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The ultimate gear - a license!


The Mercenary License is an old stand by in Traveller. I require players to have a Q-license to mount anything bigger than 'fruit-salad' (laser/missile/sand) turrets on a merchant vessel. In exchange for legally mounting enough firepower to discourage 'deep space salvage operators' the ship's logs and flight recorders become available without warrant to the authorities. This discourages the honest trader from turning pirate to make ends meet...
Sounds like a good idea, although I'd expect 'ethically challenged merchants' to be capable of having false logs/flight recorders.

Some people might argue that the license would depend upon the local law level, so in YTU would this license be managed by the Imperium, local nobles (e.g. Sector Duke) or systems?
I was wondering when someone would mention licenses - IYTU, how difficult is it to geet other licenses, such as a pilot's license, weapons license or driver's license?
Licences are issued by three bodies IMTU. We have the standard Guild-like licences that issue things like Pilot certifications and whatnot. Then we have professional organizations that administer things like doctors licences on a planetary basis with links to interplanetary organizations practicing in the same areas. Then we have the Starport Authority usually its laison branch who in cooperation with the local government authority can issue licences for firearms, driving, etc. Usually, and I stress usually the last has no conflict between the first two and the last, but somethings one wants to through in a monkeywrench into players schemes, and some backwoods hic law enforcer will find problems with their grav speeder's back lights and remark...

"Hmmn, from Regina, eh? Sorry, boy, but that licence isn't valid here on Mora. So what brings you out to these parts. Whoa! Is that a firecracker, I see in your rear seat...I think you'd better come with me..." [to be continued]
What about special licensing for passenger or mail service providers with:

- frequent safety inspections
- crew licensed in their specialties (with regular training provided by a third party)
- proof of required maintenance by certified technicians
- proof of insurance or bonds

This is why modern merchants or airlines claim to make no money despite the cash flow. You need a CDL to deliver for UPS for Pete's sake!
Are there any licenses that would allow the holder to do something Imperium wide, like move from (say) the Spinward Marches to (say) the Solomani Rim and still be able to set up a doctor's office? Or would that be like here in the U.S., where a doctor may have to get licensed in each state (and I'm not sure about that), or like a private corp would have to get licensed from each state?
There sure is, Jame! It's called an Imperial Warrant.

The bearer is acting in the interests of the Imperium at the behest of the Iridium Throne. He is to be extended any assistance requested without question, under such conditions as he may describe.

Or something like that....

That blanket enough for ya? LOL!!
I've always had the licensing of mercenary groups, etc. handled by the Imperial Navy, they have a nice, big, imperium-wide bureaucracy to (mis)handle requests, and access to a really big stick (Navy and Marines) to back up their decisions. In return for granting you this right to bear serious firepower, Naval Intelligence gets extra eyes and ears that naturally drift to wherever the most interesting activities are occurring.

Of course people will futz around with the logs, when was the last time your ship's captain PC didn't try to muck around with the transponder, fake up a manifest, or fill excess tankage with 'slightly' illegal materials?

Imperial Warrants are another matter entirely. Handle With Care. Anyone who recognizes this phrase (which is, incidentally the wording I use for my warrants) will know why these are Very Rare Things -
"For the good of the State, and by my hand, the bearer has done what he has done"
I always assume Imperial Government issuing all liscences in Imperial territory...through the appropriate military/civilian offices. Imperial liscense would override any local law enforcement.
Back when rocks were soft and fire was new, one of Grandfather's Children, I think it was J.Andrew Keith, brought up the idea of using pilot certifications, brokerage licenses, mail packet authorizations, etc. as both a club and a carrot for folks who seemed to feel that because their ship had two beam laser turrets, they could practice piracy as a way of making payments.

I'll never forget the look on the face of player in my game at the time... The guy was a power-gaming munchkin and thought that he could get way with the assorted act of piracy in out-of-the-way systems. Then the Regina Starport Director served him with a summons from the Admiralty court for alleged piracy, impounded the ship, and suspended his license... Priceless!
I always assume Imperial Government issuing all licenses in Imperial territory...through the appropriate military/civilian offices. Imperial license would override any local law enforcement.
Actually I have to say the Imperium usually only issues licenses for those things that occur within their domain...the space between...and leave ALL local regulations to the planets themselves. If players break the law on one planet, even if what they did was totally legal on the last planet they were on, then they are on their own look out.
This is one of the reasons startowns exist, to provide a buffer zone where ships crews can walk about without needing to go through all the rigmarole the locals have to go through.
One factor of law level that is not played up enough is the amount of bureaucracy a higher level often entails. A RL example is that while it is difficult to get a concealed pistol permit in New York City, it is possible. There are lawyers who for a few thousand dollars will help you through all the paperwork and court appearances needed. That is at least law level 9 in my book.
In some states the ability to drive as demonstrated by a written test and in car test is enough. In others you must also show proof of training and recent recertification on occasion. In yet others, and because of the 10th amendment, if your current one is valid, then you are good to go.
IMTU worlds on Mains will often have a degree of cross acceptance of each-others paperwork in most cases. The main difference will be in cultural, religious, political and other ‘traditional’ laws. Most “interstellar business law,” which would include many operator certificates for starships and some small craft, like the Air/Raft, will likely be accepted near the XT line. As you get farther away from the XT line, in both distance and time, the more the locals will want you to pay their license fees and re-cert with them.
Now if a PC is also a noble, there has always been the option of appealing to your next higher authority. But it is not always a get out of Jail free card. If you are new in the area, the local nobility may want to make an example of you and show the commoners that even the nobility is not above justice. If you know the local noble and have good relations with her, then perhaps you will get off with a warning or reprimand.
Keep trying to break the law and running to the Marquis and you will soon find that even that Knighthood won’t keep you out of jail.
OK, OK, Fletch! I get the hint! Honest, I mean it this time! :eek:

By way of explaination, FatherFletch is my ref in a T20 campaign up here. Unfortunately he's saddled with adjudicating Capt. Sir Khadzerz, Canine Commercial Commando of the Spacelanes (me), and Iridious the Insidious (Computer Hacker to the Stars)... Big fun in Migrane Land!
I've read that licenses were issued by the TAS. Unfotunately, TAS is a NGO, and I don't believe it has the authority to issue valid certifications. The SPA is considered an 'auxiliary' of the IISS. This makes more sense. In the 'real world', licenseing comes from the Coast Guard, wich is an auxiliary of the Navy. One would think that the corresponding relationship between the Scout Service is similar with the Imperial Navy. This eliminates conflict between member worlds of the Imperium, as well as lowering the rate of conflict over credentials in non-Imperial areas. A real IISS certification would be highly viewed even in other, alien cultures. So, for example, my far trader would have a certification of space-worthiness, and as owner, I have a Limited Master's License. My engineer has his Chief Engineer's License. I have an on board cargomaster (with her Cargomaster Certificate with Hazmat Endorsement). The only person who doesn't have an IISS certification is the ship's surgeon, whose MD license comes from an Imperial medical board. I'm hoping to get on board someone with broker skill, but that certification would be a world specific one, I think.

The purpose of a Q-license or a mercenary license isn't to make certain the captain knows which end of the ship goes in front, or to bail foolish troops out of jail when they walk out of the starport on a police-state world with FGMPs. The purpose (as far as the Imperium is concerned) is to make the Navy's job easier in three ways -

Licensed Q-ships make piracy just a little bit less practical.

It makes it a bit easier for them to sift through the pirates and the prey... Unlicensed heavily armed trader full of valuable, mixed-lot cargo = probable pirate.
Same ship with a license and clean manifests = honest merchie earning a premium for delivering security-critical goods

People are PAYING the Navy to bring it intel.