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The Travellers' Aid Society Alien Encyclopedia #88/200


SOC-14 1K
Good morning, All,

I was just informed that a very rare copy of the Travellers' Aid Society Alien Encyclopedia, specifically #88 out of only 200 ever printed, is being put up for sale on eBay:

It is beyond my price range (especially after Gen Con), but I figure it should go to a good home somewhere, so I thought I'd share.

Best of luck,
Glad, I picked up mine for 40 DM when I had a chance...not really worth that much even. So only for wealthy completists.
Yeah, you can get the contents for a fraction of the price in a reprint, so this is one of those "gifts for the Traveller enthusiast that has everything."
Well, Alien Realms has yet to be reprinted, but you can still buy the two reprints and buy a used copy of Alien Realms for much, much less than the opening bid.

Now if Marc would just print the Modules Reprint, I wouldn't be compelled to add that caveat ...
Originally posted by daryen:

Now if Marc would just print the Modules Reprint, I wouldn't be compelled to add that caveat ...
<Sigh> The major complaint of us, all. Does anyone know whether Marc is going to publish anything before T5. Was he at GenCon? We are all sort of like little children asking for candy.

I guess Marc will do as Marc pleases and answers to only himself. Notwithstanding, Traveller fandom would be very appreciative of major updates either on these fine boards or his website (which seems to be in perpetual construction, like Canadian highways in summer).
I agree it is pricey, but I know the man, and he is proud of having it. (I think he paid something like $200 to get it himself some years ago, and hopes to make it back.)

It is definitely something for the wealthy collector, and seeing how much Atlas has gone for, I thought I'd post it here if it would help him out.

Happy Travellin',