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The Spiny worm of Kisdish


SOC-14 1K
(A picture is given in the museum of art)

A scavenger/filter that inhabits the tidal zone and most salt swamps that cover the planet. 5 to 40 cm in lenght. Spines are 3 to 5cm in length. Does 1D6 damage when stepped on or grabbed. They are sufficently stiff to pierce a shoe sole or go through cloth and mesh armor in some cases. Grabbing one will result in it thrashing around in the person's hand increasing the chances of getting hit by a spine.
The spines will detach from the worm and have micro-barbs that cause it to dig in when the victim moves. These also makes removal more painful and difficult. Additionally, they have a hallucenogenic compound on them that causes the victim to experiance severe confusion, paranoia, and loss of motor control while the spine is embedded in them within minutes of being stabbed by a spine. Removal does not guarrentee that hallucenations will not occur and these still will (9+ save on 2D6) and will last 1D6 x 5 minutes after removal. There is no known antidote for this currently.
Lives for 2 to 5 years adding a section of legs and spines every 9 to 12 weeks with the smallest having 2 legs and spines. At the front are two sensory "stalks" like a snail might have.
The legs have small hooks on the bottom allowing the worm to dig into a soft bottom and stir up debris it filters for food. They also allow it to climb plants (or your leg) and hang on to roots, the bottom, rocks, etc., in tidal areas where the water is more rapidly moving. Often embeds itself in silt, sand, or loam on the bottom of shallows leaving part of the spine exposed in many cases.
Cutting the worm into several large pieces will result in each piece regenerating into a new worm over a period of several weeks.
The spiny worm is very common and where there is one there are usually dozens to hundreds more. They are generally slow moving and blend well into the generally murky waters of salt swamps and tidal pools.
The spiny worm is also edible if cooked. Raw it is hallucenogenic. Cooking boils off the poison causing this problem. It is reputed to be very tasty.
The spines will detach from the worm and have micro-barbs that cause it to dig in when the victim moves. These also makes removal more painful and difficult. Additionally, they have a hallucenogenic compound on them that causes the victim to experiance severe confusion, paranoia, and loss of motor control while the spine is embedded in them within minutes of being stabbed by a spine.

It sems the spines would make good arrowheads, if some weight is added to them (possible comercial use, aside that as food).