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Thinking about Baked Lands


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
I'm collecting my thoughts on high-temperature (as in too hot for life) locations. I intend to see how far I can get with it, but I know there's at least a page of material here.

Baked Lands: Lands under intense solar or stellar heating, such as the sunward side of a tidally locked world.
Infernos: Worlds with extremely high temperatures.

Infernos have extreme temperatures. While some of them may have mild seasons, the atmospheres are corrosive (or worse) and unbreathable. What’s more, all of them have at least part of their year where the surface is tormented by temperatures that are far beyond human livable levels. A typical Inferno is hottest on the surface, with temperatures inflicting Heat-1000 per round on unprotected flesh. As a result, starship hull metal with an anti-Heat layer is required to explore the surface of an Inferno.

Generally, there is no place on an Inferno that is safe for an unprotected human.

When I think of annoyingly dangerous places like this, I think of things like
* sulfurous lakes of fire
* annoyingly bright sunlight (sometimes)
* oppressively thick hot corrosive atmospheres (sometimes)
* runaway greenhouse-effect worlds (sometimes)
* volcanism

I also think of vacuum worlds which are uncomfortably close to stars. Or in the path of regular flares?

But I also think of the inexorable failure of my vehicles, equipment, and (Strephon forbid) a vacc suit if I don't have a vehicle to travel in.

I think of how dangerous weather can be when the temperature and atmosphere are both deadly.

I think of a world-sized moon around a hot gas giant... Io perhaps.

I suppose Survival skill and Hostile Environment skill are useful here.
There would have to be a seriously good reason to go there. Special Supplement 2: Exotic Atmospheres has a bit of info for surviving, and the corrosive atmosphere table does have high & extremely high temperature listed (I happened to have this actually next to me for some reason - I like re-re-re-reading my old stuff :) )

Pretty sure there are some other supplements dealing with high, but not unlivable high, temperatures (the folios come to mind but sadly I only have those on CD/cloud so don't re-re-re-read those as much. Hey, I'm old fashioned and like "real" books).
I think "Don't Go There" skill would be high on my list.
No Wisdom attribute, though..

Survival or Vacc Suit could work as a replacement.
"The *night side* temp is beyond the operating range of anything we have on board or could lay hands on without a lengthy and *very* expensive detour to HRD or Vincennes, Captain. Are you sure we want to go there?"
There are at least a few published sources about this subject within Classic Traveller Lore. Ordeal by Esharr from FASA; and Dune Raiders and The Desert Environment by William H. Keith from Game Lords. I have been looking at this environment lately because of the location for my next Traveller scenario is Sorel/Glisten. Thanks for reading.