), 1 (1,048 km)
Planet Orbits: ------------------------------------- Orbit 0 (0.007745 A.U.), Orbit 1 (0.3777 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 1 ---------------------------------- Orbit 4 (1.7257 A.U.)
Gas Giants: 0
052029 SIRIUS ---------
Starport: E ------------------------------------------- Frontier installation; no facilities
Size: 0 ------------------------------------------------ 291 km
Atmosphere: 0 --------------------------------------- Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 ---------------------------------- 0%
Population: 9 ----------------------------------------- Billions of inhabitants
Government: 9 --------------------------------------- Impersonal Bureaucracy
Law Level: C ---------------------------------------- Weapon possession is prohibited
Tech Level: 9 ---------------------------------------- Early Interstellar Community
Non-agricultural Industrial Desert Asteroid
Population Multiplier: 6 ---------------------------- 6,000,000,000
Asteroid Belts: 1
Gas Giants: 4
Star Type: A1 V --------------------------------- White Main sequence Star
Companion Star Type: DA -------------------- White Dwarf

052325 WD 1142-645 ----
Starport: A ------------------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards.
Size: 0 ------------------------------------------------ 9.7 km
Atmosphere: 0 -------------------------------------- Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 --------------------------------- 0%
Population: 5 ---------------------------------------- Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants.
Government: 5 -------------------------------------- Feudal Technocracy
Law Level: 7 ---------------------------------------- Shotguns are prohibited.
Tech Level: A --------------------------------------- Early Interstellar Community.
Naval Base
Non-agricultural Industrial Desert Asteroid
Population Multiplier:1 ----------------------------- 100,000 people.
Asteroid Belts: 2 -------------------------------------
Gas Giants: 3 -----------------------------------------
Star Type: DA ---------------------------------------- White Dwarf

052326 LHS 288 --------
Starport: B --------------------------------------------- Good quality with refined fuel, overhaul shipyards for non-starships.
Size: 0 -------------------------------------------------- 1.28 km
Atmosphere: 0 ----------------------------------------- Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 ------------------------------------ 0 %
Population: 9 ------------------------------------------- Billions of Inhabitants
Government: B ----------------------------------------- Non-Charismatic Leader
Law Level: D ------------------------------------------- Weapon Possession is prohibited.
Tech Level: A ------------------------------------------ Early Interstellar
Non-agricultural Industrial Desert Asteroid
Population Multiplier: 5 ------------------------------- 5,000,000,000 people.
Asteroid Belts: 2 ----------------------------------------
Gas Giants: 1 --------------------------------------------
Star Type: M5.5 V -------------------------------------- Red Main Sequence.

061821 36 OPHIUCHI ----
Starport: X ----------------------------------------------- No Starport.
Size: 0 ---------------------------------------------------- 101 km
Atmosphere: 0 ------------------------------------------ Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 ------------------------------------- 0%
Population:1 --------------------------------------------- Tens of inhabitants.
Government: 0 ------------------------------------------ No Government Structure.
Law Level: 0 -------------------------------------------- No Prohibitions.
Tech Level: 3 ---------------------------------------------- circa 1700 to 1860
Non-industrial Desert Asteroid
Population Multiplier: 6 ---------------------------------- 60 people.
Asteroid Belts: 1 -------------------------------------------
Gas Giants: 1 ------------------------------------------------
Star Type K5 V --------------------------------------------- Orange Main Sequence.

062030 PROCYON --------
Starport: E ---------------------------------------------------- Frontier installation; no facilities.
Size: 0 --------------------------------------------------------- 30.6 km
Atmosphere: 0 ------------------------------------------------ Vacuum
Water Coverage: 0 ------------------------------------------- 0%
Population: 4 ------------------------------------------------- Tens of thousands of inhabitants.
Government: 3 ----------------------------------------------- Self-perpetuating Oligarchy.
Law Level: 2 -------------------------------------------------- Portable energy weapons (laser carbine, laser rifle) Prohibited. Ship’s gunnery not affected.
Tech Level: 8 ------------------------------------------------- Late 20th century/ Early 21st.
Non-industrial Desert Asteroid
Scout Way Station
Population Multiplier: 3 ------------------------------------ 30,000 people.
Asteroid Belts: 2 ---------------------------------------------
Gas Giants: 1
Star Type: F5 V ---------------------------------------------- yellow White Main Sequence Star
Companion Star: DF ----------------------------------------- yellow white Dwarf
What ruleset have you used to generate this data? I'm especially interested in the system which you've used to generate the numbers of troops under arms and the planetary fleets.
I used StarsUnlimited to get the basic UWP, I;ve matched systems of a particular kind of star with stars that actually exist and I placed those UWP in those systems.

To generate the system data I used a subset of the classic system generation rules to get moons for the main world and the sizes of the neigboring planets and what orbits they are in. To get troop levels I consulted my world almanac to get the data for various countries on GDP and military budget, and with that rule of thumb, I estimated how many troops and starships each planetary and subplanetary government could afford.